Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Writing Element Queries Today Using EQCSS

A man looking at his phone and computer screen with different inkblots on them.

This article was peer reviewed by Adrian Sandu, Giulio Mainardi and Tom Hodgins. Thanks to all of SitePoint's peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

We are all familiar with using media queries in CSS to change the appearance of an element based on screen width. Element queries are similar to media queries, however, now the responsive conditions apply to individual elements on a web page instead of the viewport. For example, you can now apply different style rules to an element based on its own width, the number of characters that it contains or how much the user has scrolled.

Why Do We Need Element Queries?

As I mentioned in the introduction, element queries can help you style elements based on a number of properties instead of just the width and height of the viewport. Other than that, there are a few other situations where the library can prove to be of great use.

Let's say you have just created a beautiful responsive layout where all the elements fit together perfectly. Now, you are asked to add another column to the web page alongside existing ones. This will reduce the space available for all columns.

Your images and text which had perfect proportions for an 800px wide column on 1366px wide viewport may not look so good inside a 600px wide column on the same viewport. In such cases, the viewport width has not changed at all but individual columns are narrower because they had to make space for the sidebar. Using element queries instead of media queries in situations like this one can save you a lot of time because you won't have to rewrite the CSS every time there is a change in the layout.

In the following demo, if we have a smaller viewport (narrower than 500px), we set the image width to 100% and move it all into a single column. However, on a larger viewport, if you click on the "Add Sidebar" button, the width of our main column reduces significantly without any change in viewport width. Therefore, the image looks too small because the viewport width has not changed.

See the Pen Adding More Columns to a Layout by SitePoint (@SitePoint) on CodePen.

Now, let's assume you are creating a widget or plugin and you are using media queries to make it responsive. The problem here is that the widget can be inside a container whose width is equal to the viewport or a container whose width is just one-fourth of the viewport. If the width of the widget depends on the width of its container, relying on the size of the viewport to style it properly won't work. Element queries can now come to the rescue! Element queries can work well here because they use the widget's own width to style it.

In the image below, the same widget has been placed twice on a web page. You can see that the viewport width is the same but the width of these two widgets is different. Since the style rules are being applied based on the width of widget, both of them fit perfectly in the layout.

Two items displaying differently in the same viewport

Continue reading %Writing Element Queries Today Using EQCSS%

by Baljeet Rathi via SitePoint

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