Tuesday, February 28, 2017

HTML5 Form Attributes (Part 2)

The following is an extract from our book, HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World, 2nd Edition, written by Alexis Goldstein, Louis Lazaris, and Estelle Weyl. Copies are sold in stores worldwide, or you can buy it in ebook form here.

The pattern Attribute

The pattern attribute enables you to provide a regular expression that the user’s input must match in order to be considered valid. For any input where the user can enter free-form text, you can limit what syntax is acceptable with the pattern attribute.

The regular expression language used in patterns is the same Perl-based regular expression syntax as JavaScript, except that the pattern attribute must match the entire value, not just a subset. When including a pattern, you should always indicate to users what is the expected (and required) pattern.

The global title attribute has special significance when used in conjunction with the pattern attribute. Since browsers currently show the value of the title attribute on hover such as a tooltip, include pattern instructions that are more detailed than placeholder text, and which form a coherent statement. That title attribute will also be displayed with the browser’s default error message in browsers that support native form validation with error messaging, which we’ll cover later in this chapter.

Continue reading %HTML5 Form Attributes (Part 2)%

by Alexis Goldstein via SitePoint

Hottest Digital Advertising Trends in 2017 (Infographic)

The advent of new technologies has signaled another era for the business landscape. In terms of marketing, traditional methods such as print ads, television, and radio are slowly losing its efficacy to attract and retain customers as the new forms of digital marketing continues to dominate....

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://ift.tt/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Building Your Startup: Error Logging

40+ Free Productivity Dashboards and Templates

Free productivity dashboards

This article was updated in February, 2017 to accurately represent currently available options.

Raise your hands if you think redundant tasks suck. Invoicing clients, accounting, time-tracking — these are some of the tasks which have little or no impact on the end result; usually they serve to help somebody else (the client, the taxman, et cetera).

But they have to be done, and since time equals money, it’s important that we don’t waste too much time on redundant tasks.

Let's take a look at the best dashboards, templates and apps that can help us complete redundant tasks quickly but thoroughly.

Business Planning and Projections

  1. Unfunnel: a free Microsoft Excel template to help you strategise your startup. It outlines objectives, customer growth and retention, brand awareness, value proposition and so on.
  2. Databox: an app to help you keep on top of your business KPIs wherever you are. Alternatively, you can learn how to make your own KPI dashboards at the Excel Dashboard School.
  3. If you think Excel is a little outdated but Databox isn’t for you or your business, Klipfolio, Grow and Geckoboard are some other alternatives.
  4. If you are an Excel fan, My Excel Templates, ExInFm or Excel Models will have what you want — everything from cash flow to valuation model to financial forecasting to risk assessment — break even analysis, SWOT templates, I could go on forever.
  5. Entrepreneur is probably the internet’s most concise list of high-quality business templates, ranging from Contractor Agreements to NDAs, and Employee Review Sheets to Cease and Desist Letters.

Project Management

  1. Office Timeline is a PowerPoint add-on that lets you you create Gantt charts and timelines, helping you manage projects in a highly-visual way.
  2. If you're also a student, you can use Basecamp for free — the ultimate project management tool, especially if you’re a large company wanting to avoid having random spreadsheets scattered around company servers. Asana comes in as a close second. Zoho is another free alternative.
  3. Trello’s card-based system is terrific for managing smaller projects; incredibly versatile as well.
  4. Wrike may be more suitable if your team needs to focus more on marketing than anything else.
  5. It’s literally impossible to list all of the best project management apps here — Capterra will help you find the right app for you and your company.
  6. For quick n’ dirty templates, Vertex42 might serve your needs — it has a range of templates like calendars, time cards, budgeting, Gantt charts and timelines.
  7. If you’re looking for prettier spreadsheets, try searching on Excel Online where you can directly view and edit them in the browser.

Invoicing and Financials

  1. Need to create an invoice now? Aynax offers an on-demand invoicing service — simply fill it out online and hit the “Print” button. Invoiced is another alternative.

Continue reading %40+ Free Productivity Dashboards and Templates%

by Daniel Schwarz via SitePoint

Front-End Tooling Trends for 2017

Front-End Tooling Trends for 2017

Do you have more than two years' development experience? Are your advanced CSS skills aided with Sass and Autoprefixer? Is your JavaScript knowledge reasonable and you're happy using Gulp, npm, and jQuery? If so, you're a typical developer, according to Ashley Nolan's Front-End Tooling Survey.

Lies, Damn Lies, Statistics and Surveys

Surveys such as this are useful to discover new tools and highlight obvious gaps in your knowledge. At the time of writing, the survey has received 5,254 responses which is a significantly better sample than most opinion polls. However, be wary about taking them as the gospel truth…

Worldwide results

The survey was offered worldwide, but will be heavily biased toward English-speaking countries. A popular tool developed or used elsewhere may be omitted.

Developer knowledge

The survey appealed to knowledgeable developers who understood the questions, were aware of its existence, and had the time and inclination to complete it.

83% of respondents had two or more years' front-end technology experience, with just 5% admitting to less than one year:

Developers with minimal front-end skills were less likely to complete the survey, so the results may be skewed accordingly.

Opinions and biases

Respondents were asked to judge their own experiences. Some may be modest and suffer imposter syndrome. Others may over-estimate their technical abilities because they're the sole front-end developer on a large team of novice programmers. Self-opinionated biases may average out, but there's no way to prove it.

Past activities don't indicate future trends

The results highlight what developers have been using. It does not follow that the tools were useful, saved time or will be used in future projects.

Continue reading %Front-End Tooling Trends for 2017%

by Craig Buckler via SitePoint

How to Become a Better Developer by Coding Less

Impostor in disguise

Developers are frauds.

At least that's how it feels. Many developers feel it. The inadequacy, the feelings of failure. That somehow, you're not as talented as those around you.

The feeling that you're an impostor.

Over and over we hear from talented developers who aren't able to shake the feeling that they're frauds. Talentless hacks who simply can't measure up. Almost as if it's a dirty secret they're doing their best to cover up.

"Don't let 'them' figure out you don't deserve to be here."

The Burden of "You Don't Deserve It"

It's a heavy load most of us carry. The fear, doubt and despair that drives you to dot your i's and cross your t's. Most of us struggling with impostor syndrome carry that burden most of our lives.

Pundits tell us that impostor syndrome is a sign of greatness.

But it feels like a lie.

Some of us swallow that lie, we're able to function, to continue on in our careers. Recent studies suggest 70 percent of us have impostor syndrome. We're all slowly being crushed by the weight of it all.

Here's the thing. Impostor syndrome isn't automatically a sign of greatness. It's a sign of something deeper.

Impostor Syndrome Isn't a Sign of Greatness

It's a sign of malnutrition.

It's a sign your needs — creative, intellectual, psychological — aren't being met.

How do I know?

Anyone who's truly achieved mastery in any subject area knows there are gaps in their knowledge. They know enough to see where they are and how far they have to go.

They're well fed — creatively, intellectually, psychologically.

They analyze these gaps, testing them, exploring them. They seek to understand the limits placed on them. They learn from those around them, drawing on the skill of others to learn and grow.

Here's the part that's frustrating.

This is a skill most developers aren't taught. That's unfortunate because these are the skills they need to overcome impostor syndrome.

Their Career is Frustrating Because They Don't Have a System

Tools like Stack Overflow and Codepen.io are helpful tools, but they're also a double-edged sword. Most of us, instead of absorbing the tips these sites share, simply copy and paste.

Sometimes it's necessary.

Sometimes you're in a situation where you have to do what you can to get a project done.

But impostor syndrome is still there.

Can you see it?

These people haven't done anything wrong.

The vast majority of developers work hard, they're supportive of the community and they're loyal.

But they don't have a system.

Have You Ever Had Developer's Block?

It goes like this. You decide you want to build something. You sit down, fire up your IDE and then... nothing. You sit there and you can't concentrate.

You're trying but nothing's coming.

Sound familiar?

Read articles on developer's block and they'll share tips like: Push it out of the way, scratch an itch or just get it working. Those ideas can work but often times they're hit or miss.

They don't address the source of the problem.

Greatness, whether it's beautiful code or a practical piece of code, isn't innate. Greatness comes from structure.

A-list movie stars, public speakers, soldiers, athletes, you name it. Their success is engineered.

What does that have to do with developers and impostor syndrome?

All-Stars Follow a System

Here's the interesting thing about people performing at the highest levels. They don't rely on what they think they can do, how they feel or what others say about them.

They think about the outcome they want, then working backwards, they create a system that helps them get there.

It's the system that's so special.

Continue reading %How to Become a Better Developer by Coding Less%

by Andrew McDermott via SitePoint

Make a Skype Bot with Electron & the Microsoft Bot Framework

David Marcus, VP of Messaging Products at Facebook, gave a talk at Web Summit in November about Facebook’s involvement with chat bots, and it was quite clear Facebook has big plans for enabling customers and business owners to integrate not only customer support into Messenger chat but also some interactions which you would expect to […]

Continue reading %Make a Skype Bot with Electron & the Microsoft Bot Framework%

by Almir Bijedic via SitePoint

How to Build Your Own Progressive Image Loader

A magician revealing an image via progressive image loader

You may have encountered progressive images on Facebook and Medium. A blurred low-resolution image is replaced with a full-resolution version when the element is scrolled into view:

progressive image example

The preview image is tiny - perhaps a 20px width highly-compressed JPEG. The file can be less than 300 bytes and appears instantly to give the impression of fast loading. The real image is lazy-loaded when required.

Progressive images are great but the current solutions are quite complex. Fortunately, we can build one with a little HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. The code will:

  • be fast and lightweight - just 463 bytes of CSS and 1,007 bytes of JavaScript (minified)
  • support responsive images to load alternative versions for larger or high-resolution (Retina) screens
  • have no dependencies - it will work with any framework
  • work in all modern browsers (IE10+)
  • be progressively enhanced to work in older browsers or when JavaScript or image loading fails
  • be easy to use.

Our Demo and GitHub Code

Here's what our technique will look like:

See the Pen responsive-image by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Download the code from GitHub


We'll start with some basic HTML to implement our progressive image:

[code language="html"]
<a href="full.jpg" class="progressive replace">
<img src="tiny.jpg" class="preview" alt="image" />


  • full.jpg is our large full-resolution image contained in the link href, and
  • tiny.jpg is our tiny preview image.

We already have a minimal working system. Without any JavaScript - or in older browsers where it may fail - the user can view the full image by clicking the preview.

Both images must have the same aspect ratio. For example, if full.jpg is 800 x 200, it has a resulting aspect ratio of 4:1. tiny.jpg could therefore be 20 x 5 but you should not use a 30px width which would require a fractionally impossible 7.5px height.

Note the classes used on the link and the preview image; these will be used as hooks in our JavaScript code.

To Inline or Not Inline Images

The preview image can also be inlined as a data URI, e.g.

[code language="html"]
<img src="..." class="preview" />

Inlined images appear instantly, require fewer HTTP requests and avoid additional page reflows. However:

  • it takes more effort to add or change an inline image (although build processes such as Gulp can help)
  • base-64 encoding is less efficient and is typically 30% larger than binary data (although this is offset by additional HTTP request headers)
  • inlined images cannot be cached. They will be cached in the HTML page but could not be used on another page without re-sending the same data.
  • HTTP/2 lessens the need for inline images.

Be pragmatic: inlining is a good option if the image is used on a single page or the resulting code is small, i.e. not much longer than a URL!


We start by defining the link container styles:

[code language="css"]
a.progressive {
position: relative;
display: block;
overflow: hidden;
outline: none;

Continue reading %How to Build Your Own Progressive Image Loader%

by Craig Buckler via SitePoint

Push Notifications in Your Ionic App with Onesignal

Push notifications are messages sent directly to your app’s users. They notify users of new content, even when the user is not using your application. They increase user engagement and retention in your app. An example is the WhatsApp “whistle” that notifies you of new messages received. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into integrating push notifications into your Ionic app using OneSignal.

How push notifications work
A push notification is sent from the Push notification platform of the mobile OS: Apple’s Push Notification Service for iOS and Google Cloud Messaging for Android. These push notification services relay the message to the devices that have subscribed to them.

This means that you need to keep track of all the devices that have subscribed for push notifications. But there are some great services out there to simplify the process. One such service is OneSignal.

Step 1: Install Ionic
To start off with, you need to have Ionic installed on your machine. You install it using the node package manager npm;

$ npm install -g ionic

If you do not have npm installed, follow the instructions in the References section to install it.

Continue reading %Push Notifications in Your Ionic App with Onesignal%

by Charles Muzonzini via SitePoint

Acuity Scheduling's Developer-Friendly Scheduling Service

Snarkdown – Simple Markdown Parser with Javascript

Snarkdown is a dead simple and lightweight Markdown parser written in JavaScript.

It's designed to be as minimal as possible, for constrained use-cases where a full Markdown parser would be inappropriate.

by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed

How to Secure Laravel Apps with 2FA via SMS

While everyone is concerned about their application's security, few take it seriously and take the plunge. The first thing you'll notice when learning about this is that two factor authentication (2FA) is the go-to solution as a first step.

Although there have been some serious problems with using text messages as a second factor, it's definitely safer than a plain username and password combination, given that many users tend to use popular and easy to guess passwords for critical services such as payments, chat, emails, etc. In this article, we're going to build two factor authentication into a Laravel application using Twilio SMS as the second factor.

Twilio and Laravel

What We're Building

There's a great chance that you're already familiar with the 2FA flow:

  • User visits the login page.

  • He types in an email and a password.

    Login form

  • We send a verification code using the phone number.

    2FA verification code SMS

  • User must type in the received code.

    Type verification code

  • If the code is correct, we log them in. Otherwise, we give them another chance to try logging in.


The final demo application is up on GitHub.


I assume you have your development environment already set up. If not, we recommend Homestead Improved for an easy start.

Go ahead and create a new Laravel project using the Laravel installer or via Composer.

laravel new demo


composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel demo

Edit the .env file and add your database credentials.


Scaffolding Authentication

Before creating our migrations, keep in mind that Laravel has a command to help us scaffold our authentication flow. It generates the following:

  • Login, register and reset password views and controllers.
  • The necessary routes.

Go ahead and run php artisan make:auth from the command line.

Creating Migrations

Update the users migration class and add a country_code and phone fields.

// database/migrations/2014_10_12_000000_create_users_table.php

class CreateUsersTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('country_code', 4)->nullable();

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Every user has a list of tokens (verification codes) that they generated. Run the php artisan make:model Token -m command to generate the model and migration file. The table schema will look like this:

// database/migrations/2016_12_14_105000_create_tokens_table.php

class CreateTokensTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('tokens', function (Blueprint $table) {
            $table->string('code', 4);

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

I limited the verification code to four digits, but you can make it harder to guess by increasing it. We will get back to this point later. Let's run php artisan migrate to create our database.

Continue reading %How to Secure Laravel Apps with 2FA via SMS%

by Younes Rafie via SitePoint

Low-Code Mobile Basics with OutSystems

This article was sponsored by OutSystems. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

If you've never heard of low-code before, join the club. In July of 2016, OutSystems asked me to review a pre-release version of their low-code tool. I had no clue what low-code was or why these people were even talking to me.

Turns out that low-code platforms are essentially drag-and-drop IDEs. They're designed to help developers breeze past a ton of boilerplate work and focus on the meat of their web products. And OutSystems was about to upgrade their offering to include mobile applications.

They reminded me that I was a native mobile developer, and that's when it clicked. They wanted to know if their platform held up to snuff. Suffice it to say that while I enjoyed the speed of low-code, I found a lot of questionable omissions from their product as well as performance issues.

They worked their asses off to make improvements in time for the release, and sorted out a lot of my original concerns. I was, and still am impressed with the final product. And I wanted to show the SitePoint community how to accomplish common mobile patterns using a low-code platform like OutSystems.

While these techniques apply exclusively to OutSystems, competitors such as Mendix, AppGyver, and others offer similar features that loosely map to those you're about to see.

Set Up a Local Database

If you've worked with Core Data on iOS, then the low-code approach to ORM should feel familiar. For those on Android, if you're still writing SQL queries by hand, I've been there. I recommend trying ormlite, greenDAO, SugarORM, or something similar.

In low-code, your back-end and front-end merge into one editor, so they take care to delineate the boundary between cloud and local storage.

Cloud and Local Storage

I created a database entity, Book, and populated it with some attributes. OutSystems generated CRUD actions for me automatically:

CRUD actions

The orange circle icons represent server-side actions, and you'll see how they come into play later on. So, I have a Book entity that exists in the cloud and it can represent a single work with a title, author, and ISBN.

If you've been around the client-side block long enough, you know that clients don't replicate central databases. And they don't always require a mirror image of each model, either. Some data can remain on the server to reduce response sizes.

In OutSystems, I can create a local entity based on an existing cloud entity in two clicks. When I did that, the IDE automated a few additional steps for me:


The IDE prepended Local to the entity's name. This nomenclature helps me keep track of which database I'm touching: server or client. The IDE also generated similar CRUD actions to those available on the server, except these white-orange icons indicate local actions.

I fleshed out my data model by adding an Author entity and forming a relationship between Book and Author. Here's the current map:


To use the data, the IDE lets me define custom actions to retrieve the data, cache it to the local database, then read those values into local variables. Here's an example of a local action that fetches books from the central database, then caches them as local versions:

Local versions

Their tool also enables developers to implement offline capabilities using an offline-sync paradigm. After time spent off the grid, the app will execute a custom local sync action when it detects the presence of an Internet connection.

Thankfully, we get to implement the syncing logic ourselves. But the approach may be as simple as refreshing the cache or as advanced as data merging with conflict resolution.

Handle Universal Layouts

As mobile developers, we have two approaches when it comes to supporting multiple screen sizes: separate apps for tablet and phone or a universal app. OutSystems handles both tactics:

Template for App

In universal applications, the platform provides two client methods, isTablet() and isPhone(). These permit us to navigate the user to an interface we've optimized for their device. Here's how that logic looks in the starting template:


Neither a phone nor a tablet? Set your hair on fire.

Here's a video of that logic in action:

Continue reading %Low-Code Mobile Basics with OutSystems%

by Stanley Idesis via SitePoint



Long scrolling Landing Page for 'TalentAtlas' - an upcoming startup trying to solve all the difficulties of recruitment.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Digital Fonts: A Condensed History

[special]This post was previously published on the 99designs blog. Want the best designs to revamp your business? Consider launching a design contest on 99designs![/special]

More than ever before, designers today are tasked with designing with digital tools, for digital environments like web pages. The digital-to-print connection, once paramount, is now only one task among many. This change affects all aspects of design, but perhaps none more than typography, where the readability of digital fonts depends so much on the environment of display.

Or does it? As digital hardware gets better and better—we’re thinking of retina screens, etc.—the question arises of whether there is still a meaningful difference between digital fonts and any other type. What does the future have in store?

With this question in mind, we decided to set our sights toward the past and investigate the history of digital fonts. How exactly did typography change with the invention and mass adoption of computers? What can this history tell us about our own time?

The history of digital fonts turned out to be much more complex than we expected, stretching back all the way to the 1950s (at least). Here we sum it up in a version that, to borrow from typographic lingo, is significantly “condensed.”

Continue reading %Digital Fonts: A Condensed History%

by Alex Bigman via SitePoint

Code an Image Gallery Android App with Glide

23 Cool Tools for Social Media Marketers

Looking for some new apps and tools to add to your social media marketing toolbox? Wondering which graphics, analytics, and productivity tools can help streamline your workflow? In this article, you’ll discover 23 tools and apps shared in the Social Media Marketing podcast’s Discovery of the Week. #1: Taco The Taco app lets you combine [...]

This post 23 Cool Tools for Social Media Marketers first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Michael Stelzner via

• Dot

Ovaries are cool, period is average, "vagina" is not a bad word, women do have superpowers and this is Dot.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Monday, February 27, 2017

Data-Driven Strategies For Writing Effective Titles and Headlines

Content can be considered the soul of any website as it reflects what you are presenting to your worldwide audiences. It represents your taste, personality, and behavior, and the customers will know more about your products and services. Instead, even if they have not come with the intention of...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website http://ift.tt/1b4YgHQ for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Guest Author via Digital Information World

Finding Your Path to UX Leadership

Where do you see yourself in the next five or ten years? Leading a multidisciplinary in-house UX team? Presenting on stage at your favourite UX conference? Hosting a UX meetup?

These are all ways you can take on a leadership role in UX.

Last week, we looked at the essential qualities of UX leaders. This week, our UXperts share their advice on overcoming barriers and practical tips to steer your career in the right direction.

If you aspire to be a leader in UX, read on for advice on how you can make your mark in the UX community. And don’t worry, you don’t need to be a unicorn to make it!


Cory Lebson

Cory Lebson (@corylebson), author of The UX Careers Handbook (CRC Press, 2016), has been a user experience consultant for over 20 years. He is the Principal and Owner of Lebsontech LLC, a successful user experience consulting firm he established in 1997. Lebsontech is focused on user research and evaluation, user experience strategy, UX training, and mentoring. Cory also speaks frequently on topics related to UX career development, user experience, user research, information architecture, and accessibility.

What are the barriers that prevent people from becoming great UX leaders?

I think that one of the primary barriers to people being great UX leaders is the assumption that leadership needs to take the form of workplace team leadership when there are so many additional ways to be a leader.

Not everyone has the inclination towards workplace leadership. In fact, while workplace leadership can certainly be valuable on a resume, other forms of leadership actually offer far more exposure within and outside of the UX community. In addition to a solid resume of UX experience, that exposure is just as critical (if not, perhaps, more critical) to UX professionals whenever they are considering looking for a new job. Really, though, UX professionals need to practice these other forms of leadership all the time, not just when job seeking. This helps build their personal UX brand – a critical piece of any UX job search.

Who are your role models in the industry?

It’s all those UX leaders who help build UX community – local community, national community and global community, by creating events, activities, conferences, blog posts, articles, and podcasts. It’s all those UX leaders who strive to help others grow and learn. UX is a career field about people – about people helping people – and that extends beyond what we get paid to do. We’re in a field where this kind of leadership is so common and so appreciated by so many.

What can people who aspire to be leaders do now to move their career in the right direction?

Get out there! People should go beyond their workplace and build community, build ideas, and inspire others. Find out what is missing or could be better in a given local UX community, for example, and help create it! Yes, there is enough time in the day and it’s well worth it – to the community, to the individuals within the community, and to the leaders who get to feel good about what they created while simultaneously building a name for themselves beyond what they may do on the job.

Jodie Moule

Jodie Moule is Co-founder & CEO of Symplicit, a Customer Led Innovation firm based in Australia that has focused on research, strategy and design services since 2003. Following a Design Thinking philosophy that was grounded in the psychology and industrial design backgrounds of the founders; Jodie believes that understanding human behaviour allows you to change the customer experience, and that change happens through great design. Follow Jodie: @jodiemoule @thecookapp @symplicit

What are the barriers that prevent people from becoming great UX leaders?

I guess it comes down to each individual and your tenacity. Opportunity always presents itself, it’s just whether or not you are a ‘grab the bull by the horns’ kinda person, or ‘the world owes me’ type. In my experience, it’s the opportunistic types that get shit done, don’t make a fuss, and therefore, ultimately get the gig. Proactive, persistent, and high energy wins every time in my book. In that sense, the barrier is attitude. Your attitude. 

Who are your role models in the industry?

How do I not sound like a wanker and say I don’t have any? I tended to be profoundly impacted by everyday people that I observed from my life when I was younger, and then strived to be like them in some way.  

Growing up, I was lucky to be surrounded by strong independent women who I admired. My Grandmother was fiercely independent. She supported her whole family through the war times, and was one of the first female lifesavers in Australia – which was a major coup, given women weren’t allowed to wear swimsuits and do that stuff back then. Shows how strong she was fighting the machine back in the day. Same with my Aunty – she was a high-flying airline consultant who lived, what I thought, was an incredibly glamorous lifestyle that I aspired toward. Even my Dad was a world champion Hot Air Balloonist in his spare time. These were the people I was surrounded by growing up, and they were the people I admired, and was heavily influenced by.

I also tend to admire people that do things I’m really bad at – or who have achieved something in a unique way that I think is clever or cool. For example, I walked into ‘Victor Churchill’ the other day – a crazy high-end butcher in Sydney. What that guy has done for butchery is something really different and amazing. What a vision! You can learn from that, no matter what industry you’re in.

When I got into this space, we were too busy making our own way to think about role models. I certainly read what others had to say and formed my own views, but ultimately I just got on with it. I think that was good on reflection. It’s best not to be too distracted by others, and pave your own way.

What can people who aspire to be leaders do now to move their career in the right direction?

Work hard, don’t give up, and focus on your career, because it will have to come first to everything. No really, give up on the idea of work/life balance for a long while. I have found the harder that I work, the more I focused, the less distracted by other things I was – the more successful I got. There is no point being half-assed about it all. Success comes to those who work bloody hard to make it so.  Start building a profile and personal brand. Get yourself into positions where you are doing the things that leaders do – like have a voice in

There is no point being half-assed about it all. Success comes to those who work bloody hard to make it so. Start building a profile and personal brand.  Get yourself into positions where you are doing the things that leaders do – like have a voice in industry, write articles, present at conferences, do great work, be excited and engaged. And of course – take every opportunity you get – work hard and just fit it all in. Those who snooze lose.

James Noble

James has helped re-define, create and evolve user experiences for over two decades. Founding one of Asia Pacific’s most innovative experience agencies Carter Digital. An active UX industry advisor, mentor, radio presenter, public speaker and serves on a number creative juries globally including Australia’s first UX & Digital Craft representative for Cannes Lion in 2016. Follow James on LinkedIn, Medium, or Twitter.  

What are the barriers that prevent people from becoming great UX leaders?

Ability, knowledge, people

Some things take time to learn, evolve and perfect. Staying positive, understanding limitations helps you be honest with the team and yourself. Don’t be afraid to say ‘I don’t know’, own it. We never have all the ux suite of tools in our bag, have insight and the ability to know ‘how’ and ‘where’ to find a solution to a problem.

Some barriers are universal and difficult to shake. This is a team, leverage each member’s core skills to each task and trust they can achieve the right result. Share your knowledge and trust your team, massively reduces people who are prone to micro-managing. Leading from the front and focus on the bigger picture, adding value to your leadership, and help others feel a sense of empowerment, ownership and satisfaction. Make sure the right people are in the right seats, the right person in the wrong seat can hinder the entire team you are trying to lead. A strong leader will make the hard choices for the greater good and know when to make those tough decisions.

UX leaders are from all areas of industry, businesses and departments. Being siloed within your own comfort zone or organisation can happen to everyone. Look outside your environment and look for similarities with what you do to others. Something as simple as switching from Apple iOS to Android for a few weeks you’ll see how it affects interactions with the interface, environment and mood while you use it, help you break routine and spark new approaches to problem-solving.

Who are your role models in the industry?

This seems like an easy question, it isn’t. UX is part of a much bigger picture, and you have to look outside your comfort zone to find answer.

Staying within the standard comfort zone it would be Luke Wroblewski for his forward thinking and research articles on mobile first, Tina Roth Eisenberg (aka Swiss Miss) helping make UX mainstream and contributions to Creative Mornings, Mike Monteiro for saying what everyone is thinking and of course, the mighty Steve Jobs/Steve Wozniak combo for kickstarting the personal and digital revolution.

If I was honest, in my drive and motivations, my mind turns more towards Charles and Ray Eames, for understand and thinking outside the norm, Erik Spiekermann creating a typeface the world never knew we couldn’t live without, Wes Anderson for his beautiful understanding of the left vs. right human psyche and application of symmetry and of course NASA, without them we probably wouldn’t have Elon Musk trying to save the world, who also has a masterful plan b: MARS.

What can people who aspire to be leaders do now to move their career in the right direction?

Consuming information in all its forms, regardless to the likelihood of remember it. Learning is more than the user experience industry, startups can be a constant source of information and inspiration. Never stop learning.

Improve communication skills, and know public speaking comes with the territory as exposure grows within the ux community.

Voice your opinion if you have one and try to write articles on these observations, a difficult ask (I know). Don’t be afraid to be wrong, you can’t be, it’s an opinion right?

Create what makes you happy, the rest will take care of itself.


Dan Szuc

Dan Szuc

Dan (@dszuc) is a Principal Consultant at Apogee, as well as the co-founder of the UX Hong Kong conference. He has been involved in the UX field for 25 years, and has been based in Hong Kong for 20 years. Dan has lectured about usability, user-centred design, and user experience globally. He co-wrote The Usability Kit, an implementation guide providing best practices and guidelines for usability teams, and he holds a Bachelor of Science in Information Management from Melbourne University in Australia.

What are the barriers that prevent people from becoming great UX leaders?

The barriers to great humanistic leadership are the very systems that people work in that promote toxicity and lack of care. Where rewards systems are given priority and where people are incentivised to show a continuous lack of respect. Where people are treated like numbers and speed is considered the constant routine at the detriment and degradation of work itself.

So in order to consider the barriers to being a great leader, we in fact need to consider the barriers that get in the way of answering – how do we make meaningful work? One major barrier to this is that people do not have a common space, language, process, toolset and practices in order to make meaningful work. So people end up clawing at each other to gain access to the top of the summit that is a myth to begin with.

Who are your role models in the industry?

My role models primarily come from diversity of publications we read as we seek a holistic and diverse understanding of what drives behaviour and this also helps us seek clarity on themes and patterns that influence thinking.

If we could describe the characteristics of our roles models it would include: openness, connectedness, a willingness to challenge own bias and assumptions, one that is not driven primarily by digital or technological solutions for all that ails society, a yearning to understand people more deeply to better understand their needs and issues and dreams and people who encourage a more respectful, considered and reflective discussion and debate as grounded in evidence and a willingness to challenge that for an enlightened plateau as we all learn together.

The role models would be too big a list to share here but they are easy enough to find and reach out to as we are lucky to be part of a community we generically call UX that encourages people who do care about the well-being of other people and who get disappointed when they do not see as much progress as we should be seeing in this instance of futures.

What can people who aspire to be leaders do now to move their career in the right direction?

Consider the skill sets needed to be a leader and consider that not everyone who thinks they are a leader, is a leader, and that people who may not think they are a leader are in fact good leadership material.

Think about the leadership style that suits your personality. If leadership is about helping others be successful in order to have a greater sense of success for teams, business and community, under what circumstances have you exhibited those traits and what are those traits?

Fundamentally, an important part of any leadership role is clear communication and the ability to express where you would like to take people and why. This implies the need for a vision and the openness to iterate on that story or narrative to get you there. It also means you need to learn from people and see how those learnings assist the iteration of your direction.

The question also implies the notion of a career and consider a view down the path. Break this down into 2-3 year chunks and then think about the why you do what you do in the first place and then consider the implications on your direction. It also helps to have more experienced and diverse views around you to help shed light on that direction.



David Travis

Dr David Travis (@userfocus) holds a BSc and a PhD in Psychology and he is a Chartered Psychologist. He has worked in the fields of human factors, usability and user experience since 1989 and has published two books on usability. David helps both large firms and start ups connect with their customers and bring business ideas to market.

What are the barriers that prevent people from becoming great UX leaders?

I think there are two main barriers. The first is that many organisations still don’t get what user experience is about. For example, there’s a common belief that it’s only about visual design or making products that look cool. As a consequence, the people assigned to a leadership role may not have the right technical skills. Although those skills aren’t enough on their own to create a great UX leader, it will be very difficult to lead a team effectively without them.

The second barrier is having senior management support for some of the tough decisions that need to be made. Everyone loves user experience when it doesn’t impact delivery schedules or drain too much of the development budget. But when the user research shows that the product is a dog and needs to be redesigned from the ground up, our UX leader needs a supportive chain of command. If user experience doesn’t have a voice in the boardroom, the best UX leader in the business won’t be able to have an impact.

Who are your role models in the industry?

My role models in the industry are Jared Spool and Jakob Nielsen. They are both fine examples of UX leadership and both of them spend serious time growing the industry as a whole.

What can people who aspire to be leaders start doing now to move their career in the right direction?

You should certainly ensure you have the foundation level, technical knowledge that I’ve described in the previous post. You can develop those skills through training courses (such as on my course on Udemy) and through day-to-day practice on projects. But to become a UX leader, you also need to develop yourselves in two other spheres of practice.

I call the first sphere of practice “process skills”: these are the activities a practitioner uses when managing stakeholders and managing projects. This includes:

  • Active listening: really seeking to understand the design problem and providing a solution that will fix it.
  • Helping the organisation implement change: in many user experience activities, the real work begins when the activity (such as a usability test) has finished.
  • Making appropriate ethical choices: in some organisations, the pressure to do your research a particular way can be overwhelming.
  • Project management: good leaders know how to manage their time, manage the work of the team, and manage the projects that they work on.

The second sphere of practice is marketing. Typical marketing activities that user experience leaders need to master include:

  • Explaining the cost-benefit of usability activities. A good user experience leader will be able to ground the main benefits of user experience in the organisation’s domain.
  • Formulating a proposal and a research plan for the work you will carry out.
  • Generating new work. As a leader, you need to keep your team busy and you need to identify the next big enterprise project, ensuring that the user experience flag gets flown.
  • Leaving a legacy. Great UX leaders will grow their team, their company and the industry as a whole.

Catch up on part 1 of our leadership series: The Essential Qualities of a UX Leader.

What do you think makes for excellent leadership in UX? Let us know in the forums or leave a comment.

The post Finding Your Path to UX Leadership appeared first on UX Mastery.

by UX Mastery Team via UX Mastery

PHP-Style JSON Parsing in Java with Jsoniter

JSON originated from a weakly-typed and dynamic language, Javascript. There is an impedance mismatch between JSON's dynamic nature and Java's rigid typing. I found existing solutions too focused on the concept of data binding, which is too heavy-weight in some circumstance. Contrast that with PHP, where PHP we have the all-in-one data type Array, and by just one line of json_decode we can parse a complex JSON document. Jsoniter is a new library written in Java, determined to make JSON parsing in Java as easy as in PHP through a similar data type: Any. The most remarkable feature is the underlying lazy-parsing technique, which makes the parsing not only easy, but very fast.

Why JSON Is Hard to Process in Java

There are three reasons why JSON documents can be hard to process using existing parsers. I call this the "JSON impedance mismatch".

Reason 1: Type Mismatch

When JSON is used as a data exchange format between Java and dynamic languages like PHP, the object field types might become a problem. For example, have a look at this JSON:

"order_id": 100098,
"order_details": {"pay_type": "cash"}

99% of the times, the PHP code might return the exact structure we expect. But it might also return slightly different JSON for different input conditions, due to the fact most PHP developers do not care if a variable is string or int.

"order_id": "100098",
"order_details": []

Why is order_details an empty array instead of an empty object? It is a common problem when working with PHP, where everything is an array. An array used as a non-empty map will be encoded like {"key":"value"} but an empty map is just an empty array, which will be encoded as [] instead of {}.

It is not a big problem, definitely fixable, but for historical data like logs, we have to deal with it anyway.

Reason 2: Heterogeneous Data

In Jave, we are used to homogeneous data. For example, [1, 2, 3] is an int array, ["1", "2", "3"] a String array. But how do you represent [1, 2, "3"] in Java? An object array Object[] is awkward to work with. How about [1, ["2", 3]]? Java does not have a convenient container to hold this kind of data.

Moreover, it is very common in JSON to have slightly different structures representing the same thing. For example, a success response:

"code": 0,
"data": "Success"

But for an error response:

"code": -1,
"error": {"msg": "Wrong Parameter", "stacktrace": "…"}

If we want to get the data or error message, we have make a number of null checks. Assuming the response is represented as Map<String, Object>, the code to extract the error message will look as follows:

Object errorObj = response.get("error");
if (errorObj == null)
    return "N/A";

Map<String, Object> error = (Map<String, Object>)errorObj;
Object msgObj = errorObj.get("msg");
if (msgObj == null)
    return "N/A";

return (String)msgObj;

The type casting and null checking is not fun at all. Unfortunately, it is common to extract value from a JSON five levels deep!

Reason 3: Performance and Flexibility Balance

By going with JSON, we have already chosen flexibility instead of raw performance. However, it still feels bad to parse a JSON document as Map<String, Object>, knowing that it will be very costly. I am not arguing we should choose the performance over expressiveness. But the guilt of deliberately compromising performance constantly troubles me. It is a dilemma I find myself in frequently:

  • Parse the JSON as Map<String, Object> and read values from it. Saves the trouble of defining a schema class but we have to unmarshall all the bytes, regardless if we need them or not.
  • Define a class and use data binding. It can skip unneeded parsing work, and accessing an object is faster than a hash map. But is it worth the trouble every time?
  • Some JSON parser come with a streaming API, but it is considered too low level.

There is a long way between totally type-less parsing and rigid data binding. It would be better if we have more options to choose between performance and flexibility, or both.

Parsing JSON in Java like in PHP with Jsoniter

How Jsoniter Solves the JSON Impedance Mismatch

Continue reading %PHP-Style JSON Parsing in Java with Jsoniter%

by Tao Wen via SitePoint

Web Design Weekly #269


Base64 Encoding & Performance

In this article Harry Roberts shares some insights into why you should’t use base64 in CSS and why base64 and gzip don’t work well together. (csswizardry.com)

Tools for Radicals (medium.com)

Sponsor Web Design Weekly and reach over 23,430 passionate designers and developers


Do we need a new heading element?

There’s a proposal to add a new ‘h’ element to the HTML spec and Jake Archibald in this post helps us understand the finer details. (jakearchibald.com)

Do responsive sites have to be so tall on mobile?

Height is often overlooked in responsive design. On mobile, pages can get pretty long. Kevin Vigneault asks the question. Should we address this? (viget.com)

Universal JavaScript Apps with React Router 4

Patrick Hund explains how to use the latest version of React Router both on the server side and the client side. (ebaytech.berlin)

JavaScript Start-up Performance

Once the browser has downloaded our page’s scripts it has to parse, interpret & run them. In this post, Addy Osmani dives into this phase and explores how to make sure it’s as fast as possible. (medium.com)

Webpack 2 and beyond

Sean Larkin shares some infomation about the awesome new features in Webpack 2 and why you should make the time to upgrade. (medium.com)

Researching Design Systems (danielmall.com)

Tools / Resources

Webydo – Powerful Web Design Software. CMS & Hosting Included.

Design, launch and manage pixel-perfect websites faster with Webydo’s all-in-one web design software. Perfect for web designers and digital agencies, Webydo has all the tools you need to run and grow a web design business from client billing to white label branding and more. (webydo.com)


A playground for creative coding using JavaScript and the canvas element. A little background on Sandpit can be found here and is totally worth a read. (sandpitjs.com)

Build an Off-Canvas Navigation With CSS Grid

Ian Yates Today explains how to build the classic an off-canvas navigation, using CSS to do the toggling and CSS Grid to form the page structure. (webdesign.tutsplus.com)


Automate your team’s software development processes, from testing through to delivery, no matter the language, environment or toolchain. (buildkite.com)

Best Practices for Writing React Components

Scott Domes from MuseFind shares a guide that represents some best practices when writing React components. Useful, whether you’re a beginner or experienced React developer. (medium.com)

Webpack Lighthouse Plugin

This plugin allows you to run Lighthouse from a Webpack build. (github.com)

Automating Local WordPress Site Setup with Scripts (deliciousbrains.com)

Moving to HTTPS (movingtohttps.com)

Service Worker Detector (github.com)


Optimizing Web Applications with Sam Saccone and Jeff Cross (devchat.tv)

Self Developer – Sara Soueidan (beingfreelance.com)

SEEK Style Guide (seek-oss.github.io)


Senior Product Designer at Strava

Come be a part of a team of designers passionate about creating beautiful and inspiring design experiences that help Athletes train, connect, and reach their full potential. (strava.com)

Need to find passionate developers or designers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

Last but not least…

Fitness Apps with Web Bluetooth (medium.com)

The post Web Design Weekly #269 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

What Tutorials Don’t Tell You: How to Approach Projects

What the tutorials don't tell you

I often hear that people who follow tutorials find themselves unable to approach JavaScript projects on their own.

One reason this happens is that tutorials give you a neat set of steps rather than the actual process of figuring out those steps on your own. Another reason people struggle with projects is that they compare their intermediate steps with someone else's finished product and get discouraged.

The truth of approaching a project isn't as neat as the tutorials (mine included) make it seem. The reality is that rather than belting out lines of perfect code, projects are done in small pieces with plenty of trial and error and a healthy dose of searching through reference materials.

In this article, you'll learn how to approach JavaScript projects on your own.

Important note: As you go through this article, you'll see some code examples. If any of them seem new or unfamiliar, it's okay to skim over them for now. The purpose of this article is to have you understand the overall process of approaching a project rather than getting distracted by technical details.

First Get Comfortable With the Basics

At a minimum, you'll want to get familiar with some of the basics of JavaScript (and programming in general). This might include variables, functions, if statements, loops, arrays, objects, DOM manipulation methods, such as getElementById, querySelectorAll, and innerHTML. You can Google these or look them up on MDN when you're done with this article.

Once you're comfortable with these concepts, you'll move much faster because you can focus on creating your project instead of worrying about how to write an if statement.

A lot of people rush past this step, and everything takes longer as a result. It's like attempting to play Level 3 of a video game without getting comfortable with the controls back in Level 1. Lots of avoidable frustration.

Make a Plan

How JavaScript Projects Happen

Instead of jumping in and trying to do your project in a series of linear steps, take some time to look at the big picture first. Make a general plan. What sorts of things need to happen? For example, if you're trying to make a countdown clock, you might need a way to measure time, a place to hold the data, somewhere to display the numbers, and maybe a way to control the clock.

At this stage, you don't want to get bogged down in technical details because you're still thinking through the general ideas of what you want. As long as you have an overall plan, you'll have guideposts that will prevent you from getting too badly lost. In software design. this technique is often referred to as a use-case analysis.

Write It Without Code

Now that you have your plan, you'll want to figure out the details. My favorite way to do this is to write specifically what you want each part of your project to do. The key is to write it not in code but in plain language. (This is called pseudocode.) That way, you can think clearly about what your project is doing without getting distracted by syntax details.

For a countdown clock, your notes might look something like this:

  • Get current time
  • Specify end time
  • Find difference between current time and end time to get remaining time
  • Repeatedly get the remaining time for each step of the countdown
  • Show remaining time on screen at each step of the countdown

You can break individual parts into smaller pieces like so:

  • Show remaining time on screen at each step of the countdown
    • Divide time into hours, minutes, seconds
    • Show hours in one container
    • Do the same for minutes and seconds

Once you have your logic written out, you'll have a much easier time writing code. This is because it's simpler to write the code for a concrete step such as "subtract current time from end time" than it is to write the code for a whole project like "build a countdown clock."

Also note that you won't need to have a perfect series of steps written out at the beginning. This is a fluid process where it's okay to add things, remove things, get things wrong, learn, and improve.

Continue reading %What Tutorials Don’t Tell You: How to Approach Projects%

by Yaphi Berhanu via SitePoint

2016 Web Design Report by Avocode

Explore data and insights from over 1,000,000 Photoshop and Sketch designs

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Joel House Search Media

Joel House Search Media is a professional company that specilaises in helping small business owners with their online search presence. This site has been designed to be professional, but also relatable. Each city has its own unique images to resonate

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Habit Nest

Habit Nest is a lifestyle blog focused on helping all of us take back our decisional authority over our every action so that we can actually realize the growth and self-improvement we all wish to see in our lives.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Golf Tour Operator Html5 Responsive

Original Html5 Responsive or App Template designed for tour operators and travel agencies, easily adaptable to all types of business.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

VirArt Gallery Restyling

Virtual Art Gallery and Space for Artists Exhibitions. Infinity exhibits opportunities for painting, photography, sculpture, graphic and videos artists. Virtual art exhibitions like in a real art gallery. Art auction without commission!

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Syed Creatives

Great ideas aren’t industry specific. May it be any verticle, a business demands design solutions for the organisations to be successful. I provide innovative strategies and world-class user experiences across all digital channels.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery


Architect - Creative Agency WordPress Theme

'Architect' is a niche One Page WordPress theme targeting Architecture portfolios. The theme can be used for any digital agency really with sections for services, team, testimonials, client logos, Google Maps and a contact form. The portfolio section is quite basic with only a single bigger image + text loaded in a popup. The theme actually comes with several different portfolio options but they are on separate pages so I'm only reviewing the One Page demo option. Great to know the WordPress theme comes with Slider Revolution plugin bundled in, valued at $19.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

7 Scheduling Tips for Stressed Out Freelancers

Scheduling for freelancers

If there is anything worse than no work, it is too much work and too many pressing deadlines. Work overload can make anybody’s life a misery — but you, as a freelancer, have more say over how much work you take and how you distribute the load.

Good scheduling is key for both your successful business and your good mental and physical health.

1. Estimate How Much Work You Can Take

The first step to successfully making a reasonable schedule is to (correctly) estimate how much work you can take. You can’t make a schedule if you don’t know your limits. Though this certainly varies from week to week, you need to have a general idea of many hours a week you have for work.

For instance, can you work 50, 60, or 70 hours a week and still be productive? Or do you have other tasks to consider, such as family/personal matters or health issues, that drastically cut the number of hours you have available per week?

Next you need to decide how you split your schedule between projects. You might try to manage 70 hours of difficult projects at top pay (knowing that you won't be able to keep this up forever). Maybe you'll aim to dedicate 10 to 20 hours a week to difficult, lucrative projects and spend the remainder on projects that are less taxing but likely less profitable.

Of course, the projects available to you have a big hand in determining what you end up doing — but knowing your limits, and having a good idea of how you'd like to distribute the work, will allow you to make informed decisions about them.

2. Reject Projects That Will Overload You

It might be hard to say no to a lucrative project but unless you have absolutely no other options, you are better off without certain projects.

For instance, I don’t take full-time projects or projects that require a daily commitment. I've done it a few times in the past and it’s way too stressful — it’s like a 9-to-5 job without the benefits.

I also avoid taking projects I am not quite familiar with. These tasks require more research and frequently, even with plentiful research, the end result is far from perfect. It’s simply inefficient to do so.

Sometimes it's not the project that prompts you to drop a gig — it's the client. I guess you’ve heard “Poor planning on your side does not constitute emergency on mine”? There are clients who are so chaotic that working with them can turn your schedule upside down. If you land such a client, you’d better get rid of them — you are much better off without the additional stress such a client inevitably introduces in your life.

3. Know Your Most Productive Hours

People are not robots (at least not yet!) and your efficiency fluctuates with time. There are times of the day when you work best and times when it’s a drag. If you were in a 9-to-5 job, you wouldn't have much control over this, but as a freelancer you can make optimisations based on the factors that have you performing at your peak.

If you haven’t discovered them by now, try to find your most productive hours and schedule the important tasks for then. Your most productive hours could be the mornings, evenings, or at night — you just need to spend a few days paying attention to when you're at your sharpest.

4. Consider Seasonal Variations

There are quite a lot of external factors that influence your schedule, such as work availability. Though this isn’t set in stone, there are seasons for every industry when there is generally less work available.

Continue reading %7 Scheduling Tips for Stressed Out Freelancers%

by Ada Ivanoff via SitePoint



Colorful, vibrant Landing Page for 'Vossier' - a fun new way to learn and improve UI design. Fits a big screen well and like how they pulled the devices out the mobile adaption to reduce page length.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

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Unique personal page for French art director, Matthieu Leclerc, featuring random snippets of his work as you click and hover around the screen.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love