Friday, September 25, 2015

Quickly Detect Hacked Files via CRON/PHP: SuperScan

As a Certified Ethical Hacker, I'm fully aware that prevention is the best tactic to prevent hackers but, should one break through, the sooner you know it, the quicker you can act to limit the damage.

A while back, I presented a script called hashscan, designed to track site changes. Executed via a daily CRON, the script reads the files for a specified directory (e.g., an account’s public_html directory on a server), generates hashes (for files with specific file extensions), and compares them with the previous scan’s hashes stored in a database. It's a great way for site owners to be alerted to files that have been added, altered or deleted by a hacker.

In this article, I'll present an updated version of the script, called SuperScan.

Benefits of SuperScan

The primary benefit is that SuperScan will report any changes to files in an account whether the file change is an addition, alteration or deletion. SuperScan was designed not to overwhelm the webmaster. It only provides a report of changes since the last scan (the default is one hour, but can be configured via CRON) and a summary report (daily by default, although, again, it can be configured via CRON).

Because the scan of a 1500 file account takes ~0.75 seconds, SuperScan can be run frequently without affecting server performance.

To support forensic investigation, the file last modified date and time are held in the database, along with the hash value of the most recent scan (and prior scan for altered files).

The scanner file need not be changed, as all variables are set within a required configure script. It's in the configure script where you can select specific (or ALL) file extensions to be scanned or, if ALL, the file extensions to omit. Additionally, you may specify directories which the scanner will not scan.

While the SuperScan files can be tested within a webspace, I recommend that it be moved outside the webspace for production use via CRON to protect against casual hackers.

Finally, a curious additional benefit is that changes in (extensionless) error_log files are captured and can direct the webmaster’s attention to coding problems that have slipped through the testing procedures.

Continue reading %Quickly Detect Hacked Files via CRON/PHP: SuperScan%

by DK Lynn via SitePoint

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