Monday, September 9, 2024

Missing Crucial Facebook Updates? Learn How to Organize Your Feed in Just Minutes!

Facebook feeds, appearing on your Facebook page, are usually based on your Facebook activity. Which page you have searched, spent time scrolling on or, friends you have interacted with, or groups that you have been to frequently, becomes the source of your Facebook feeds.

But not all feeds are required by users, and consequently, important ones get mixed up among a long series of feeds and are erroneously skipped by their attention. Users can change this default setting to receive only those feeds potentially important to them in a chronological manner. This will keep them updated regarding all latest feeds, without bothering about scrolling down to find specific feeds.

Follow the following steps to change this default setting on a laptop and smartphone:

On Smartphones

1) Log in to your Facebook account and click on the profile picture at the top-right corner of the page.

2) Select the option of feeds from the given in the menu.

Tired of Missing Important Facebook Posts? Discover How to Fix Your Feed!

3) You will see your feeds coming from all pages, friends and groups. Click on the three-dot option at the top-right corner of the first feed. Scroll down and select manage your feeds present at the end.

4) Click on favorites to prioritize people and pages. Now you will see feed coming from them chronologically, without missing any, whenever you will log in to your account.

5) Then go back and tap on manage defaults. Change the default settings to show less to receive less or no content which is low quality or problematic. It will clear your Facebook feed from content only filling in the space.

On Web/Laptops

1) Log in to your Facebook account and click on the box-shaped option at the top-right corner of the page.

The Following Settings Would Show You The Latest Feeds on Facebook

2) Tap on feeds, which will lead you to your Facebook feeds.

3) You will notice that all is selected by default. Click on favorite and then on manage favorites at the top-right corner.

4) Now follow the same steps mentioned above to add favorites and to change settings in manage defaults.

The foraging settings would allow users to view important feeds chronologically, with the fear of skipping any one of them. The additional settings would also limit the number feeds per day by not allowing useless feeds to pop up on their main page.

Read next: 

• Is Misinformation Unstoppable? Bill Gates Reflects on the Crisis and Who Must Fix It

• The New Definition of Open-Source Disqualifies Many AI Models Claiming to be Open-Source

• Google is No Longer Being Frequently Used as a Verb Because of Gen-Z Preferring to Say “Searching” Instead of “Googling”

by Ehtasham Ahmad via Digital Information World

Google is No Longer Being Frequently Used as a Verb Because of Gen-Z Preferring to Say “Searching” Instead of “Googling”

We all are used to saying “Googling” as a verb but a new study shows that Gen-Z are now more used to saying “searching” instead of “googling”. This is because many Gen-Z aren’t only relying on Google for searching up things and often use TikTok and Instagram to look things up. The de-verbing of Google’s name tells us how consumer search behaviors are changing with technology. 20 years ago the word “Google” was added in the Merriam-Webster dictionary and was defined as searching something up on the web.

Being added as a verb was an important milestone for Google which made history. Later, Google became one of the biggest and most powerful corporations in the world. But now, this special status of Google is rotting away. An internet analyst, Mark Shmulik, wrote Google as a verb is no more. Now younger generations are more interested in “searching” instead of “Googling”.

Gen-Z is a powerful generation which is setting up trends for the upcoming worlds. As people born between 1997 and 2012, Gen-Z have grown up seeing the internet their whole lives. Now that they are getting into their professional lives, they are changing the traditional cultures in technology and setting up their own pace in the economy. Gen-Z as well as Gen-Alpha aren’t using the word “googling” or “google it” anymore. They are just saying “searching” or “search it” if they want to find something. Becoming a verb means that you are being used and appearing frequently. When Google was getting the title of “verb”, the company wasn’t that happy because this would mean that the word would be used around a lot, and won’t be easy to get trademarked. But every company would like to become a verb because this would mean that they are well known around the world. But now that Google has been de-verbing, it would mean that user behavior is changing.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: Survey Shows 61% of the Internet Users are Worried About their Data After their Death
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Sunday, September 8, 2024

The New Definition of Open-Source Disqualifies Many AI Models Claiming to be Open-Source

Open-source AI models from Meta, Google and other companies are not open-source according to a new definition. Open Source Initiative (OSI) updated the definition of Open-source after the initial definition of the word in 1998. OSI was working on a new definition of the word for two years. Mozilla explains the updated definition of Open-source as something not just redefining AI, but also impacting the future of technology and society.

Mozilla's technical lead of AI governance, Nik Marda, says that Meta’s Llama cannot be considered an open-source because of the new definition as well as Google’s Gemma because these models cannot be used limitlessly and they have some restrictions. Marda says that Open-source didn’t have a precise and correct definition in the past years and that’s why many companies believed that their AI model is Open source. Now that the new definition is here, many AI models are not going to be called open source.

A rough definition of open source can be a company changing the platform according to their needs and restricting access if they want. This could lead to many problems like disrupted services and expensive features. Security researchers recently discovered some flaws in Apple devices because of some mistakes in open source code.

Meta isn’t acknowledging the new definition of open source by OSI and Google hasn’t said anything. Meta says that there is not a single and global definition of Open source AI. Meta’s spokesperson also added that they are going to work in the industry with Open source AI even if it doesn’t match the definition. Mark Zuckerberg says that his definition of open source is models which are released publicly with a license.

The Linus Foundation says that categorizing models as open source is going to undermine the term “openness” and this way knowledge cannot be shared freely for inspection. Models which call themselves “open source” often demand licenses and difficult terms and conditions. The Linus Foundation proposed that instead of calling models open and close, we can term them in three types: open science, open tooling and open model. One of the AI writers said that Llama is on a spectrum of openness which means that it isn’t as restricted as other AI models and shows signs of open-source software.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next:

• Survey Shows New Social Media Habits Among Teens that Advertisers Should be Aware of

• Survey Shows 61% of the Internet Users are Worried About their Data After their Death
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Is Misinformation Unstoppable? Bill Gates Reflects on the Crisis and Who Must Fix It

Bill Gates has placed the burden of addressing misinformation on younger generations, acknowledging that he underestimated the challenge. Speaking to CNBC, the Microsoft co-founder reflected on his earlier belief that people would naturally gravitate toward accurate information. His optimism, however, has faded as misinformation has proliferated, especially in the digital age, where identifying falsehoods on social media platforms has grown increasingly difficult.

Gates, who has long been at the center of various online conspiracies, admitted that the complexity of this problem has eluded him. During the pandemic, false claims about him, including accusations of embedding microchips in vaccines, gained traction. Such incidents brought the issue of misinformation closer to home, even affecting his family. Gates revealed that his youngest daughter, Phoebe, faced online harassment, shedding new light on how pervasive this problem has become.

Gates’ reflections come as public sentiment has increasingly called for stronger action against misinformation. A 2023 Pew Research survey found that a majority of American adults believe tech companies should take a more active role in curbing false information and harmful content. Yet, even with decades of experience in the tech industry, Gates admits that a definitive solution remains elusive.

He questioned how free speech should be balanced with the need to prevent harm, suggesting that incitement to violence or the spread of dangerous health misinformation should have consequences. However, implementing such measures, especially with the vast amount of content online, poses its own set of challenges. Gates mused whether artificial intelligence could help, but he also pointed out that by the time false information is flagged, the damage is often already done.

Despite his early optimism about the internet's potential for spreading knowledge, Gates now recognizes the limits of technological solutions. Confirmation bias, the tendency of individuals to favor information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, exacerbates the problem. He reflected on how even he can fall into this trap, admitting that he's sometimes drawn to articles critical of politicians he dislikes, even when the criticism may be exaggerated.

For Gates, misinformation is not a problem with a clear or easy solution, and it's one that the next generation will have to confront head-on.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next:

• Survey Shows New Social Media Habits Among Teens that Advertisers Should be Aware of

6 in 10 of Internet Users are Worried About their Data After their Death
by Asim BN via Digital Information World

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Survey Shows 61% of the Internet Users are Worried About their Data After their Death

In the Digital 2024 Overview Report conducted by Kepios, it was revealed that 94.9% of the internet users all over the world use social media every month, with 282 million accounts added between July 2023 to July 2024. As there is an increase in digital footprint due to rise in social media accounts, there are also concerns about the privacy and identities of these accounts. Kaspersky’s new study revealed that 6 in 10 of the users believe that the accounts of deceased people are more vulnerable to identity theft as there is no one to monitor those accounts.

58% of the people agree that AI can be used to create online presence of deceased people with 35% saying that they do not find it wrong to create digital memories like images and videos of the deceased using AI. However, 38% disagree, with 67% saying that the loved ones of the deceased can get upset if they see the images and videos of the person on the internet.

When asked how users are planning to manage their digital footprints after their death, 63% agree that they should add it in their will and should request their data and social media to be managed accordingly. Web content analysis expert at Kaspersky, Anna Larkina, says that users often do not think about what would happen to their digital print after they pass away. But the survey says that many respondents are aware of this matter and have plans to manage their digital footprints after their death.

Kaspersky suggests some points by which users can protect their privacy. Users should employ modern security solutions to manage their data and apps. Their browsers and operating systems should always be up-to-date as the updates often add more security to the system. And lastly, users should check the terms and conditions on online Privacy Checker as most apps do not make it clear how they collect and protect users’ data.

Read next: Despite Big Privacy Claims, Meta, Apple, and Google Share User Data with Law Enforcement Upon Request
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Federal Judge To Deliver Punishment To Google After Antitrust Case Finds Company Guilty Of Monopoly In The Search Industry

The New York Times has confirmed that Google will receive a punishment after it lost its battle to prove its innocence in an antitrust case.

The Federal judge delivered the news about how the punishment was due after it declared Google guilty of monopoly in the search industry.

The Judge following the case gave out an estimated timeframe of when we could expect the news to be delivered and that was highlighted as August 2025. This was announced during the hearing held in the US capital on Friday. Such an outcome would result in how people look for data on the web.
Meanwhile, prosecutors were given up to this year’s end to submit proposals. It would take aim at Google’s high-profile deal with iPhone maker Apple. This would be in return for priority placements or to have Google sell off some of its major business components.

There is so much change taking place this year, considering how the elections in the US are also coming up. Both the Democrats and Republicans are asking candidates to make a breakthrough in the regulatory tech world by shaking things up. Hence, the verdict of Google’s legal case might be on the table of such negotiations.

Image: DIW-Aigen

Read next: Google Tests New Forum Display For Search Results
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

Friday, September 6, 2024

Google Tests New Forum Display For Search Results

According to Barry Schwartz's finding, Google is testing a new forum display section in search results, highlighting top comments and related discussions.

The goal right now seems to be adding a new means for displaying forum content when users are hunting for results. While not a lot of details were shared, we can confirm that a mockup was put out by the search giant on what users can soon expect.

The changes will include snippets with a section for top comments. This is followed up with related content search sections.
Amid the surge of AI-generated content, Google appears to encourage reliance on forum discussions for certain topics, as niche forums still offer human-driven insights. However, with AI tools flooding these spaces with automated replies, Google may soon face the challenge of ensuring factual, accurate content is prioritized over AI-generated gibberish.

On the other side, it's important to note Google is investing heavily in partnerships with platforms like Reddit, raising questions about whether Reddit is being artificially favored in search results.

Critics believe this monopolistic tactic will keep users browsing within Google's ecosystem, subtly discouraging visits to the original content sources. This approach helps Google retain user engagement while shaping the flow of information, potentially sidelining external platform.

Image: SERoundtable

Read next: Regulators in UK Are Raising Voices About Google’s Unfair Ad Tech Practices that Are Giving a Hard Time To Competitors
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World