Wednesday, July 27, 2022

What are the top 50 best and worst cities for gamers in the United States and Canada?

Are you a gamer looking for a comfortable place to enjoy your gaming experience within the affordable range? Hang on in this article, and we’ll guide you on what could be the best city for you to let you get a gaming paradise. Before doing further delay, let’s look into it.

The iGaming platform, Time2Play analyzes various cities in the U.S and Canada to discover the most suitable and least suitable places for the people belonging to the gaming community. They’ve looked at multiple parameters, including the minimum cost of living, broadband internet connection speed, the average price of pepperoni pizza, the number of gaming merchandise retailers (GameStop), and several Best Buy Stores for purchasing gaming hardware or graphic cards, etc.

These parameters are essential when deciding to relocate to a particular place. The cost of living tells how much a city is affordable and flexible for a person to live. Internet connectivity is equally important as other things because if the internet speed is below the acceptable range, it will be of no use as it will halt the gaming activity. Likewise, GameStop stores and retailer shops also play an integral part in enjoying game heaven.

Considering these parameters, Time2Play lists Raleigh as the number one city in North Carolina for gamers as it scored 65.08 on the average cost of living index, with 85Mbps internet speed, a total of 2.98 GameStop places, and 1.49 locations to purchase gaming essentials. The price of pepperoni pizza is about $7.58. Second, comes Kansas City in Missouri, with a 65.5 score on cost of living. The internet connection speed is 80Mbps (only five points less than Raleigh), GameStop 3.34 and 1.18 Buy locations for every hundred thousand residents, and $8.77 price of a pepperoni pizza. The third number ranks Cleveland, Ohio. Here, the cost of living index is 72.64, which is quite expensive, the internet speed is 47Mbps which is awful, and the average price of pepperoni pizza is $6.52. At the same time, the GameStop and Best Buy locations are 4.08 and 1.90 for every hundred thousand residents. On fourth and fifth lies Baltimore and Detroit. The average cost of living is 73.65 and 71.60 for Baltimore. In contrast, the internet speed is the same, which is 42Mbps. GameStop stores and Best Buy stores are 4.16 and 3.95 per 100k residents.

So, among the 50 highly suitable cities, Atlanta (6th), Charlotte (7th), Fresno (8th), Louisville (9th), and Milwaukee (10th). Moreover, New York City ranks 50th because of the high cost of living index of 100, worst internet speed (34Mbps), Game stores, and Best Buy locations at 0.93 and 0.14, respectively. It is suggested that gamers better avoid moving to New York because one thing that you can buy at a reasonable price is pizza at $6.92.

Moving on forward, surprisingly, Canada comes in last on the ranking list. Montreal, the second-most populous city in Canada, ranks 43rd with 69.32 costs of living, 16Mbps internet speed, 1.08 and 0.40 GameStop stores, and best Buy locations, respectively. In addition, Time2Play ranks Vancouver 45th due to its expensive standard of living (74.40), Toronto ranks 47th, Calgary 48th, and Edmonton 49th. The average cost of living is 73.28, 73.85, and 71.59, accordingly. The internet speed and Gaming essentials availability in these cities are also below average.

Time2Play characterizes these mentioned cities in the United States and Canada based on the given factors. I hope it will guide you to relocate according to your preference.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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