Monday, May 30, 2016

8 Things You Shouldn’t Do at Your Investor Meeting

Man running late

Getting funding today isn’t too hard. As one of my good friends once sarcastically said when I lived in Silicon Valley, “Everyone and their mothers is an investor out [in Silicon Valley],” going on to tell me that you don’t need a groundbreaking product to secure investment. When investors put money into startups, they’re betting on the entrepreneur. Since pivots are a necessity with most startups, investors look for entrepreneurs who can handle change and aren’t banking on a single idea.


While this article is about preparing to meet with investors, it’s worth mentioning that angel and venture capital should be a last resort for your funding. As soon as you take on an investor, you’ll need to meet their demands, even if they go against your original direction.

It’s cheaper than ever to start a software company. Aside from bootstrapping, you could technically take on small amounts of debt, or even crowdfund your software project. If you’re in the hardware space, many investors only speak with successfully crowdfunded products because it’s an effective way to minimize the risk of their investments.

Here are eight things you shouldn’t do when trying to get an investor meeting, or once you’re in the meeting itself.

Don’t Ignore Your Network

Getting a meeting with an investor is hard, but it’s not impossible. Going back to my friend, he (again, sarcastically) summed up the venture capital space as “a good old boy’s club.” The best option you have to secure a meeting with an investor is to connect with the employees of venture-backed companies. Investors rarely make investments from cold leads. They usually only take meetings via referrals, whether those come from other investors, executives from their portfolio companies, or people close to them.

Don’t Jump the Gun

It’s much easier to raise capital today than it was in the past. One of the fastest ways to destroy your company is to accept funds from an investor who isn’t a good fit for your business. That’s why you can’t just take the first offer that comes to you during the fundraising process.

When you raise capital you should choose an investor who has skills that complement those your team has. If you have domain expertise in hardware or software engineering, a good potential investor is someone who has a track record of bringing new technologies to market.

Don’t Worry about Projection Accuracy

As you’re developing your pitch deck, you shouldn’t worry too much about your financial projections. It’s a given that those numbers are going to be wrong. If they were correct, most investments would turn a profit.

The main purpose of projections is to show that you’ll spend the money wisely and that you’re being realistic about your growth expectations.

Don’t Talk about Market Size

If you’ve seen SharkTank, you know that one of the most popular lines is something like “we’re tackling a billion-dollar industry.” Sometimes the entrepreneurs will say that they just need one percent of the market to make millions.

Investors don’t need to you to tell them the size of an industry. If they’re meeting with you, they already know there’s potential to make money. Taking that a step further, investors don’t want to work with someone who is content with getting a sliver of market share in a space.

Continue reading %8 Things You Shouldn’t Do at Your Investor Meeting%

by Charles Costa via SitePoint

Pilpil – Progressive Image Loading

Pilpil is a tiny, pure JavaScript library for Progressive Image Loading with a blur effect to reduce the page load time; as seen on Medium.

by via RSS Feed

Web Design Weekly #237


Taking The Robots To Design School

An epic post by Jon Gold that shares his thoughts around merging typographic design and artificial intelligences. Fascinating read. (

Regressive Web Apps (

Start using new tools in minutes​

You don’t have to wait for a far off sprint to start using new integrations. Just activate integrations with Segment, we’ll immediately start streaming over your data. (


Building a Visual Language

An insightful post by Karri Saarinen that looks behind the scenes of Airbnb’s new design system. (

Debugging CSS

If you write CSS for a living this article by Ben Frain is highly recommended. Ben explains his procedures for debugging CSS along with a few handy tricks to make the most of your debugging time. (

Autofill: What web devs should know, but don’t

In this article Jason Grigsby dives into the nitty gritty of how autofill works, how to build forms that support cross browser autofill and take advantage of new features like scanning cards. Some really great info. (

CSS Modules and React

Robin Rendle explores using CSS Modules with React and Webpack to create a simple static site. The 3rd and final instalment from his CSS Modules series. (

Six nifty ES6 tricks (

Tools / Resources

Understanding The CSS Property Value Syntax

Russ Weakley explains the W3C’s syntax that is used to define the possible values that can be used for all CSS properties. The syntax isn’t super straight forward but once understood can help massively to decipher any of the W3C’s CSS specifications. (

Build Your Own Babel Plugin

Utilising the power of Babel during development is extremely helpful but if you happen to want a little extra functionality this post by Dan Prince will help you on your way to creating your very own Babel plugin. (


A set of 20 Sass mixins which aim to help you manage the style of :nth-child’ified elements, in an easy and classy way. (

A list of everything that goes in the <head> of your document (

Sticky Footer, Five Ways (

Local styling with CSS Modules (


The best UI Interactions for your inspiration, every day. (

Top developers can have a life outside coding (

“We only hire the best” (


Frontend Engineer at Disqus

Frontend engineers are the core of the Disqus product team. We’re looking for someone to join our close-knit team. You’ll work with modern frameworks and tools to deliver an engaging discussion experience for hundreds of millions of users on the web. (

UX Designer at Hotjar

We are looking for an ambitious and driven UX designer who is passionate about creating engaging, consistent and memorable experiences. Hotjar is a rapidly growing startup that is giving thousands of website owners the tools needed to discover how their visitors are really using their website. (

Have an Web Design related position you need to fill?

Last but not least…

Position Wanted: Front-End Director

Some food for thought from Jeffrey Zeldman suggesting that maybe we should have front-end directors within big organisations that are empowered as any other director role. (

The post Web Design Weekly #237 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

Project Documentation with Hexo Static Site Generator

When starting an open source project, one of the most important things is to create project documentation. Documentation is essential if we want our project to be used by others, and it can be done in many ways:

  • GitHub Wiki - GitHub lets us make a wiki associated with each project. It is composed of pages written with markdown and is definitely a tool to take into consideration to build documentation. However, it does have a few limitations: contributions to a wiki don't appear in the project contributions; is limited to a strict structure and layout; you must host assets in other locations.
  • README - we can create a, which will show on the GitHub project page. It might be a good solution if the documentation will be very short, otherwise it gets a big one page full of information. Usually this serves to introduce the project and not to show documentation.
  • Self Hosted - we can create a custom site for our documentation. This gives us total freedom to create what we want, but it prevents possible contributions to our documentation. It also comes with the price of hosting.
  • GitHub Pages - GitHub also provides a way of hosting a static site for each project. By creating a branch called gh-pages in your project's repo, GitHub will publish its contents as a website. This is great to place a documentation site, although, maintaining documentation in a separate branch is not optimal: documentation files get hard to find for contributors and contributions won't show up in the master branch.

Fortunately, there's a way of combining the best parts of the options above.

Introducing Hexo

Hexo is a static site generator built with Node.js. It is mostly used as a blog framework, but it has a deploy integration for GitHub which makes it a great fit to build a documentation site for a GitHub project.

With Hexo, we can create markdown files and HTML layouts which will be converted to static HTML files when deployed. Hexo provides a deploy configuration which builds our static files into a GitHub branch. This means we can maintain our documentation as markdown in our project's master branch and deploy it, with one command, to gh-pages.

Installing Hexo

Hexo is built with Node.js, so to install and use it we'll need Node.js installed in our system. We'll also need Git which will be used by Hexo to deploy our documentation site to gh-pages.

Installing Node.js

To install Node I recommend using a version manager, such as nvm. There are other version managers out there that you can use, but they all make life easier when it comes to installing and switching between Node.js versions.

Using nvm, let's run the following:

nvm install 4

This will install the most recent release of Node.js 4.x, which also comes with npm ready to use.

Installing Git

We'll also need Git installed in our system. If you're not sure you already have it, run the following:

git --version

If the result is a Git version you can skip this section. If instead you see an error, you'll have to install it first.


On a windows system we can run an installer provided by Git.


On OS X, we can install it in one of three different ways:

  • Using the installer.
  • Using Homebrew by running brew install git.
  • Using MacPorts by running sudo port install git +doc +bash_completion +gitweb.

Usually, I prefer using Homebrew to install this type of software, but if you're more familiar with MacPorts or just want to use the installer, there's nothing wrong with that.

Linux - Ubuntu or Debian

On an Ubuntu or Debian-based system we can install Git with apt:

sudo apt-get install git-core

Linux - Fedora, Red Hat or CentOS

On a Fedora, Red Hat or CentOS system we can install Git with yum:

sudo yum install git-core

Installing Hexo CLI

After installing Node.js and Git we can now finally install Hexo by running:

npm install -g hexo-cli

To make sure everything is set up, type the following:

hexo --version

If you see a list of versions, good news: you have everything ready to use Hexo!

Setting Up

Now that we have Hexo installed, we can now start to create our documentation on our GitHub master branch. To follow this article, you can either:

  • Create the documentation for one of your existing GitHub projects
  • Create a new repo here

For simplicity, I'll assume you're creating a new project called hexo-documentation, but you can follow the article with an existing one.

Let's clone the GitHub repo locally by running:

git clone

Replace USERNAME with your username and REPOSITORY with the name you gave to your repo. In my case, the command would be:

git clone

Now let's cd into it and create a folder called docs:

cd hexo-documentation
mkdir docs

The docs folder is where our documentation site will be, and it's where we'll initialize Hexo by running:

hexo init docs

What the command above does is add a bunch of Hexo's configuration and dependency settings. But we still need to install those dependencies, which are defined in a package.json file inside the docs folder. To do so, let's run the following:

Continue reading %Project Documentation with Hexo Static Site Generator%

by Bruno Mota via SitePoint

Sourcehunt: Conferences, Oauth2 in Slim, Static Analyzers, Etc.

Hello there, hunters! Before getting into this month's links you should star and / or contribute to, I'd like to briefly give a shoutout to two conferences I attended and participated in this month: OSCAL and PhpKonf. Skip this section if you're just interested in this month's link list.

Sourcehunt logo

Conference Season

In Europe, May is usually chock full of conferences, and this one was no exception. While I do like to go as an audience member, too, (and so should you) the two instances I was at had me over as a speaker, and that was exceptionally fun.


Like last year, OSCAL was organized by our very own Elio Qoshi and his team, and took place at Tirana's university. A free conference dedicated exclusively to open data and open source, OSCAL can be considered south Europe's answer to FOSDEM. Much smaller in scope but in no way lacking dedication, this year's edition featured more tracks than ever, covering everything from data and media codes, to animal adoption via open source and bitcoin, even coding workshops.

All people

Aside from being superbly organized, OSCAL is far too humble about something one doesn't see often - if ever - at such generally tech-oriented events. Not only are most of the volunteer staff female, but the percentage of women in the audience is just jawdropping. I had wondered why that was since last time I was there (it's a regular occurrence, not a phenomenon). Could be the fact that women have been an important part of Albania's culture since the olden days (every painting in the history museum has a woman in a position of importance, or at least alongside a man)...


... or it could be the fact that it's a less PC environment and people just shrug off what they don't like, so there's no tension around social interactions, or a number of other things. I certainly hope the organizers will collect some post-conference data around this and let us know - in any case, I wasn't the only one surprised by this.

Continue reading %Sourcehunt: Conferences, Oauth2 in Slim, Static Analyzers, Etc.%

by Bruno Skvorc via SitePoint

Data Validation With Core Data: Common Constraints

Mauer Storyteller

This content-centric blogging theme has a strong accent on typography and photographs — to ensure a convincing impression on the audience. Storyteller’s minimalist design makes sure nothing stands in the way between the content and the reader.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery