Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to Build a Lyrics Website with Laravel Scout and Algolia

Laravel Scout is a driver-based library for adding full-text search to Eloquent models. If you're not familiar with Laravel or Eloquent models in general, we have a good premium course available here.

In this tutorial, we will create a minimal lyrics web site using Laravel Scout and Algolia. To do so, we need a CRUD app to work with our data, and a search interface to let users search through the content. However, instead of creating the full app from scratch, let's just install the finished CRUD app that we've created for this tutorial.

Algolia is a hosted search engine API, providing us with all the tools and resources we'll ever need to create products with awesome search capabilities.

Search stock vector image

By the end of the tutorial, we'll have a product like this:


Lyrics Details Page

Bootstrapping the Application

I assume you already have your development environment up and running. However, If you need a good development environment to get into action right away, you should use Homestead Improved.

Stranger to Vagrant? Read this. Want to go more in depth? Buy our book on PHP Environments!

Feel free to skip this part if you already have a similar application or you have enough experience to build one relatively quickly.

CRUD Application

The most convenient way to download the pre-built CRUD project is to clone it:

git clone coolyrics
cd coolyrics
composer install

Setting Up the Database

Now, let's create a MySQL database. The settings below apply to the Homestead Improved environment mentioned above. Change as needed.

mysql -h localhost -u homestead -psecret
mysql> CREATE DATABASE lyrics

After the database has been created, we make a copy of .env.example (located in our project's root directory) and name it .env. This is where we put our database credentials:



# ...

Again, apply to your own preferences as needed.

Now, we run the migration command to create the tables:

php artisan migrate

Filling Up the Database with Sample Data

A lyrics website contains information about musicians and their work, and, of course, their songs' lyrics. To make a bare minimum data structure, we have created only two Eloquent models for this project, namely Artist and Song. The Artist model has a one-to-many relationship with the the Song model. This means each artist can have many songs and each song belongs to an artist in our database.

Before moving forward to the next section, you may go ahead and insert a few records into the database, starting with your favorite artists and then adding a few songs for each.

This is what we have so far:

Lyrics Songs list

You can also use the SQL file included with the project files and dump it into your database with the following command:

mysql -h localhost -u {USERNAME} -p{PASSWORD} lyrics  < /path/to/the/sql/file

You can also import the file by using your favorite MySQL management application, like Sequel Pro, MySQL Workbench or PHPMyAdmin.

Installing Scout

Let's continue by installing Scout:

composer require laravel/scout

Then, we add the service provider to $providers in the config/app.php file:


Now we need to generate the Scout's configuration file using the publish:config artisan command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"

As a result, a configuration file named scout.php is generated inside the config directory. We'll edit this file later.

To make a data model searchable, we need to use the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait inside the respective model class. That's the Song model in our case:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;

class Song extends Model
    use Searchable;

    protected $fillable = ['title', 'album', 'lyrics', 'youtube_link'];

    public function artist()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Artist');

Setting Up Algolia

As planned, we'll use Algolia as our search engine API.

First, let's create an account to obtain our application ID. Scout requires Application ID and Admin API Key to operate. After the registration is complete, we can find our credentials under API Keys in the left menu.

Algolia API Keys

Now, we open the config/scout.php configuration file and put our credentials there:

'algolia' => [
        'id' => env('ALGOLIA_APP_ID', ''),
        'secret' => env('ALGOLIA_SECRET', ''),

It's a good practice to keep the keys in .env and load them into scout.php using the env() or getenv() functions.

To use the Algolia's API, we need to install Algolia's SDK for PHP, which is also available as a Composer package:

composer require algolia/algoliasearch-client-php

Indexing Our Data

At this point, we need to create our index on Algolia. Each record in the index is a schema-less JSON object (each one represents a record in our database) with a set of attributes that can be used for searching, displaying, ranking and filtering data.

Rather than indexing the whole record, we only need to index the data needed for the above operations. This helps keep our index clean and optimized.

Apart from that, the index is not a relational database, meaning when searching through the index, we cannot use complex where clauses or SQL joins. To work around this limitation, we should define a custom structure for our index records. On the other hand, we should join all the needed tables, preparing a customized JSON object before indexing.

To do this, we override the toSearchableArray() method in the Song model (this method is added to the class by the Laravel\Scout\Searchable trait). By default, the toSearchableArray() method returns the $this->toArray() output as our index object (when sending the index record to Algolia), whereas we need additional data, like artist's name, genres and the image URL, which reside in another table - the artists table.

Here's how we do it:


namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Laravel\Scout\Searchable;

class Song extends Model
    use Searchable;

    protected $fillable = ['title', 'album', 'lyrics', 'youtube_link'];

    public function toSearchableArray()
        $genres = array_map(function($item) {
            return trim($item);
        }, explode(',', $this->artist->genres));

        return array_merge( $this->toArray(), ['artist' => $this->artist->name, 'photo' => $this->artist->photo, 'genres' => $genres]);

    public function artist()
        return $this->belongsTo('App\Artist');

Since the genres field may contain a comma-separated value in our database (it has a simple text field in our CRUD app), we separate genres using explode. Then, we iterate over the results, stripping off any unwanted spaces before and after each part - using the map() function:


// ...

$genres = array_map(function($item) {
            return trim($item);
        }, explode(',', $this->artist->genres));

// ...

Finally, we merge the output of $this->toArray() with our desired attributes, returning the final array.


// ...

return array_merge( $this->toArray(), ['artist' => $this->artist->name, 'photo' => $this->artist->photo, 'genres' => $genres]);

// ...

Why do we need to index a randomly generated string like image URL you may be wondering. We'll get to this shortly.

For the existing records in the database, we can import the index at once with the scout:import artisan command, like this:

php artisan scout:import "App\Song"

When the indexing process is completed, we can see the index on Algolia by going to Indices and choosing our index name from the drop-down menu:

Algolia Index Dropdown

Indexing is not a one-off task. After the initial import, the index needs to be kept in sync with the database. Since we're using Scout, everything is already taken care of. From now on, any time a record is inserted, updated, or deleted from the database, the respective index record will be affected accordingly - thanks to Laravel's model observers.

To learn more about how Scout manages the indexing process, have a look at the documentation.

Configuring Algolia

The next thing to do is to configure our Algolia index for optimal operation. These settings can be modified either from the dashboard or programmatically using Algolia's API.

The most important configuration options are the Searchable attributes and the Custom Ranking Attributes.

The Searchable attributes setting defines which record attributes are used for searching. The order of these attributes also matters as those at the top are considered more important and control the ranking.

Algolia Searchable Attributes

The Custom Ranking Attributes option indicates the popularity of each record which also affects the ranking. They can be anything from the number of likes, views, downloads, to comments. That said, we need to include this information in the index.

Algolia Custom Ranking

Algolia comes with plenty of configuration options. Going through each setting is beyond the scope of this tutorial. To learn more about the configuration options, you should have a look at Algolia's FAQ on configuration and relevance.

Continue reading %How to Build a Lyrics Website with Laravel Scout and Algolia%

by Reza Lavaryan via SitePoint



'Certy' is a unique and well executed Résumé WordPress theme. The long-scrolling layouts are great looking, this one below being the Designer demo. There are 15+ different section options - some highlights include intro hello, Instagram feed, skills graph, portfolio with category filter and slick pop-up project view, work timeline, references, interests, appointment calendar and a contact form. Top job this by Px-lab!

by Rob Hope via One Page Love



Hilarious, interactive One Pager for Bones, the security dog over at Drexler.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love



Beautiful One Pager announcing GlobeKit - a new product by Rally Interactive to help integrate your geo-data into a gorgeous interactive globe. Lovely touch how the numbers to the right correlate with the content scrolled on the left.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Touch Bar Preview

Minimal One Pager for a free open source app by Alexander Käßner to display your designs on the Touch Bar👆🏻

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

Building Mega Menus with Flexbox

Mega Menus with Flexbox

As you are probably aware, Flexbox has recently gained momentum with increasing browser support. It allows developers to build complex user interfaces without dealing with unwanted CSS and JavaScript hacks.

Flexbox uses a linear layout model, which allows us to lay our content horizontally or vertically without involving calculations for spacing. The flex layout reacts responsively to the elements within the container, thus requiring fewer media queries.

In this article I will make use of this layout model to build a mega navigation menu and in the process you’ll see how simple it is to build and extend user interface components with flexbox.

I won’t discuss individual Flexbox properties in detail here, but instead the focus will be on the practical use of the features. For a basic introduction to Flexbox, please refer the following resources:

What Are We Building?

To get an idea of what I'll be showing you how to build, take a look at the full-screen CodePen.

This tutorial is divided into three parts:

  1. Building the navigation bar: Using flexbox to build a simple navigation bar for our imaginary e-commerce platform
  2. Building a single drop-down section
  3. Limiting a single drop-down section to three columns

Building the Navigation Bar

The markup for the navigation bar is simple. I will handle everything with two classes (navbar and menu) for the sake of this demo. The CSS here will exclude any styles unrelated to the tutorial.

[code language="html"]
<nav class="navbar">
<ul class="menu">
<a href="#">
<!-- FontAwesome icon -->
<i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>

<!-- ... More nav items here... -->


The navbar class is responsible for centering our navigation bar in the available space, but I’m going to focus on the menu class where I will use flexbox.

I want my navigation items to be laid out horizontally. Also, I want each item to be spaced equally and shrink as needed if there is not enough space.

First, I need to establish a flex formatting context on the .menu element, which I’ll do with display: flex. Now, all the direct children of the .menu element (which is the flex container) will be flex items.

Next, I want the menu items to be equal in width. I’ve added flex: 1 to make them grow uniformly with equal width. Here is the code:

[code language="css"]
.navbar .menu {
display: flex;
position: relative;

.navbar .menu li {
flex: 1;
display: flex;
text-align: center;

.navbar .menu a {
flex: 1;
justify-content: center;
color: #ffffff;
padding: 20px;

Looking at the code, you might be wondering why I repeated display: flex for all the flex items (.navbar .menu li).

In the demo, when you hover over a menu item, its background color changes. If I don’t set the display property of the flex items to flex, then only the li elements will have equal width and not the content inside them (i.e. some highlighted part will be clickable and others will not).

Continue reading %Building Mega Menus with Flexbox%

by Kalpesh Singh via SitePoint

Lisa App

Lisa App

Launching soon page for an app called Lisa that uses an algorithm to chose the most engaging photo (for Instagram) out the options you give her 🤔 The One Pager was build with the powerful Slides 3 Framework by Designmodo.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love