Thursday, August 6, 2015

20+ Docs and Guides for Front-end Developers (No. 5)

It’s that time again to choose the tool or technology that we want to brush up on. If you feel like you’ve been working hard at building but maybe not learning as much as you’d like, I’ve got your back covered.

Please enjoy the fifth installment of our Docs and Guides series and don’t forget to let us know of any others that we haven’t yet included in this or a previous post.

1. SitePoint Sass Reference

SitePoint’s very own project, a reference site based on Sass built by our resident expert Hugo Giraudel and Stu Robson, SitePoint’s Sass editor.

SitePoint Sass Reference

2. SVG viewBox and preserveAspectRatio Interactive Demo

This is an interactive page to go along with a related article series by Sara Soueidan. This demo helps readers visualize some of the concepts associated with the viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes used on SVG elements. Noteworthy also is that the demo page has an associated cheat sheet.

SVG viewBox and preserveAspectRatio Interactive Demo

3. CSS 2.1 Index List

This is a W3C document I came across recently. It’s a giant list of just about every CSS term, with links to each term or feature. In some cases the link is to a simple definition somewhere in the spec, in other cases it’s a link to that feature’s place in the spec.

CSS 2.1 Index List

Choose from different languages including JavaScript, Ruby, and PHP then this page will show you chart-based data to indicate how prevalent certain coding patterns are on GitHub-hosted projects.

Popular Coding Convention on Github

5. Dungeons and Developers

This is not an interactive game, but a RPG-like talent tree representation of web development skills, with links to various places to learn the different skills listed.

Dungeons and Developers


“If you’ve ever argued with your team about the way your JSON responses should be formatted, JSON API is your anti-bikeshedding weapon. By following shared conventions, you can increase productivity, take advantage of generalized tooling, and focus on what matters: your application.”


7. jQuery UI Events Cheatsheet

A chart that specifies which jQuery events are applicable for desktop vs mobile and mouse vs keyboard.

jQuery UI Events Cheatshee


A quick reference app to view and compare JavaScript libraries by weight with an option to view the size Gzipped or not. The app also lets you add different libraries to a “stack” (like adding to a shopping cart) so you can view your total library weight.

9. JavaScript in one pic

This a very nicely done visualization of all of JavaScript’s native features. Not exactly the most practical way to learn the language, but from scanning this you might find something interesting to do further research on.

JavaScript in one pic

10. Understanding NPM

“Since its creation, the role of npm has expanded to fulfill the broader needs of the JavaScript and Node.js developer community to include management of front-end web applications, mobile applications and other JavaScript development tools and frameworks […] This visualization is intended to help you understand the role and scope of npm.”

Understanding NPM

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by Louis Lazaris via SitePoint

Aesop Story Engine: Write Stories Instead of Code

I’m the first to admit it. I’m definitely a copywriter, a storyteller, a content marketer at heart. It’s where my passion lies. I’ve come late to the world of WordPress, web development and HTML. I’m still much more comfortable in the world of pronouns and adjectives, than that of h1's and h2's. Perhaps that is why I love WordPress so much; it enables less than technical experts (like myself) to not only build, but to manage websites. It makes the web more accessible to everyone.

So, when I stumbled upon Aesop Story Engine, it’s fair to say my interest was piqued. It almost seemed as though Aesop Story Engine’s tagline was written just for me: Write Stories Instead of Code.

After all, at the very crux of it, I use WordPress to tell stories. And here was a plugin promising to turn me into a modern day fabulist, a plugin that would let me focus on writing prose, rather than HTML. Surely it was too good to be true.

What is Aesop Story Engine?

Aesop Story Engine is, when everything else is stripped away, a free WordPress plugin. It is comprised of thirteen different components and tools, all of which have been designed to give web developers (and writers) the ability to build WordPress themes specifically for long-form storytelling.

Aesop Components

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by Sally Wood via SitePoint

Video: Classes in Swift

In this video we'll look how classes and instances of classes are made in Swift.

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by Brett Romero via SitePoint


Contrastly offers unique tools & resources for enthusiast photographers as well as thought-provoking articles about the art and techniques that make great photographers.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery


Anekdote is a themed gift guide, with well designed products handpicked every quarter. These products are an idea and a conversation; a year in the making, 10 years in the making, maybe more. They join form and function, design and craftsmanship, ele

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Uroczysko 7 Stawow

UROCZYSKO SIEDMIU STAWÓW LUXURY HOTEL & SPA to miejsce wypoczynku dla wyjątkowych Gości.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Grupo TCA

Grupo TCA es una página web que brinda soluciones tecnológicas a sus clientes. Su especialidad es consultorías TI y proveer soluciones únicas a través del desarrollo de tecnología nueva.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery