Wednesday, August 8, 2018

9 of the Best Animation Libraries for UI Designers

This is the latest update to our guide to helping you choose the right animation library for each task. We're going to run-through 9 free, well-coded animation libraries best-suited to UI design work — covering their strengths and weaknesses, and when to choose each one.

Take your CSS animations to the next level with our Animating with CSS course by Donovan Hutchinson, the man behind CSS Animation Rocks.

Front-end web design has been through a revolution in the last decade. In the late naughties, most of us were still designing static magazine layouts. Nowadays, we're building “digital machines” with thousands of resizing, coordinated, moving parts.

Quite simply, great UI designers need to be great animators too — with a solid working understanding of web animation techniques.

Keep in mind that we're looking at each library from the perspective of a code-savvy UI designer, not as a “code guru” developer. Some of these libraries are pure CSS. Others are JavaScript, but none require anything more than basic HTML/CSS understanding to be useful. Link the library; add a CSS class.

Quite simply, great UI designers need to be great animators with a rock-solid understanding of the underlying tech.

This is the latest update to our guide to helping you choose the right animation library for each task. We're going to run-through 9 free, well-coded animation libraries best-suited to UI design work – their strengths and weaknesses and when to choose each one.

Some are pure CSS. Others are JavaScript, but none require anything more than basic HTML/CSS understanding to be used.


The 2017 Top 9 Animation Libraries List

  1. Animate.css
  2. Bounce.js
  3. AnimeJS
  4. Magic Animations
  5. DynCSS
  6. CSShake
  7. Hover.CSS
  8. Velocity.js
  9. AniJS


Animate.css is one of the smallest and most easy-to-use CSS animation libraries available. Applying the Animate library to your project is as simple as adding the required CSS classes to your HTML elements. You can also use jQuery to call the animations on a particular event.


  • Creators: Daniel Eden
  • Released: 2013
  • Current Version: 3.5.2
  • Most Recent Update: April 2017
  • Popularity: 41,000+ stars on GitHub
  • Description: "A cross-browser library of CSS animations. As easy to use as an easy thing."
  • Library Size: 43 kB
  • GitHub:
  • License: MIT

As of mid-2017, it still one of the most popular and widely-used CSS animation libraries and its minified file is small enough (16.6kb) for inclusion in mobile websites as well. It has 41,000 stars on Github and is used as a component in many larger projects.

Animate.css is still under active development after 4 years. We feel that this is one of the simplest and most robust animation libraries and would definitely recommend you to use this in your next project.


Bounce.js is a tool and javascript library that focusses on providing a selection of unique bouncy CSS animations to your website.


This project is open-source with its code on GitHub.

  • Creators: Tictail
  • Released: 2014
  • Current Version: 0.8.2
  • Most Recent Update: Feb 2015
  • Popularity: 4,967+ stars on GitHub
  • Description: "Create beautiful CSS3 powered animations in no time."
  • Library Size: 16 kB
  • GitHub:
  • License: MIT

Bounce.js is a neat animation library shipped with about ten animation 'pre-sets' – hence the small size of the library. As with animate.css, the animations are smooth and flawless. You might want to consider using this library if your needs focus on 'pop and bubble' animation types and could benefit from a lower file size overhead.


AnimeJS is described as a lightweight JavaScript animation library that 'works with any CSS Properties, individual CSS transforms, SVG or any DOM attributes, and JavaScript Objects'. It's pretty awesome – so awesome in fact, that the GIF capture I took below can't do justice to how smooth and buttery the motion is.


This project is available on GitHub.

AnimeJS is only newcomer to our list but has won a lot of converts in the 12 months since it's creation. It's incredibly versatile and powerful and wouldn't be out of place being used within HTML games. The only real question is 'is it overkill for simple web apps'?

Maybe, but as its fast, small and relatively easy to learn, it's hard to find fault with it.

Magic Animations

Magic Animations has been one impressive animation libraries available. It has many different animations, many of which are quite unique to this library. As with Animate.css, you can implement Magic by simply importing the CSS file. You can also make use of the animations from jQuery. This project offers a particularly cool demo application.

Magic Animations

The post 9 of the Best Animation Libraries for UI Designers appeared first on SitePoint.

by Alex Walker via SitePoint

What's new in the Chrome 69 beta (lots)

#352 — August 8, 2018

Read on the Web

Frontend Focus

What Happens When You Create a Flexbox Flex Container? — Rachel Andrew unpacks how flexbox works in detail, starting with a look at what actually happens when you add display: flex to your stylesheet.

Smashing Magazine

Well-Controlled Scrolling with CSS Scroll Snap — An introduction to CSS ‘Scroll Snap’ features (API shipping in Chrome 69) which allow developers to create well-controlled scroll experiences by declaring scroll snapping positions for things like carousels and paginated articles.

Robert Flack and Majid Valipour

The Future of JavaScript: 2018 and Beyond — What is the state of the JavaScript ecosystem? This whitepaper offers our future-looking analysis and predictions about the latest in JavaScript. We also look back at all the craziness from 2017 and neatly tie it together with a bow. Download now.

Progress Kendo UI sponsor

Creating a Sticky, Smooth, Active Navigation Bar — Walks through the creation of an elegant sidebar for single page navigation that automatically updates the current item based on scroll position.

Chris Coyier

Chrome 69 Now in Beta: What's New? (Tons.) — Chrome 69 introduces a lot of new features of interest to developers, from several new CSS features (including conic gradients, new margin and padding properties, plus display cutouts), as well as OffscreenCanvas, the Keyboard Map API, the Web Locks API, and, yes, even more.


CSS Grid Level 2 Updated: Subgrid Specification Completed — The CSS Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of CSS Grid Layout Level 2 that contains the much awaited ‘subgrid’ feature.


js13kGames: The HTML5 and JS Game Development Competition Is Back — Always a fun contest with some interesting results. You’re limited to 13KB for all code and assets. It runs August 13-September 13.

Andrzej Mazur

The Cost of JavaScript in 2018 — A detailed write-up of thoughts and findings on how much effect JavaScript has on page sizes and performance and some ways to improve matters.

Addy Osmani

Blink Intent to Ship: Support for WebSockets Over HTTP/2 — Currently if a WebSocket is requested from an HTTP server, a new HTTP/1.1 connection must be established even if there is an active HTTP/2 connection. Work is being done to change this.


Your Site's Body Text is Too Small — Why website body text should be bigger, and ways to optimize it.

Christian Miller

💻 Jobs

Front-end Designer With Strong UI/UX Focus — Help our growing team build amazing tools, games and websites used by thousands of people every day. Near Oxford and/or UK remote.

Helical Levity

Find A FrontEnd Job Through Vettery — Create a profile to connect with 4,000+ companies seeking top tech talent.


📘 Tutorials

How to Build a Location-Aware Form with Google Maps and Materialize

Eugene Ambass

Getting Started with Material Design Components for the Web — MDC Web is the successor to Material Design Lite.

Mustafa Kurtuldu (Google)

A Primer on Front-End Automation — Walmart does a lot of automated front-end testing and this post introduces us to their tooling and approach.

Nidhi Sadanand

How to Reduce Page Load Speed and Latency with a CDN — CDNs offload bandwidth, reduce load times, improve performance, and lower infrastructure costs. Learn more.

DigitalOcean sponsor

Over 100 Curated Resources for Learning CSS — Lots of good links here, many of which we’ve linked before.

Kevin Ball

Create Interactive Gradient Animations Using Granim.js

Monty Shokeen

Don't Miss SIGNAL: Twilio Customer & Developer Conference - Oct 17 & 18

twilio sponsor

The Complete Illustrated Flexbox Tutorial

Greg Sidelnikov

🔧 Code and Tools

Isometric iPhones — A buttery-smooth animation featuring an endless stream of CSS-created phones.

Jon Kantner demo

CSS Filter Playground — This playground environment lets you play and learn about 10 CSS filters including sepia() and blur().

Dat Nguyen

Web Typography Resources for Designers and Developers — A well curated list of web typography related apps, tools, plugins and other resources.

Matej Latin

Developer Tools for Every Customer Session – New in FullStory

Fullstory sponsor

Mavo: A New, Approachable Way to Create Web Applications — Create apps by just writing HTML and CSS without any JavaScript at all. Being built at MIT CSAIL by a team led by Lea Verou.

Haystack Group MIT CSAIL

A Slide Out 'Irregular Grid' Box Menu — Another neat UI concept from Codrops — this time it’s an expanding grid of items that reveal from the top right corner. Demo here.

Mary Lou

Teutonic CSS: A Versatile, Modern 12KB CSS Framework

Frank Lämmer

by via Frontend Focus

Examples of Dependency Injection in PHP With Symfony Components

In this article, we'll look at some examples of using the Symfony DependencyInjection component. You'll learn the basics of dependency injection, which allows cleaner and more modular code, and you'll see how to use it in your PHP application with the Symfony component.

What Is the Symfony DependencyInjection Component?

The Symfony DependencyInjection component provides a standard way to instantiate objects and handle the dependency management in your PHP applications. The heart of the DependencyInjection component is a container which holds all available services in the application.

During the bootstrapping phase of your application, you're supposed to register all services in your application into the container. At the later stage, the container is responsible for creating services as required. More importantly, container is also responsible for creating and injecting dependencies of services.

The benefit of this approach is that you don't have to hard code the process of instantiating objects since dependencies will be detected and injected automatically. This creates a loose coupling between parts of your application.

In this article, we'll explore how you can unleash the power of the DependencyInjection component. As usual, we'll start with installation and configuration instructions, and we'll implement a few real-world examples to demonstrate the key concepts.

Installation and Configuration

In this section, we'll go ahead and install the DependencyInjection component. I assume that you've already installed Composer in your system as we'll need it to install the DependencyInjection component available at Packagist.

So go ahead and install the DependencyInjection component using the following command.

That should have created the composer.json file that should look like:

We'll also install a few other components that will be useful in our examples.

If you want to load services from a YAML file instead of defining it in the PHP code, it's the Yaml component that comes to the rescue as it helps you to convert YAML strings to PHP compatible data types and vice versa.

Finally, we'll install the Config component which provides several utility classes to initialize and deal with configuration values that are defined in different types of file like YAML, INI, and XML. In our case, we'll use it to load services from the YAML file.

Let's modify the composer.json file to look like the following one.

As we've added a new classmap entry, let's go ahead and update the composer autoloader by running the following command.

Now, you can use the Services namespace to autoload classes under the src directory.

So that's the installation part, but how are you supposed to use it? In fact, it's just a matter of including the autoload.php file created by Composer in your application as shown in the following snippet.

How to Work With a Container

In this section, we'll go through an example to demonstrate how you could inject services into a container. A container should act as a central repository which holds all services in your application. Later on, we could use the container to fetch services from as needed.

To start with, let's go ahead and define a pretty basic service at src/DemoService.php with the following contents.

This is a very simple service which just implements the helloWorld method for the moment.

Next, go ahead and create the basic_container.php file with the following contents in the root of your application.

To start with, we initialized the ContainerBuilder object with the new ContainerBuilder() constructor. Next, we've used the register method of the ContainerBuilder object to inject our custom service \Services\DemoService into the container. The demo.service acts as an alias to our service.Finally, we've used the get method of the ContainerBuilder object to fetch our service from the container and used it to call the helloWorld method.

So that was a basic demonstration of how to work with a container. In the next section, we'll extend this example to explore how the class dependencies are resolved using a container.

A Real-World Example

In this section, we'll create an example which demonstrates how class dependencies are resolved using the DependencyInjection component.

To demonstrate it, we'll create a new service DependentService which requires the DemoService service, created in the previous section, as a dependency. Thus, we'll see how the DemoService service is automatically injected as a dependency when the DependentService service is instantiated.

Go ahead and create the src/DependentService.php file with the following contents to define the DependentService service.

As you can see, the \Services\DemoService service is required in order to instantiate the DependentService service.

Next, go ahead and create the di_container.php file with the following contents.

We're using the same register method to inject our custom service \Services\DependentService into the container.

In addition to that, we've also used the addArgument method to inform the container about the dependency of the DependentService service. We've used the Reference class to inform the container that it needs to inject the demo.service service when the dependent.service service is initialized. In that way, a dependency is automatically injected as needed!

Finally, we've used the get method of the ContainerBuilder object to fetch the dependent.service service from the ContainerBuilder object and used it to call the helloWorld method.

In this way, the DependencyInjection component provides a standard way to instantiate objects and inject dependencies in your application.

How to Dynamically Load Services Using the YAML File

In this last section, we'll explore how you could dynamically load services from the YAML file. Basically, we'll update the example from discussed in the previous section.

In addition to the DependencyInjection component, we'll also need two more Symfony components to implement the YAML example—Config and Yaml. Recall that we've already installed these two components in the Installation and Configuration section along with the DependencyInjection component itself. So, we're good to go!

Go ahead and create the services.yaml file with the following contents in the root of your application.

As you can see, it's pretty straightforward to define services using the YAML syntax. To define dependencies of your service, you'll need to use the arguments key.

Next, go ahead and create the di_yaml_container.php file with the following contents.

Everything is pretty much the same except that we're loading services from the services.yaml file instead of defining it in the PHP code itself. This allows the application dependencies to be defined dynamically.


The Symfony DependencyInjection component took the center stage in this tutorial. We saw how to install and configure DependencyInjection, as well as some real-world examples of how it can be used.

I'm really fascinated and excited about the decoupled components of the Symfony framework that you can just pick and choose for your application. Plug them into your code and they just work! All in all, I can only see benefits of this new framework approach for our PHP community!

Share your thoughts and suggestions using the feed below. I'd love to discuss with you further!

by Sajal Soni via Envato Tuts+ Code

Amaze : HTML5 Responsive Bootstrap 4 Template

Amaze is a responsive wordpress theme built on Twitter Bootstrap. It contains 39+ unique pages that can be customized for any business or creative agency, it also looks great as a blog. Designed from mobile up so your site will look great from 1200px down to iPhone!

  • HTML5 and CSS3
  • Bootstrap 4.1
  • Grid System and Responsive Design
  • Touch Swipe Support
  • Animated Layers Slider
  • Blog Pages (Not Functional)
  • SEO Optimized
  • Over 500 Icons Fonts(Font Awesome & Glyphicons)
  • 39 HTML Pages
  • Google Fonts Support
  • Working PHP Contact Form
  • Responsive Pricing Tables
  • Responsive Sorting Gallery in Grid & Masnory Style
  • New pages for Shopping and Cart.
  • Blog Page in Classic & Masnory Style
  • Bootstrap Components Compatible
  • Twitter & Flickr Feeds
  • All files are well commented and organized
  • Crossbrowser Compatible (Firefox, Google Chrome, IE, Safari)

Note : Image which are used in demo of the template are not included in the download package.


The post Amaze : HTML5 Responsive Bootstrap 4 Template appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Blockchain Secures No. 1 Position In The Q2 Of 2018 On Fastest-Growing Skills Index In U.S.

According to the world's largest freelancing website, Upwork, blockchain has managed to secure the No. 1 spot on fastest-growing skills index in the U.S. freelance market. The craze for crypto business continues to evolve as blockchain takes over Google Cloud Platform, Risk management,...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

CSS Timeline Style 40

The post CSS Timeline Style 40 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Product Grid Style 1

The post Product Grid Style 1 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery