Monday, December 1, 2014



Dark One Pager for a new Brazilian burger joined called 'Q-Burger'. First I've seen of the 'Coming Soon' Google Font.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Introduction to Service Worker: How to use Service Worker

Service Worker will revolutionize the way we build for the web. Learn about what it is, why it is important and how to use it.

by mattgaunt via HTML5Rocks

Jeroen Vanhaeverbeke

Jeroen Vanhaeverbeke

Very elegant and spacious One Pager for digital creative, Jeroen Vanhaeverbeke from Belgium. Really like his intro tagline too.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Barlas Apaydin

Barlas Apaydin

Unique colorful One Page portfolio filled with moving elements for Turkish web developer Barlas Apaydin. Really love that interactive "shuffle" effect on Portfolio items that are laid out like cards.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Create Context Menu with jQuery and CSS

A tutorial about creating good-looking context menu by using jQuery and css.

by via RSS Feed

The Syntax of Taste: Refactoring Conditionals

Conditionals aren't inherently bad, but they sure do have a vexing tendency to proliferate. Much like fungus, they thrive and multiply in dark and dank places like, say, codebases.

Here we'll look at a typical, home-grown conditional and look at how to gain a small measure of control.

Continue reading %The Syntax of Taste: Refactoring Conditionals%

by Katrina Owen via SitePoint

Generate Notifications From Your Web App With the Pushover API