Friday, November 13, 2020

A way to look up JavaScript operators

#514 — November 13, 2020

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JavaScript Weekly

10 Insights From Adopting TypeScript At Scale — A fantastic writeup (from a TC39 member, no less) of how Bloomberg (the financial media company) adopted TypeScript and now has 2,000 full-time JavaScript engineers. Curiously we also learn that Bloomberg also have their own JavaScript runtime built around the V8 engine.

Rob Palmer (TC39 and Bloomberg)

A Way to Look Up JavaScript Operators — Quick, name as many operators as you can! Got to about ten or so? This site covers about fifty with a quick explanation of each (well, except the bitwise ones).

Josh W Comeau

The Most Complete Spreadsheet Solution for JavaScript Apps — New Release: Fast enterprise JavaScript spreadsheet for delivering true spreadsheet experiences. Learn more about SpreadJS v14 including native Excel I/O, Calc Engine with 450+ functions and more. Download a free trial or view the online demos.

SpreadJS by GrapeCity, Inc. sponsor

Angular 11 Released — Are you one of the allegedly 1.7 million developers using Angular? Maybe experimental webpack 5 support, faster builds, improved hot module replacement support, and automatic inlining of fonts can tempt you onto the latest version.

Mark Techson (Google)

Babylon.js 4.2 Released: Powerful 3D Rendering EngineBabylon.js is a particularly powerful 3D rendering engine aimed at artists, game developers, and anyone with 3D ideas to explore. New to 4.2 is a new particle editor, sprite editor, texture inspector, and more. See the playground if you want a quick play.


'No More Free Work from Marak' — The creator of faker.js (a library for creating dummy data) pushing back against supporting businesses for free with his open source work has become a cause célèbre in the past week. “Pay me or fork this,” he says. Whatever your take, the topic of work vs reward in open source will remain both important and divisive.

Marak X

⚡️ Quick bytes:

📚 Tutorials, Opinions and Stories

Rethinking the JavaScript Pipeline Operator — Dan concludes “I hope that TC39 decides to reject this proposal” but it’s interesting to see how he reaches that conclusion.

Dan Shappir

Understanding Modules and import and export Statements — Modular programming demands, well, modules, and JavaScript now has built-in support for these and here’s the basics of their operation.

Tania Rascia

Is Your JavaScript Testing Stack Holding You Back? — Learn how to boost your productivity with the ultimate development workflow.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Things I Don’t Like About Vue.js (as a React Engineer) — Well, we love Vue, but to be fair to Harry, he did write What Vue.js Does Better Than React recently too ;-)

Harry Wolff

Back to Basics: Event Delegation — Events don’t just occur on the element you apply them to. Instead they go all the way down the DOM tree to the event and back up again. Christian demonstrates where this can help you out.

Christian Heilmann

How to Detect When a Sticky Element Gets Pinned — …thanks to the IntersectionObserver API.

David Walsh

Live Workshop: Getting Started with OpenTelemetry in Node.js

Lightstep sponsor

▶  How to Recreate Tic Tac Toe with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
James Q Quick

You're Probably Not Using Promise.All Enough
Sam Jarman

How to Create a Commenting Engine with Next.js and Sanity
Bryan Robinson

▶  My VS Code Setup: Must Have Configurations and Shortcuts
James Q Quick

🛠 Code & Tools

Mermaid: Markdown-'ish' Syntax for Generating Flowcharts, Sequence Diagrams, and More — Being able to ‘draw’ diagrams in a structured, text-based and have them render into something presentable is pretty appealing.

Knut Sveidqvist

jsdiff: A JavaScript Text Diffing Implementation — Can compare strings for differences in various ways including creating patches for the changes. The library is quite mature but just reached version 5.0. There’s an online demo too.

Kevin Decker

core-js 3.7.0: A Modular Standard Library and Polyfills for JS — A popular collection of polyfills covering ECMAScript features up to ES2021 level. The project has had some interesting problems recently, but releases are now flowing again.

Denis Pushkarev

CodeFix - Automatically Clean Up Technical Debt

CodeFix sponsor

React Frontload 2.0: Simple Full-Stack Data Loading for React — Do full stack data loading and state management inline in React components by writing a data loader in your component (with a hook) and it ‘just works’ with SSR and in the browser.

David Nicholas Williams

Running Vue.js in a Web Worker? — A promising prototype of running Vue.js in a Web Worker so that work is offloaded to a background thread with updates being sent back to the main thread asynchronously.

Jerzy Głowacki

Dexie.js: A Minimalistic IndexedDB Wrapper — IndexedDB is a widely supported browser API for data storage and Dexie aims to make it simpler to use (and will offer an approach for server syncing too.)

David Fahlander

Microsoft Edge Tools for VS Code — Use the Microsoft Edge Tools from within VS Code to see your site’s runtime HTML structure, alter its layout, fix styling issues as well as see your site’s network requests.

Visual Studio Marketplace

ShareDB 1.5: Realtime Database Backend Based on Operational Transformation — For when you need real time synchronization of JSON documents (such as for behind a real time collaboration app).


💻 Jobs

Senior / Intermediate Full Stack Developers (Sydney or Brisbane) — A SaaS business with phenomenal growth. True flexible working. You’ll have 5+ years in JavaScript / TypeScript, as well as production experience with AWS/Serverless.


JavaScript Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


Find Your Next Job Through Vettery — Create a profile on Vettery to connect with hiring managers at startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.


👀 A Correction

The File System Access API: Simplifying Access to Local Files — Several issues ago we mistakenly referred to this API’s spec as an ‘open standard’ when it's just a spec. It's Chrome only (for now), not a W3C standard, though it remains an interesting idea. (Thanks to reader Šime Vidas for noting our mistake and noting that the path from the WICG to a W3C standard is a long one indeed!)

Pete LePage and Thomas Steiner

by via JavaScript Weekly

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