Thursday, October 6, 2016

Talk With The Experts: Chris Coyier

Last week we held our highly anticipated live webinar with Chris Coyier! For those of you who may not know him, he is the Co-Host of The Shop Talk Show podcast, Founder of CSS-Tricks and Co-Founder of CodePen. With CodePen being one of the most popular tools for web developers, we were really excited to have him join us and show us how we can make the most of CodePen, with many useful tricks that may have missed our radar.

Continue reading %Talk With The Experts: Chris Coyier%

by Jeff Smith via SitePoint

AtoZ CSS Quick Tip: Creating Responsive Design with Media Queries

Welcome to our AtoZ CSS series! In this series, I’ll be exploring different CSS values (and properties) beginning with a letter of the alphabet. We know that sometimes screencasts are just not enough, so in this article, I’ve added a new quick tip/lesson about Media Queries for you.


M is for Media Queries

I would venture a guess that the vast majority of web designers and developers are familiar with the concept of responsive design these days. If not, check out the Media Queries screencast.

Since responsive design is so popular, it’s a good place to pick up a couple of tips for improving the way we develop websites and apps for multiple devices. Here are a couple of CSS tips to help you out.

Tip 1: Don’t use device specific breakpoints

Hopefully this goes without saying, but just in case you need a reminder or you haven't come across this best practice before, I thought it was worth reiterating.

Device specific breakpoints are easily identified in your code with media queries that look like this (comments added for clarity):

[code language="css"]
/* ipad portrait */
@media screen and (min-width: 768px;) {}

/* ipad landscape */
@media screen and (min-width: 1024px;) {}

/* iphone */
@media screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px;) {}

Continue reading %AtoZ CSS Quick Tip: Creating Responsive Design with Media Queries%

by Guy Routledge via SitePoint

Creating Custom WordPress Administration Pages, Part 4

Project Sunday

Custom handmade furniture.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

How to Track the Return on Social Media Traffic


Do you track your social media marketing results? Wondering how to make more sense of ROI? By tracking micro-conversions and attribution, you can connect a dollar value to your social media marketing efforts. In this article, you’ll discover how to track the return on social media clicks. #1: Tag Your URLs Tagging lets you add [...]

This post How to Track the Return on Social Media Traffic first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Ian Lurie via

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Project Sunday

Custom handmade furniture.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat Stories (infographic)

Instagram Stories vs. Snapchat Stories (infographic)

The battle for the attention of social media audiences is heating up, with Instagram and Snapchat both rolling out new features in an effort to deliver the coup de grĂ¢ce to the other and emerge as the dominant social platform for sharing photos and videos.

Until recently, Instagram has been the preferred platform for well-edited, highly curated, aspirational photos and videos, while Snapchat has been steadily attracting social media audiences—teenagers and millennials, in particular—by providing a way to share raw “in-the-moment” content which disappears after 24 hours. With the launch of Instagram Stories, however, the Facebook-owned app is now encroaching on Snapchat’s territory (and making a play for its users) by offering its own version of Snapchat’s ephemeral, off-the-cuff content.

Instagram’s new feature raises a number of important questions for marketing professionals, chief among them: Is Instagram Stories or Snapchat a better use of my company’s marketing resources? While similarities between the two apps are numerous, knowing how each platform differs can help marketers make an informed decision on where to invest their time and advertising dollars.

For a side-by-side comparison of what each social media app offers in terms of audience, reach, functionality, and other important features, consult the following infographic from our friends at Mediakix which quickly distills the salient differences between Instagram Stories and Snapchat Stories:

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World