A 101 Course on Crafting 404 Pages — Here’s why making an effort with a 404 page could better your site’s chances of people coming back despite the inconvenience, and how to track those errors to reduce how often people see it.
Shelby Rogers
A Netflix Web Performance Case Study — An interesting look at how Netflix worked to improve the ‘time-to-interactive’ metric on their desktop Web experience. It involved both prefetching and ripping out React.
Addy Osmani
Free: 💯 Complete Intro to Web Development, v2 — Get our complete introductory course to web development for free. This is a modern intro course where you'll go from building your first website to having the foundations to become a professional web developer.
Frontend Masters sponsor
▶ Improve Animated GIF Performance with HTML5 Video — Everyone loves a good animated GIF (right?) but the nature of the GIF format can lead to huge file sizes and more CPU used than necessary. One workaround? Use HTML5’s native video support.
Ayo Isaiah
Simple Named Grid Areas — “I think of named grid areas in CSS Grids as bring-your-own syntactic sugar. You don’t absolutely need them (..) but it can make that placement more intuitive.”
Chris Coyier
Signed HTTP Exchanges Coming to Chrome 71 — Chrome will soon experimentally support ‘Signed Exchanges’ which let sites sign web content such that the content can be verified as to where it was originally from.
Google Developers
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