Monday, December 9, 2019

The Significant Increase In Social Media Impersonation Attacks And How To Protect Yourself From Them

Social media impersonation attacks are on the rise and this time these have been reported with great concern by the security community and progressive organizing world. The target seems to be extracting the phone numbers of people who have admin access to the big organization social media accounts....

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by Daniyal Malik via Digital Information World

Frequent Facebook Use Leads to Higher Number of Ad Preferences

Facebook earns most of its money by providing brands and marketing agencies with a platform on which they can run their advertising campaigns. However, it doesn’t just provide a blank canvas upon which agencies can do whatever they please. Much on the contrary, Facebook wants to try and compile...

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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

Product Grid Style 95

The post Product Grid Style 95 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

CSS Text Effect Style 58

The post CSS Text Effect Style 58 appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Study Reports Higher Engagement for Business Listing in Search Results

A big part of the business model of a search engine has to do with giving visibility to another business. For example, if you have opened up a pizza place you would ideally want to try and get as many people to visit this place as possible. Now, you can put up ads and spread flyers all you want,...

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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

Does social media actually make you happy?

The majority of studies conducted in the past have suggested that limiting social media time can have a positive impact on one’s life. In fact, many people have exclaimed that they were able to build better relationships when their phones weren’t’ around. However, a recent study says that...

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by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

Consumers Are Concerned & Confused About Online Data Privacy - Survey Proves!

We have been constantly hearing about it - the matters of online privacy and personal data protection. It is the hot topic for discussion everywhere and fortunately enough, consumers are finally very much concerned about keeping their private things safe. However, with all the goodness, a lot of...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Daniyal Malik via Digital Information World