Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How to Engage With Other Facebook Pages Using Your Facebook Page


Do you use your Facebook page to like and comment on other Facebook pages? Are the recent changes making it difficult for you to engage on Facebook as your page? In this article you’ll discover how Facebook page admins and Business Manager users can continue to engage on Facebook as their page. What Facebook Changed [...]

This post How to Engage With Other Facebook Pages Using Your Facebook Page first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Kristi Hines via

Daily Messages : jQuery Custom Message Plugin

Inspired by Basecamp, Daily Messages is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a custom message for each day of the week.

The post Daily Messages : jQuery Custom Message Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Monday, May 2, 2016

Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library

Grafi.js is a library intended for learning about how image processing works. Each modules are intentionally kept small and users are encouraged to read the source code to learn about different methods and algorithms. In result, grafi may not be the most performant or the most sophisticated image processing library, but that’s the point.

The post Grafi.js : JavaScript Image Processing Library appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Bundy Bundy

Viennas famous hairdressing dynasty BUNDY BUNDY is known for combining tradition and innovation in a luxurious approach as well as their collaborations with industry leading fashion houses such as Versace, Armani, Hermés or Dolce & Gabbana.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Social Media Trends You Need To Know In 2016 - #infographic

What digital marketers can expect from social media in 2016 - infographic

Did you know that 80 percent of the global Internet traffic will be attributed to video content in 2019 and that, overall, as a percentage of global internet users, YouTube still leads in every market (but the gap is closing). 8 Billion videos are viewed on Facebook daily?

What if I told you that, orders from Pinterest on mobile devices have increased 140 percent in the last two years or that advertisers are turning to Facebook for video ads more than any other social media site?

This infographic, courtesy of HootSuite, illustrates 5 key social media trends that will impact your business in 2016.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Talking UX Careers at UX Alive! in Istanbul

Almost 20 years ago I embarked upon the same rite of passage as many young people who have completed university but not yet begun full-time work: a solo backpacking adventure around Europe.

The impact that travel has on a young adult should not be understated. Those six months that I spent travelling by plane, bus, train, boat and hitchhiking through 20 different countries expanded my perspective on life, planted seeds of possibility, and shaped my values in ways that were profound and lasting. It was, in many ways, the ultimate experience.

Upon my return, many friends and family members asked the same question: what was your highlight? What was your favourite country?

My answer was always the same: Turkey.


After following the well-trodden path of Italy and Greece during the peak tourist season, the gateway to Asia and the Middle East was a revelation for me. I’d been treated largely like just another number as I island-hopped across the Mediterranean, but the Turks welcomed me with open arms.

The sights, smells and sounds of Istanbul’s Grand Bazaar; the ghostly barren (and slightly phallic) sandscape of Cappadocia; the lush jungle intertwined with centuries-old Roman ruins and tree-top accommodation of Olympos; sunset alongside the majestic statues atop Mount Nemrut; and the sobering graveyards of Gallipoli on ANZAC Day all contributed to make my experience of Turkey one that was rich, memorable and defining. The people were welcoming, the nature was breathtaking, and the history was humbling. I developed a genuine affinity for the place.


Why am I telling you about a backpacking holiday I took 20 years ago? Well, in two weeks time I have the honour of speaking at UX Alive!, the second ever user experience conference to be held in Istanbul by the team at Userspots. It will be the first time I’ve visited Turkey since my seminal coming-of-age tour 20 years ago.

The UX Alive! conference

To say that I’m excited is somewhat of an understatement. I’m giddy, beside myself, and bursting at the seams to return to Turkey—and to meet other UXers from the region.

Matt partakes of some apple tobacco in a Turkish bar

I’ll be speaking on the first day about UX Careers, a topic Luke and I have spent a number of years researching, debating, and writing about. I’ll also be running some career counselling sessions, where I’ll be giving folks advice on everything from who to approach for a job, what to include in your portfolio, what questions to expect in interviews, and more. If you live in Turkey (or are considering taking a holiday there!) then definitely consider registering for the conference. It boasts an amazing line-up of world-class, international UX designers speaking about their craft. UX Alive! really is an event not to be missed.

  • What: UX Alive! conference and workshops
  • When: 11-13 May, 2016
  • Where: Wyndham Grand Levent, Istanbul, Turkey

Register now and get a 15% discount using the discount code ALIVE15

If you are attending the conference, please do come up and say hello. I’m a friendly guy and love meeting new people. I’d love to hear more about the state of user experience in Turkey and the surrounding region.


The post Talking UX Careers at UX Alive! in Istanbul appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Matthew Magain via UX Mastery

Web Design Weekly #233


Little Island

A little personal plug. After many months of procrastinating, designing and developing I’m happy to launch the beginning of a little side project. I hope you like what you see. (littleisland.io)

Being A Developer After 40

Adrian Kosmaczewski is a forty year old, self-taught developer. In this post he shares his story. It’s extremely inspiring and insightful. (medium.com)

The Web isn’t uniform

A great piece by Karolina Szczur that reminds us that it’s a privilege to be able to use breaking edge technologies and devices, but not to forget about basic accessibility and progressive enhancement. (medium.com)


How To Be More Organized While Designing UI

After 4 years designing Marek Minor became obsessed with tidying up and sorting information, which lead him to create a systematic approach for designing user interfaces. Great post. (medium.com)

Selling Design Systems

If you’re having trouble convincing your powers-that-be that a design system is the way forward, Daniel Mall has put down some good adivce to help you get it over the line. (danielmall.com)

Caching Best Practices

Jake Archibald explains two patterns and max-age gotchas to help us create more performant sites. (jakearchibald.com)

Things Every Designer Needs to Know about Accessibility

A set of guidelines that cover the major things you need to know in order for your products to be “design-ready” to meet the minimum of standards in Section 508 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0. (medium.com)

Conversational Interfaces

Jeremy Keith has put together various use cases to support his argument regarding the correct use of the cite element. (adactio.com)

Tools / Resources

Converting Font Icons to SVG

Keen to switch from using fonts for icons to an SVG icon system? This is your “how to” post. Thorough, concise and easily digestible. (sarasoueidan.com)

Automate your UX Design workflow with Framer, Gulp & Sketch

An indepth and pretty code heavy article. Piervincenzo Madeo explains in detail how you can design with Sketch, add animations with Framer and have it all automated using Gulp, Webpack and BrowserSync. (blog.prototypr.io)


If you have a library or an application you need to maintain that needs to work on many different versions of NodeJS, Autochecker is exactly what you are looking for. (victorbjelkholm.github.io)

Improving the Quality of Your CSS with PostCSS

In this article Pavels Jelisejevs explores how we can utilise PostCSS to help maintain a higher quality in our CSS codebase. (sitepoint.com)


An accessible dialog window library for all humans. (humaan.com)

DevTools — An Animated Journey by Umar Hansa (umaar.github.io)

19 Tips For Everyday Git Use (alexkras.com)

JS Accessibility Tool List (github.com)


Bring Your Own Team (stripe.com)

No More Tools (youtube.com)


Product Designer at Code School

Interested in designing the best user experience? Code School is seeking a user experience designer to help craft creative solutions that foster a smoother user experience and support business needs. (codeschool.com)

Technical Writer for Web Design Weekly

If you are a passionate developer or designer that is keen to write about interesting challenges, topics or tricks, please get in contact. (web-design-weekly.com)

Have an Web related position you need to fill?

Last but not least…

Front-End Performance — The Dark Side (vimeo.com)

The post Web Design Weekly #233 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly