by via Mobile Dev Weekly
"Mr Branding" is a blog based on RSS for everything related to website branding and website design, it collects its posts from many sites in order to facilitate the updating to the latest technology.
To suggest any source, please contact me: Taha.baba@consultant.com
Lovely little One Pager for PixelSnap – a macOS app that helps you measure everything on your screen. Really enjoy how to-the-point the video is within the MBP that leaves no room for confusion. Final shout-out to the full explainer video – incredibly well done.
Long-scrolling One Pager listing resolutions of the team over at Strategies marketing agency, encouraging you to join them in the challenges. The typography is a little weak but the character animations are fun and this is a great reference of strengthening your team, brand and relationship with your clients
Portfolio website for freelance designer Adrian Nitisor, using hand drawn artwork, animation and storytelling to effortlessly guide the user through the desired content.