Sunday, September 30, 2018

8 Entrepreneurs Who Started Late And Found Success (infographic)

Feeling too old to start your life anew? You keep aging and a pressure of achieving something big and fast keep getting uncontrollably bigger? Seeing young people, in their early of the late 20s achieving so much in their lives is making you feel more and more worthless like you’ve wasted more time...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Mehwish Mehmood via Digital Information World

LuminJS : JavaScript library to Progressively Highlight Any Text

LuminJS is a JavaScript library to progressively highlight any text on a page.Great for when you want users to pay attention to some important text.
It can also be used to show progress of a task − Read something while tasks are being completed.

The post LuminJS : JavaScript library to Progressively Highlight Any Text appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Markojs : JavaScript UI library

Markojs is a friendly (and fast!) UI library that makes building web apps fun. Marko provides an elegant and readable syntax for both single-file components and components broken into separate files.

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by Admin via Best jQuery

Preloader Style 208

The post Preloader Style 208 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Range Slider Style 11

The post Range Slider Style 11 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

The Importance of Holiday Marketing in October [Infographic]

A recent research by Adroll says that the marketers should not ignore the month of October if they are looking to start their winter holiday marketing campaigns. This research was based on the data collected from the Adroll's customers that were using the e-commerce advertising platform of...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Sahir via Digital Information World

Dot Menu Button Animations

A tutorial about creating 4 different menu animations for menu button toggle between dots, cross and back icon.

by via RSS Feed

11 Best Social Media Scripts and Plugins to Streamline Your Workflow

Mai Lan - Pumper ☀️

PUMPER is an interactive music video imagined, directed, edited, designed and developed by TOO SOON, as their graduation project at Gobelins, for Mai Lan in collaboration with PANAMÆRA.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Cryptocurrency - The Future Of Digital Money (infographic)

Cryptocurrency has been making news since the inception of the World Wide Web and undoubtedly has bought a massive change on how transactions are being carried in the virtual world. Today, the currency has grown to be so significant that even the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the...

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by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

Dangers of Prolonged Sitting and how to Address it?

This new research might shock you if you spend the majority of your time sitting in front of a laptop or desktop and using your brain consistently to perform your daily tasks. According to a recent research, you may badly affect your brain by sitting for that long because the supply line that is...

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by Sahir via Digital Information World

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Facebook says Data of 50 Million Users has been Breached

Another day with another Facebook news related to privacy and data leakage. I think Facebook has learnt the art to be in the news headlines in a bad way. This year was very tough for Facebook as they are already in deep trouble related to privacy issues and now suddenly Facebook announced that 50mn...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Amjad Khan via Digital Information World

New LinkedIn Ads Features

Welcome to this week’s edition of the Social Media Marketing Talk Show, a news show for marketers who want to stay on the leading edge of social media. On this week’s Social Media Marketing Talk Show, we explore new LinkedIn ads features and Snapchat partnering with Amazon on new visual search tools. Our special guest [...]

The post New LinkedIn Ads Features appeared first on Social Media Examiner.

by Grace Duffy via Social Media Examiner

Facebook and Messenger Stories Ad – Coming Soon!

Following the announcement of Facebook Stories ads, the leading social media platform also confirmed that businesses could also use the same feature to promote their products and services. Additionally, Messenger Stories, previously called the “Messenger Day” will also be making a comeback...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

Moment Zero

Since 1970, the USGS records all seismic activity across the Earth. Moment Zero is an immersive experience into this data in VR or 360°. A first experiment of Pilot® by Locomotive.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Friday, September 28, 2018

Hands-on With ARIA: Accessibility for eCommerce

CSS Timeline Style 45

The post CSS Timeline Style 45 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

MessiJS : A simple, elegant message plugin for jQuery

MessiJS is a plugin for jQuery that shows messages in a clean, elegant and simple way. With MessiJS, you no longer need to use the ugly default Javascript alert notification. MessiJS also provides a nice, flexible way to get feedback from your users without blocking Javascript execution.Display text, html content, images and ajax requests with 5KB code.

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by Admin via Best jQuery

Product Grid Style 10

The post Product Grid Style 10 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

How to Automate App Deployment to Alibaba ECS with Mina

This article was created in partnership with Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible.

Think you got a better tip for making the best use of Alibaba Cloud services? Tell us about it and go in for your chance to win a Macbook Pro (plus other cool stuff). Find out more here.

Mina is a deployment automation tool and a deploy Bash script generator from the Rails world, which came into the spotlight after development companies noticed its advantages over Capistrano. Mina, in contrast to Capistrano, uses only one SSH connection to the deployment server, and executes a batch of bash commands there. This makes it a lot faster than Capistrano, which opens a separate SSH session for every command.

In this article we will go through setting up Mina for the deployment of a basic Django app - an unorthodox toolset for the Django world, which tends to use Docker or Fabric more. Given Mina's simplicity and flexibility, we feel it is worth exploring its use in the deployment of Python web apps.

Django, a "web framework for perfectionists with deadlines," has been around for some time now. It started off as a content-management oriented web framework, created in-house by web developers at Lawrence Journal World for its news web portal. It was published in 2005, and from there it took off and the rest is history. It became one of the most serious and widely adopted web frameworks, competing with Ruby on Rails. It is in use by Instagram, Disqus, the Washington Times, Mozilla, Bitbucket and others. It's still thriving.

Django docs suggest Apache with mod-wsgi as the first-choice, and it may be a prevalent option. But since we are performance-obsessed, for this tutorial we decided to cover the deployment of a Django application to Alibaba's ECS cloud instance with an NGINX and uWSGI stack.

NGINX is a web server notorious for its efficiency, being event-based, and it includes caching options, so it is often an ideal solution. uWSGI is an application server container - an implementation of WSGI, Python's standard web interface. It plays along with NGINX very well.

Getting Started

The first thing we will do is create our ECS instance in the Alibaba Cloud backend console.

The process is straightforward. We will choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for our operating system / OS image. Upon creation, we will want to make sure our instance is assigned to proper security groups. In Alibaba terminology, these are firewall rules for different ports. This is usually something that works by default, but in case of any issues with web access to our instance later on, make sure to check this off.

The security groups page can be accessed through the Elastic Compute Service submenu on the left.

The next thing to do upon creation of our instance is to set it up for SSH key access.

Perhaps the most straightforward way to do this is to set the instance up, at creation, with a password. Then we can just do the standard ssh-copy-id from our starting system - presumably a local device.

ssh-copy-id, executed from our local device (where we will replace the xxx... sequence with our Alibaba ECS instance public IP address) will prompt us for the password, and upon typing it, our key-based access should be set up.

When we log into our instance via ssh, we will do apt-get update to make sure our apt sources are up to date, and then we install git, curl, wget: apt-get install git curl wget -y

Installing the Server Environment

The default Python version that comes as default with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is the ancient 2.7. In order to run the latest version of Django, we need Python 3+. One of the less painful ways to fix this is to install pyenv, a Python version manager.

It allows us to change the Python version used globally, or per-project. Before we install pyenv, as per the pyenv wiki, we will install prerequisites:

apt-get install -y make build-essential libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev llvm libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev xz-utils tk-dev liblzma-dev zlib1g-dev libffi-dev

Then we can install pyenv:

curl -L | bash

Upon completion, the pyenv installer will prompt us to add a couple of lines to the ~/.bash_profile, which we will do:

Now we update the PATH in our working session by doing source ~/.bash_profile in our terminal.

Provided that we did this correctly, we should now be able to install Python version 3.7.0:

Doing pyenv versions in the server terminal should show us two items now: system and 3.7.0, presuming that we installed the 3.7.0 version successfully.

pyenv global 3.7.0 will make our 3.7.0 version the global python version on our system. Should you have issues with pyenv, this is the url to visit.

Server stack

The usual default with Ubuntu images is Apache server, which comes preinstalled. If it is running, we should stop it with service apache2 stop, and then install nginx with apt-get install nginx -y. This should install and start the NGINX server, which should be visible when we visit our server's public IP address.

We will also install uWSGI: pip install uwsgi (Python pip is presumably installed when we installed pyenv).

We will also make sure we have Django installed: pip install django. We could be using virtualenv here to ensure a contained isolated environment for our app, but for the sake of keeping this tutorial simple, we will skip it.

In more complex cases, though, it is probably a wise choice.

This guide presumes we have directed our domain's A records to our server IP address, so is presumed in the rest of this guide to be pointed to our ECS server's public IP.

Now we will create the NGINX virtual host for our website. The file can be found here. We will just go over couple of things:

server unix:///tmp/minaguide.sock;

Here we are connecting - with NGINX - to the Unix socket that uWSGI will create in the /tmp directory, and /tmp is recommended for otherwise possible permissions complications that may arise from a more complex directory tree. This is what /tmp is for.

include /root/project/minaguide/uwsgi/uwsgi_params;

This (/root/project/minaguide) is a directory of our django project on the server, and within it, we will have a uwsgi subdirectory with a uwsgi_params file, which will hold some uWSGI variables. We will come back to this later, and to setting up our uWSGI app.

We now have the base server environment we need for deployment.

Setting Up Mina

We are setting up Mina on the machine from which we are doing the deployment. Presuming the device is also Linux / Ubuntu (and things shouldn't be much different for Mac users - nor for Windows users, as long as they use Windows Subsystem for Linux ), we will want to make sure we have Ruby and rubygems installed - apt-get install ruby -y should do the trick.

When we have done this, we will have the gem command available, so we will do gem install mina.

Now - also on our local machine - we will create a directory dedicated to our project, and do mina init there.

This creates a config/deploy.rb file in our project directory, which we will edit to configure Mina:

The post How to Automate App Deployment to Alibaba ECS with Mina appeared first on SitePoint.

by Tonino Jankov via SitePoint

Westworld Slider – Creative Slider with SVG and Javascript

Westworld Slider is an inspring creative slider created by using SVG and javascript.

by via RSS Feed

Parcel 1.10, TypeScript 3.1, and lots of handy JS snippets

#405 — September 28, 2018

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

30 Seconds of Code: A Curated Collection of Useful JavaScript Snippets — We first linked this project last year, but it’s just had a ‘1.1’ release where lots of the snippets have been updated and improved, so if you want to do lots of interesting things with arrays, math, strings, and more, check it out.

30 Seconds

Mastering Modular JavaScript — Nicolas has been working on this book about writing robust, well-tested, modular JavaScript code for some time now, and it’s finally been published as a book. You can read it online for free too, or even direct from the book’s git repo.

Nicolas Bevacqua

Burn Your Logs — Use Sentry's open source error tracking to get to the root cause of issues. Setup only takes 5 minutes.

Sentry sponsor

Parcel 1.10.0 Released: Babel 7, Flow, Elm, and MoreParcel is a really compelling zero configuration bundler and this release brings Babel 7, Flow and Elm support. GitHub repo.

Devon Govett

TypeScript 3.1 Released — TypeScript brings static type-checking to the modern JavaScript party, and this latest release adds mappable tuple and array types, easier properties on function declarations, and more. Want to see what’s coming up in 3.2 and beyond? Here’s the TypeScript roadmap.


💻 Jobs

Mid-Level Front End Engineer @ HITRECORD (Full Time, Los Angeles) — Our small dynamic team is looking for an experienced frontend developer to help build and iterate features for an open online community for creative collaboration.


Try Vettery — Create a profile to connect with inspiring companies seeking JavaScript devs.


📘 Tutorials and Opinions

Creating Flocking Behavior with Virtual Birds — A gentle and effective walkthrough of creating and animating flocks of virtual birds.

Drew Cutchins

Rethinking JavaScript Test Coverage — The latest version of V8 offers a native code coverage reporting feature and here’s how it works with Node.

Benjamin Coe (npm, Inc.)

Getting Started with the Node-Influx Client Library — The node-influx client library features a simple API for most InfluxDB operations and is fully supported in Node and the browser, all without needing any extra dependencies.

InfluxData sponsor

How Dropbox Migrated from Underscore to Lodash


Create a CMS-Powered Blog with Vue.js and ButterCMS

Jake Lumetta, et al.

Understanding Type-Checking and 'typeof' in JavaScript

Glad Chinda

Airbnb's Extensive JavaScript Style Guide — Airbnb’s extremely popular guide continues to get frequent updates.


Webinar: Getting the Most Out of MongoDB on AWS

mongodb sponsor

16 JavaScript Podcasts to Listen To in 2018 — Podcasts, like blogs, have a way of coming and going, but these are all ready to listen to now.

François Lanthier Nadeau podcast

Five Tips to Write Better Conditionals in JavaScript

Jecelyn Yeen

🔧 Code and Tools

Tabulator: A Fully Featured, Interactive Table JavaScript Library — Create interactive data tables quickly from any HTML table or JavaScript or JSON data source.

Oli Folkerd

Vandelay: Automatically Generate Import Statements in VS Code

Visual Studio Marketplace

APIs and Infrastructure for Next-Gen JavaScript Apps — Build and scale interactive, immersive apps with PubNub - chat, collaboration, geolocation, device control and gaming.

PubNub sponsor

Apify SDK: Scalable Web Crawling and Scraping from Node — Manage and scale a pool of headless Chrome instances for crawling sites.


Cloudflare Adds a Fast Distributed Key-Value Store to Its Serverless JavaScript Platform

Stephen Pinkerton and Zack Bloom (Cloudflare)

turtleDB: For Building Offline-First, Collaborative Web Apps — It uses the in-browser IndexedDB database client-side but can then use MongoDB as a back-end store for bi-directional sync.

turtle DB

An Example of a Dynamic Input Placeholder — This is a really neat effect.

Joe B. Lewis

by via JavaScript Weekly