Thursday, October 27, 2016

Why Learning Rails Is Still a Great Choice in 2016

Rails has been around for over 12 years. That's an eternity in any kind of technology. The list of any software-related items that have survived that long has to consist of just a few. Sitting here thinking about it, I can only come up with:

- Linux
- Vi/Vim (which I am using to write this post)

Ok, well, I seem to be terrible at lists. I am sure there's more, but the point remains: Rails has been around for ages. It has hair on it.

Knowing, as we do, that software is changing at the speed of light, especially in the web space, how can something like Rails persevere? Is there any way that it's still relevant as a web framework? I mean, with Concurrent-this and Functional-that always dominating the headlines, how is this framework based on an object-oriented language still worth learning?

Continue reading %Why Learning Rails Is Still a Great Choice in 2016%

by Glenn Goodrich via SitePoint

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