Friday, April 26, 2024

Google to Fix Privacy Issues on Android TVs

Google has started updating Android TV software to prevent a privacy issue that could let people access the owner's emails. Android TV’s, which come with the Android operating system, usually keep the user logged into their Google account.

This setup makes it easy to use apps from the Play Store without having to log in every time. However, it also meant that anyone with access to the TV could potentially view emails and other personal information.

The problem was highlighted when YouTuber Cameron Gray demonstrated how to install the Chrome browser on an Android TV. Although Chrome is not officially available on Android TVs, Gray showed that it could be installed by downloading it from an online archive using a third-party web browser called TV Bro.

Once installed, it was possible to visit Gmail using Chrome, even though the browser is not designed to be used with TV remotes and requires a keyboard and mouse.

This issue was brought to Google's attention through a video shared by Senator Ron Wyden's office. Initially, Google responded by stating this behavior was expected and did not pose a security threat. However, after further consideration, Google has decided to address the loophole.
A Google spokesperson has mentioned that most devices with the latest Google TV software are already protected against this issue. Google is working on updates for other devices to ensure all are secure.

They also advised users to keep their devices updated to avoid such privacy risks.

For extra safety, Google suggests that users might want to consider setting up a separate "family" Google account for their Android TV. This account could be added as a member of Google Family, allowing access to apps like YouTube TV while ensuring personal viewing preferences and history are kept private. This is a good option for users who are worried about their privacy when others are around.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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by Mahrukh Shahid via Digital Information World

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Amnesty International Highlights Global Disregard for International Law

Amnesty International, a prominent human rights organization, has released its annual report. It warns of a serious breakdown of international law across the world.

The report criticizes the world's most powerful governments, countries and corporate actors for their role in this decline. It states that these entities have created an atmosphere that disregards international rules and values established after World War Two.

The report points out severe violations in regions like Gaza, Ukraine, Sudan, Ethiopia, and Myanmar. It blames powerful governments, particularly the US, Russia, and China, for leading this global disregard. These countries are accused of failing to uphold the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, resulting in severe consequences for civilians caught in conflicts.

Amnesty International’s report expresses concern over the actions of Israel and the inaction of its allies. These actions are the root cause behind the significant civilian suffering in Gaza and Palestine.

It notes the US's failure to condemn rights violations by Israel and its use of veto power in the UN Security Council to block a ceasefire resolution in Gaza. Russia's aggressive actions in Ukraine and China's support for military forces in Myanmar and its treatment of the Uyghur minority are also highlighted as major concerns.

The report covers the human rights situation in 155 countries and shows a worrying trend against women’s rights and gender equality in 2023. It discusses the suppression of women's protests in Iran, the Taliban's policies in Afghanistan that remove women from public life, and restrictive abortion laws in the US and Poland.

Additionally, the report warns about the dangers of new technologies. It suggests that advancements in artificial intelligence and mass surveillance could exacerbate conflicts, infringe on personal freedoms, and disrupt important elections.

These technologies, if not regulated, could be used to discriminate, spread misinformation, and create divisions among people.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: Exhausted IT Workers Reveal Shocking Survey Results: Is AI the Secret Solution?
by Mahrukh Shahid via Digital Information World

Inside Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López’s Disruptive Digital-First Strategy for Hawkers

Like it or not, digital innovation isn’t a trend; it's a revolution. Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López, president of disruptive sunglasses brand Hawkers, has been a pivotal force in steering this revolution, transforming the sunglasses brand into a beacon of digital-first strategy success. Under his guidance, Hawkers has eschewed traditional retail models in favor of an approach that leverages the vast potential of online platforms, setting new standards in the eyewear industry and beyond.

Image provided by Alejandro Betancourt

From its inception, Hawkers was positioned to challenge the status quo. The decision to adopt a digital-first strategy was a bold move, aligning with Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López's vision of tapping into the burgeoning digital marketplace. This approach wasn’t merely about selling online; it was about reimagining how a brand could connect with consumers, engage with communities, and build a global presence without the constraints of physical retail.

Key Components of Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López’s Digital-First Strategy

Central to Hawkers' digital-first strategy was the creation of a state-of-the-art e-commerce platform. Betancourt López prioritized a seamless online shopping experience, from intuitive website navigation to mobile optimization and streamlined checkout processes. These efforts ensured that customers could enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience, mirroring the convenience and immediacy digital natives expect.

Betancourt López's strategic use of social media has been instrumental in Hawkers' rise. By harnessing platforms like Instagram and Facebook, Hawkers crafted a brand identity that was both aspirational and accessible. Through engaging content, influencer collaborations, and targeted advertising, Betancourt López managed to turn social media into a powerful sales and branding tool, connecting with millions worldwide.

“It was cool, it was fresh, and we were doing something different than anybody else at the time, which is online social, or social media marketing,” he said of using social media as an advertising tool. “And that approach totally disrupted the market in the way we penetrated the market. And I think that that innovation has built a huge brand that is today Hawkers.”

Underpinning the digital-first approach was a commitment to data-driven decision-making. Betancourt López leveraged analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This information guided everything from marketing campaigns to product development, ensuring that Hawkers remained agile and responsive to its audience's evolving needs.

The digital-first strategy, while innovative, wasn’t without challenges. Market saturation and digital ad fatigue threatened to diminish Hawkers' online visibility. Moreover, maintaining a personal connection with customers in an online-only environment posed a significant hurdle. Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López and his team countered these obstacles with creativity and adaptability, employing content that cut through the noise and fostering community engagement to keep the brand personal and relatable.

Impact and Successes

Under Leopoldo Alejandro Betancourt López's visionary leadership, Hawkers hasn’t merely participated in the digital marketplace; it redefined it. The disruption caused by Hawkers in the traditional eyewear market is profound, challenging established norms and prompting a reevaluation of what it means to sell fashion accessories in the 21st century. By bypassing traditional retail channels and focusing on direct-to-consumer online sales, Betancourt López has enabled Hawkers to offer high-quality, fashionable sunglasses at a fraction of the cost of its competitors. This approach democratized stylish eyewear, making it accessible to a broader audience while pressuring traditional retailers to reconsider their pricing and marketing strategies in the face of an increasingly digital-first consumer base.

The success of Hawkers under Betancourt López is a testament to the power of digital platforms to level the playing field in industries traditionally dominated by heavyweight brands with extensive physical retail networks. The company’s agile strategy, which embraces social media marketing, influencer partnerships, and direct online sales, has allowed it to rapidly adapt to market trends and consumer preferences, outpacing competitors and capturing significant market share in a relatively short period.

With Betancourt López’s guidance, Hawkers has expanded its digital footprint across continents, reaching customers in over 50 countries. This international success story is built on a foundation of digital marketing excellence, which has not only amplified the brand's visibility but also fostered a global community of loyal customers.

This growth is characterized by a significant increase in sales volume, expansion of the product line to include a wider range of styles and designs, and the establishment of Hawkers as a recognized brand among consumers and industry insiders. The digital-first approach has allowed for a nimble market strategy in which new products can be tested, launched, and scaled with remarkable speed and efficiency. This adaptability has been vital to staying ahead of consumer trends and responding to the fast-paced fashion market.

“You could have many great ideas, but the execution is what matters,” he said. “The right executors or executives take these ideas into something … something pragmatic.”

by Asim BN via Digital Information World

Exhausted IT Workers Reveal Shocking Survey Results: Is AI the Secret Solution?

A recent poll of 1000 US, 250 UK and 250 Indian based IT-decision makers found that 58% of the overall IT workers feel exhausted from all the tasks they have to do in a day. 78% Indian IT workers, 60% UK IT workers and 53% US IT workers feel too tired after they are done with their tasks for the day. On average, an IT worker can only support the tickets with 85% of their work capacity. 50% IT workers in the US say that it is easy for them to support the tickets while 48% IT workers in US and 46% in India think alike. 29% of the tickets are difficult to resolve by IT workers in the US, UK and India.

IT workers say that they also do many extra tasks in their organization in addition to tasks that are their responsibility. That is the reason that they feel so exhausted at the end of the day. 39% of the IT specialists also resolve cybersecurity issues, 26% resolve internal security issues and 25% address problems like lack of budget.

OnePoll conducted a study which was commissioned by GoTo and according to that study, use of AI in many It organizations has lessened the burden of many IT workers. 92% of the workers say that they are ready to use AI if it will be beneficial for their work. 94% of the IT workers say that they will give all the simple and small tasks to AI so they can work on more large problems. But 73% of workers admitted that they will not hesitate to give complex tasks to AI if it means that they will not feel exhausted at the end of the day. Workers believe that if they give AI some of their tasks, it can save an average two hours from their day.

The most common tasks that IT workers are starting to give to AI are monitoring network performance (44%), basic device troubleshooting (42%) and remediating basic problems (40%). The survey also found out that 71% of the IT teams are already using AI while 61% are going to adopt AI in their organization within the next twelve months. 48% of the IT workers said that they will be able to work on more high priority tasks after their organization adopts AI, 43% said ticketing workflow will become more efficient and 41% said that their IT team responsibilities will be affected by it.

When asked what the workers would do if AI managed their tasks themselves, 55% said that they will work on improving their IT infrastructure at their organization, 46% said that they will work on more complex tasks and 42% will try to improve the security of their organization. In the US, 44% of the IT workers said that they will improve the security of their organization while 48% in India and 36% in the UK said that they will focus more on professional development.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Exploring the Future of BioManufacturing

The field of biomanufacturing is poised for significant advancements in the coming years, driven by rapid technological innovation and growing demand for biopharmaceuticals, biologics, and other biologically derived products. As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential to explore emerging trends and developments shaping the future of biomanufacturing.

Innovations in Bioprocessing Technologies

One of the key areas driving the future of biomanufacturing is the development of advanced bioprocessing technologies. From upstream cell culture processes to downstream purification and formulation techniques, continuous improvements are being made to enhance efficiency, scalability, and product quality. Novel approaches such as single-use systems, perfusion bioreactors, and advanced analytics are enabling more streamlined and cost-effective production processes.

The Rise of Personalized Medicine

Personalized medicine is another trend shaping the future of biomanufacturing. With advances in genomics, proteomics, and other omics technologies, healthcare is increasingly moving towards tailored treatments and therapies that take into account individual genetic makeup and disease characteristics. Biomanufacturing plays a critical role in enabling the production of personalized therapies, including cell and gene therapies, personalized vaccines, and custom biologics.

The Role of Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs)

As the biopharmaceutical industry continues to grow, there is a growing need for specialized expertise and infrastructure to support biomanufacturing processes. Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs) play a crucial role in providing end-to-end biomanufacturing services, from process development and optimization to large-scale production and commercialization.

In this regard, Scorpius BioManufacturing stands out as a leading CDMO, offering comprehensive solutions for biomanufacturing and bioprocessing needs. With state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced professionals, the company delivers high-quality, cost-effective manufacturing services for biopharmaceuticals and biologics.

Exploring Sustainable Biomanufacturing Practices

In addition to technological advancements, sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the field of biomanufacturing. As the global population continues to grow, there is a growing awareness of the environmental impact of industrial processes, including those in biotechnology. In response, biomanufacturers are exploring sustainable practices to minimize their carbon footprint and reduce waste.

One area of focus is the development of greener bioprocessing technologies that use renewable energy sources and minimize water usage and waste generation. For example, some companies are adopting closed-loop systems that recycle water and nutrients, reducing the need for fresh inputs and minimizing environmental impact. Additionally, the use of alternative feedstocks such as agricultural residues and algae can further enhance the sustainability of biomanufacturing processes.

Furthermore, biomanufacturers are investing in energy-efficient facilities and adopting green building practices to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. By optimizing facility design and operations, companies can significantly reduce their environmental footprint while maintaining productivity and efficiency.

Incorporating sustainable practices into biomanufacturing processes requires collaboration and innovation across the industry. Through continued research, investment, and collaboration, biomanufacturers can pave the way for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future.

Keeping Up with Industry News

Staying informed about the latest developments and trends in biomanufacturing is essential for industry professionals and stakeholders. Reputable news websites such as BioPharma-Reporter and Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News provide valuable insights and analysis on biomanufacturing innovations, regulatory updates, and industry trends. By staying abreast of these developments, stakeholders can make informed decisions and contribute to the advancement of the field.


The future of biomanufacturing holds immense promise, with continued advancements driving innovation and progress across the industry. From bioprocessing technologies and personalized medicine to the role of CDMOs and staying informed through industry news, there are numerous opportunities for stakeholders to contribute to the growth and success of biomanufacturing. By embracing innovation, collaboration, and continuous learning, we can unlock the full potential of biomanufacturing and address some of the most pressing challenges in healthcare and beyond.

Image: AIgen
by Asim BN via Digital Information World

Reddit is Slowly Getting Infested with AI Bots that is Promoting Products on the Platform

Many people all around the world add Reddit to their searches to find authentic and useful results. This practice has become so common that even Google recognized it and announced that it will use Reddit posts to train their AI. So, this means that now users will see Reddit posts and threads with AI generated content that will be made to promote different products. ReplyGuy, an AI service that automatically plug-in products on Reddit is pushing a lot auto-generated content on the platform. Some examples of it have already been seen on Reddit with one AI bot promoting a text-to-voice product called AnySpeech and another bot writing a comment about debt consolidation program and advertising Debt Freedom Now.

As per 404Media, there is also a video demo available that shows that users can write their product, name of the company and URL to advertise the product. There is also an option to choose keywords that can help the AI bot know which types of subreddits to look at while promoting the product. The video demo also shows how ReplyGuy is already replying to some subreddits and promoting the product naturally. The response then gets many upvotes and replies.

The creator of ReplyGuy, Alexander Belogubov, has also shared other bot-controlled accounts that are responding with different things all over Reddit. Belogubov also has a startup named “Stealth Marketing” that shares the ways users can advertise their products all over Reddit. The users of Reddit have always been suspicious of AI activities on the platform where an AI response looks human-like and can be seen promoting different products. But Reddit was still safe from too many bots on the platform as other social media sites have already become full of them. Reddit has already banned many AI accounts as well as the ones Alexander showed in his screenshots.

Even with all of these AI bots, Reddit has a long way to become a platform infested with AI. Many brands and companies are interested in Reddit for promoting their products to rank high on Google search. Many users on Reddit are against people creating fake stories on ChatGPT to post on Reddit and get engagements. Users of Reddit also identify and shame accounts that spam the votes and posts. A youtuber called SEO Jesus said that Reddit even has the ability to outrank top websites. ReplyGuy is doing spam and content manipulation on Reddit which should be addressed by Reddit if we want to protect the authenticity of this platform.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: New Trends in AI, How Businesses Worldwide Are Embracing Change
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

New Trends in AI, How Businesses Worldwide Are Embracing Change

A survey conducted in the summer of 2023 among more than 1,200 INSEAD alumni across different industries tells that people are not worried about AI potentially taking away their jobs but they are more worried about people misusing AI for harmful purposes. INSEAD also shows that many of the employees and businessmen across many industries and sectors have started using AI in their professional as well as personal lives.

Many survey respondents believe generative AI is more beneficial to employees than the top management as it increases the efficiency and enhances the work capabilities of those employees. Jason P. Davis, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise at INSEAD says that this survey tells us about what top management think of using AI during work. We should know more about what people think of generative AI and what are their views on incorporating it at work. This way we can help industries and companies gain more efficiency.

More than half of the respondents who are well known in top business schools said that the organizations they are working at are already using artificial intelligence technologies at work. 27% of the organizations are planning to start using AI while 21% of the organizations have no plans of using AI. The thoughts about using AI in organizations were also varying across different geographical regions. Many of the respondents worldwide were really excited about the use of AI at work but the ones in Europe said that they think AI is going to benefit organizations more than the employees.

The group of Europeans surveyed were also less likely to use generative AI as compared to respondents in Asia and North America. However, that group also admitted that they can see AGI happening faster in Europe than in parts of North America. This survey also found out that communication sectors, financial and materials’ organizations are more likely to benefit from generative AI than the employees working in those organizations. Healthcare and utility organizations think that employees and organizations will benefit equally there if AI is to be incorporated in this sector.
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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World