Wednesday, June 8, 2016


A visual directory for Canberra's arts and cultural precinct. The site uses a dynamic, weather driven colour palette to reflect the mood of the precinct in the website itself.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery & Bootstrap

A simple jQuery plugin that will create a Bootstrap based Photo Gallery for your images. Supports variable height for the images and captions. An optional “modal” box with “next” and “previous” paging is also included.

The post Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery & Bootstrap appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Bootsnav : Bootstrap Menu Multi Purpose Header

Bootsnav is a multi purpose header based with Bootstrap, you can build any header style with bootsnav only with a few minutes.

The post Bootsnav : Bootstrap Menu Multi Purpose Header appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Image Replacement Techniques in the Modern Age

If you are not familiar with the concept of image replacement in CSS, consider the following scenario. Let’s say you want to display a fancy logo in your website header. Now, you might be tempted to use the typical <img> tag. That would work — however using images in such a manner will deprive your […]

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by Baljeet Rathi via SitePoint

16 Key On-Page SEO Factors That Search Engines And Users Love [INFOGRAPHIC]

16 key steps to optimize your on-page SEO [Infographic]

On-site SEO doesn't have to be difficult. In this updated infographic, created by Backlinko, you'll discover some actionable strategies that can dramatically improve your search engine traffic.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Shepherd – Guide Users Through Tour of Your App

Shepherd is a javascript library for guiding users through your app. It uses Tether, another open source library, to position all of its steps.

by via RSS Feed

How to Create a Jobs Page That Attracts the Best Candidates

Huh, maybe we should jazz up our “Jobs” page, you think, taking in the stock photos, bland description of your values and culture, and the lone quote from an employee who—oops—doesn’t even work here anymore.


But then your phone rings, and it’s one of your investors, and after that, you jump into a meeting with your engineers to discuss the features backlog, and then, you’re trying to work with a big customer who’s ready to jump ship… and next thing you know, it’s 9 P.M., you’re exhausted, and upgrading the jobs page has completely slipped your mind.

Sound familiar? The reality is, startup founders never have enough time to do everything that needs to get done. But prioritize other projects over a great “Jobs” page at your peril — because your ability to recruit the best candidates is seriously handicapped without one.

After all, most potential applicants are going to be using this section to judge your company. They’re wondering: will I fit in here? Is the work interesting and meaningful? What are the current employees like? How are the perks?

If your jobs page is generic or nondescript, it won’t answer any of those questions. Many talented people will take jobs with different startups, simply because those startups marketed themselves better.

Okay, so now you get why an engaging “Jobs” page is crucial. Read on to learn how to build one.

1. Interview Your Team Members

You could sit at your desk and brainstorm a long list of reasons why working for your startup is awesome — or you could talk to the people who actually work for your startup.

These conversations will probably surface reasons you would’ve never come up with on your own (like, “I’ve never worked on a team with so many Star Wars fanatics!”). More importantly, they’ll give you quotes for the page.

Twilio Jobs

Employee quotes have a lot of power. Imagine if Twilio had simply written “We encourage our team members to go outside their comfort zone,” rather than including a quote) from their anti-fraud and short code manager Manasa Battula saying, “My eagerness to perform outside my comfort zone has been continuously encouraged and rewarded.” Having Battula’s quote makes the sentiment far more believable.

Facebook Jobs

If you’re on a budget, you can use text quotes (ideally, with pictures of the people who provided them). However, if you have a bit more financial leeway, consider creating short videos, as Facebook has done. Video is one of the most engaging types of content, so it’ll help you create an emotional connection with potential applicants.

2. Identify Your Raison d’Etre

Okay, now you can go back to your desk, because this next step is all about you. Take 20 to 30 minutes purely thinking about why your startup exists. When you first decided to build your company, what problem were you trying to solve? Is that the same problem you’re trying to solve now? What excites you about the company? If everything goes well, what will the team and the business look like in one year? Three years? Five years?

Not only is this exercise a fantastic way to step back and make sure you’re focusing on the right things, it’ll also help you develop an inspiring one-sentence summary of your goals for the “Jobs” page.

User Testing Careers

For example, User Testing’s tagline is, “We make the world more user-friendly.”

It’s specific, but ambitious enough to make you think, Hey, I want to do that too.

Lookout Careers

Lookout’s tagline has some swagger: they’re plainly looking to attract youthful, high-energy candidates.

Whether you decide to be playful, serious, or somewhere in between, write something that no other company could use to describe itself. Many startups settle for lines like, “Join the best company in the world,” or “Come work with the smartest folks in the industry.” Since “the best” and “the smartest” are pretty subjective, lines like these are hard to take seriously.

Continue reading %How to Create a Jobs Page That Attracts the Best Candidates%

by Aja Frost via SitePoint