Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Mind-Blowing Hacks Revealed That Leading YouTubers Use To Hook Their Viewers

YouTube is a platform that’s cherished by so many people and it’s safe to say that some videos are definitely more addictive than the rest.

But, did you ever wonder why that may be? What are some of the leading strategies used by content creators that leave you hooked for days? Well, we thought it would be interesting to dive down deep and figure out what experts have to say.

To make it simpler, experts have divided the hack into the basics, those that are necessary, and then the simply impressive ones.

Stop overestimating the stakes of getting your message across

To begin with, you need to nail your basics. And believe it or not, the biggest problem with video creators is how they’re super excited to begin recording. They look the part and hit record but wait, things begin to go downhill immediately from there.

They struggle from the moment they start because they’ve got all sorts of negativity running through their minds. Will my information be misinterpreted? Do my facts have enough credibility? What if some start arguing over my opinions? Wow, that’s a lot of stress and anxiety to kickstart any project, don’t you agree?

Obviously, body language goes a long way when it comes to YouTube and experts believe your viewers can immediately catch up on the negativity and fear- giving rise to deleterious results.

Hand gestures make all the difference in the world

But is there a solution to rid the anxiety? Well, after analyzing some of the most popular YouTubers online, it’s safe to say that your hand gestures go a long way in effective delivery, make you easy on the eyes, and help deliver your message the right way.

Remember, the body has been naturally designed to adapt to stress and danger through these mechanisms so there’s plenty of evidence behind the disguising of anxiety by leaving your palms open too and exposing those vital organs.

Other studies have delineated how hand movements don’t just keep viewers engaged and make expressing your words easier, but they also allow you to control the rhythm of your speech and ensure the speaker can gather their thoughts easily. The end result, well, your viewer actually wants to hear what you have to say.

Make sure your users actually understand your words on a level that you intend

By emphasizing certain words in a sentence, you can actually make viewers want to hear what you’ve got to say. It just instills a newfound excitement that is rarely seen when you’re speaking in a monotonous tone, where everything sounds plain and boring.

Believe it or not, experts use this retention hack all of the time to make sure their viewers hear what they’ve got to say and stay engaged.

Telling the world that you’re not the star of your own channel is the way to go

As bizarre as it may sound, some of the world’s leading YouTubers actually don’t prefer going over the top or portraying the 150% version of themselves. Instead, they keep it simple and continue with the unique factor that made them famous in the first place.

This way, creators ensure they target what it is that makes their audiences love them even more, leaving them hooked as going over the top doesn’t necessarily make videos better.

Instead of making yourself more interesting and portraying yourself as the star, how about focusing on bettering the content, which is why users tune in. The key is to avoid overpowering and be consistent while staying true to yourself.

Always make sure there’s something fun and innovative happening

Sound effects, gimmicks, hand movements, and pulling out props that relate to your content add a whole new level of dynamics to a video. Remember, you’ve got to retain your audience’s attention and it’s not simple.

At the end of the day, what viewers see on camera should be nothing less than a show. It should be a whole experience that allows them to connect on a level that’s so much deeper than solely what words could achieve.

H/T: Film Booth

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by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

24% of Gen Z Willing to Pay to Get Rid of Ads

Driving in-app purchases was never a priority for most apps in the previous decade because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up hampering user growth. In spite of the fact that this is the case, the reality that most revenue streams have hit a saturating point has necessitated the shift to in app purchases even among apps that were traditionally reliant on advertising.

A survey conducted by IronSource revealed that ad removal might be an excellent driver of this new revenue stream, and that has much to do with the increasing influence of Gen Z. With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that 24% of Gen Z user stated that they would be willing to pay a one time fee so long as it allowed them to use their favorite apps ad free.

Interestingly, this trend holds for gaming consumers as well with all things having been considered and taken into account. Games have a wide array of in app purchases, but in spite of the fact that this is the case they still use ads to bolster their income. Gamers often want a seamless type of experience, and being able to pay for ad removal can be a big help on that front.

The likelihood that a consumer would be willing to pay for an app is rather low, with about a third of respondents saying that they never download an app that they need to pay for. However, 28% said that they make occasional purchases, and that can really add up in the long run.

20% of mobile gamers stated that they are willing to pay up to $5, and an additional 18% cited $1 as their limit. Meanwhile, non-gamers showed similar levels of interest with 20% stating that $5 was a decent amount and a further 15% willing to pay up to a dollar. User experience is becoming a valuable thing to invest in, and apps would do well to remain cognizant of that moving forward.


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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

Google’s Health Equity Summit Goes Live With The Aim Of Helping Billions Lead A Better Life

Google just recently set the stage for its live Health Equity Summit. Here, an array of topics related to the organization’s drive to provide billions with equal access to healthcare was described.

Thousands joined in via Livestream to see what updates were in store as the company shed light on how it provides so many users with the quickest and most convenient ways to gain information about health.

Google Search would now be in the process of a launch for features that give users the chance to look for the best Government based benefit programs in the US. This includes Medicaid which is an initiative that covered 25% of Americans.

Next in line was YouTube and how it would soon be launching its own program in collaboration with a famous Foundation of the Kaiser Family. This way, it hoped to provide the support that various organizations needed to communities that were under-sourced or minorities in society.

Google also shared how it was now going to expand a new program with a research initiative to better provide assistance to groups suffering from health disparities. This would best be viewed as an expansion of the company’s Fitbit Health Equity project from the previous year.

Google’s Director of Health Equity then revealed how his experience as a health care provider and academician has given him the chance to work alongside different communities that have been deprived of basic rights to healthcare. This has to do with factors such as their geographical location, socioeconomic status, and their identity in this world.

Similarly, Dr. Ivor Horn explained how he’s been able to witness technology connecting various people to key information and similar tools needed to get back on track with health. This also allowed healthcare professionals to provide them with better access to healthcare toward them.

Today, it’s a whole new ballgame at Google where the company is focusing on a combination of technology, goods, and the latest research developments to assist billions to get the best in healthcare. And that includes those communities that are historically stripped of this basic human right for decades.

The summit featured the best professionals including experts from the healthcare industry, researchers, and those in charge of making policies. While some were from Google, others arose from the outside world, making up a perfect blend of individuals united for one cause- health equity.

A lot of issues were discussed related to health and how important of a tool the right information can be in connecting others to care that’s suitable for them. The right type of information can bridge gaps and help foster equal care for all.

Remember, all types of people make use of Google’s services to get the right type of information related to their health. And the search engine giant adds that it's been working hard to ensure the most authentic and relevant facts are out there. This way, everyone gets a chance to access information based on their needs.

The right search features give people the care they need, and now, Google has even invited applicants from the US to take part in a wonderful research program. The tech giant is inviting researchers hailing from various educational institutions to submit proposals linked to health equity.

Those chosen would get the chance of winning cool prizes like credit on Google Cloud and even the best Fitbit devices or an opportunity for funding. And like the firm says, there are no shortcuts in life to equal healthcare access.

It’s a combination of trust and long-term efforts that will bring fruitful results and Google is taking steps to ensure it happens.

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by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

Monday, September 12, 2022

Mobile Market Starts to Democratize As Top 1% Publishers See Revenue Shares Shrink

The top 1% of mobile app publishers that put up apps on the Google Play Store as well as the App Store are seeing their dominance recede somewhat. They still receive 91% of the total revenue generated by all apps, but in spite of the fact that this is the case their share of this revenue has started to shrink with all things having been considered and taken into account.

This top 1% received around 79% of the 72 billion total app downloads across both app stores, but with all of that having been said and now out of the way it is important to note that the 21% received by the other 99% is far higher than it was three years ago. This trend was exactly the same when only gaming apps were factored in, although the monopoly was considerably more pronounced for other app categories.

Back in 2019, the top 1% of app publishers received 95% of the total revenue generated by this industry. Over the next two years, this share dropped by 4 points which suggests a higher level of democratization than might have been the case otherwise. The majority of this decline occurred over the previous year, and it will be interesting to see how the rest of the decade plays out because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up making the state of the industry a lot clearer.

The time is ripe for new apps and their developers to make their mark on the industry. Most established apps are trying to come up with new sources of revenue, and this is increasing competition both for them as well as for smaller developers.

Overall, 183,000 publishers split around $4 billion in revenue. While that falls short of the $41 billion generated by the top 1%, it still shows that there is some profit to be had by targeting niche markets. The game is starting to change, and new apps have the ability to get their foot in through the door such as TikTok managed to do.
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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

65% of Consumers Are Unhappy With Customer Experiences, New Survey Reveals

The pandemic caused a lot of changes both in personal as well as professional lives, but no aspect of human society was chanted quite as fundamentally as consumer behavior. Customers are notorious for not being fully cognizant of what they want, but in spite of the fact that this is the case there are some trends that can be noted in the post pandemic era with all things having been considered and taken into account.

A research company by the name of Broadridge conducted a survey back in November of 2021, and with all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that this survey revealed that a majority of customers in North America are currently unsatisfied with how their customer experiences are being provided. Back in 2019, around 35% of consumers stated that they felt like businesses needed to improve the customer experiences they were offering, and this has increased almost twofold to 65% in 2021.

Additionally, only about 11% of consumers who responded to this survey rated their customer experiences as being excellent. 86% of consumers stated that a single bad experience with a brand would lead to them switching to a different brand entirely, and 83% would be enticed into switching brands if there was a potential for improved experiences.

Brands don’t get a second chance when it comes to the customer experience. They need to work on improving things in that arena because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up keeping them profitable in these uncertain times.

As per Hyken study, 75% of consumers share good experiences with friends and family, which means that brands can obtain considerable word of mouth marketing by focusing on this aspect of their strategy. 70% also said that they are willing to pay a bit more as long as this secures a good experience for them. Brands can use this to boost profit margins which can help pay for the expenses of improving customer experiences across the board and it is high time that they do so.
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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

New Research Shows 45% of Gen Z Faces Cyberbullying Online

While bullying has been an aspect of human interaction since time immemorial, the rise of the internet took this phenomenon to previously unseen heights with all things having been considered and taken into account. Electronic devices that are connected through the internet can be highly useful sources of information, but in spite of the fact that this is the case they can also expose users to all kinds of cyberbullying that might negatively impact their mental health.

With all of that having been said and now out of the way, it is important to note that the team at Atlas VPN has recently done some research which revealed that around 45% of Gen Z users face some kind of cyberbullying during their time online. The research involved a survey of over 2,500 students, or 2,546 to be precise, and much of this data also came from statistics provided by the Cyberbullying Research Center.

One thing to note about this research is that it has shown a marked increase in cyberbullying since 2014. Back in 2014, around 34.6% of survey respondents cited facing cyberbullying on social media and other types of internet platforms. This means that in just 8 years the incidents of cyberbullying have risen by over 10 percentage points.

However, most of this growth was seen in just two years. Cyberbullying reports fell over two years to just 33.6% in 2016, and they went up to 36.5% by 2019. That means that in the interim between 2019 and April 2021 when this data was collected, cyberbullying saw an unprecedented rise among Gen Z.

A lot of this increase can be attributed to the global pandemic because of the fact that this is the sort of thing that could potentially end up trapping people in their homes with no outlet for their frustration and vitriol. While that may certainly be the case, it doesn’t change the reality that the internet allows people to vent their hostility under an anonymous guise, and that allows them to dehumanize their targets as well as escape any consequences for their aggression and malicious intent.
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by Zia Muhammad via Digital Information World

The List For The Most Downloaded And Highest Earning Apps In August 2022 Is Out And Here Are The Results

The list of the most downloaded and highest-earning apps in August 2022 is out. And while some stats stayed the same, there were quite a few noticeable changes too. Let's look at downloads first.

App Intelligence firm AppFigures managed to crunch the numbers and set out a rankings list. And it was the popular app BeReal that did shine. It wasn’t the most popular app, but figures shed light on its growing popularity.

On the other hand, it was TikTok that reigned supreme again, and we weren’t surprised one bit as it overtook archrival Instagram for the second time. The latter is busy trying to copy BeReal so that’s a rather interesting fact. But it might be doing some good as nearly 57 million downloads had been recorded for this month only.

The Most Downloaded Apps in August

BeReal has been crowned the top application in Apple’s App Store for the past month. But this time around, it stands at number 8, getting around 10 million more downloads in August for the App Store only. We failed to notice the same popularity across Google’s Play Store though.

Another striking change was the entry of a new QR scanner app that many claim to be unknown. It snuck into the list for Google’s Play Store’s top 10.

The reason why we’re calling the entry interesting is that most Android devices have the native capability of deciphering QR codes. Hence, the fact that the app is being used is definitely interesting, don’t you think?

When you combine the list, you’ll see the common icons of apps from Meta, Google, and TikTok arise so no surprises there. So it’s more or less like a repeat of what we witnessed in July. As a whole, the figures came out to be 348 million in terms of new users being added across various apps and that’s a tad bit lower than what we saw in July.

Moving on to the apps that earned the most in the US in August, there were some noticeable changes. Here is where App Intelligence broke some good news and some bad ones too.

Let’s start with the good. As a whole, more revenue was generated but the shocking part is how the list is more or less a complete replica of last month.

Tinder thankfully wasn’t the app that made the most revenue this time. Instead, HBO Max clinched the top position with almost $51 million of the total revenue this month through both stores. So that is probably the only major change that was noticed.

The top 5 included the usual likes of YouTube and Tinder, closely followed by TikTok and Bumble. All of these social media giants managed to earn more this month than they did in the previous one but nothing was a major change.

It was definitely shocking and interesting to see LinkedIn continue to hold on and go strong, making the list at number 10 again! We also saw Disney+ make the list but enter the top 5, despite being a major archrival for HBO Max.

As a whole, the apps generated $323 million, just slightly higher than July.

HBO Max Breaks Ahead of Disney+ – The Highest Earning Apps in August

H/T: AppFigures.

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by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World