Thursday, April 20, 2017

A Review of SiteGround’s Migration Service

It is said that moving house may be one of the most stressful events you encounter in life. Moving your website to a new hosting provider involves similar steps: choosing a new home, planning and preparation, and the move itself. Is it possible to do it stress-free? I decided to find out.

I’ve been thinking about changing hosting providers for a while, but never made time for it. Since my websites were actually up and running, there wasn’t a sense of urgency. So I procrastinated.

It seems that a lot of people procrastinate about changing hosting providers. Here are three common reasons why:

  1. They’re not sure what type of hosting plan will give them a better experience. If that's you, check out our article What Sort of Hosting Should I Choose for My Website?
  2. They’re not sure which company will do a better job than their current provider. “Better the devil you know…” If that's you, follow the checklists in our article The Ultimate Guide to Choosing a Hosting Provider.
  3. They’re not sure what steps to take, and don’t want to make things worse by making a wrong turn. After all, you don’t migrate a website every day. In fact, you wish someone would just do it for you!

Good news. There is someone offering to do it for you. And they have a team of support people who do migrate websites every day!

SitePoint recently partnered with SiteGround as our official recommended host, and they offer such a service. In fact, they’ll migrate your first website for free.

That sounds like an offer too good to miss out on, so I decided to try it out. Here’s how it went.

Continue reading %A Review of SiteGround’s Migration Service%

by Adrian Try via SitePoint

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