Saturday, April 28, 2018

Counter Style 8

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by Admin via Best jQuery

Bootstrap CSS Accordion 80

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by Admin via Best jQuery

Book: Orchestrating Experiences

By Chris Risdon and Patrick Quattlebaum.
Foreword by Marc Rettig
Paperback: 336 pages
Published May 2018, Rosenfeld Media Books
ISBN: 1-933820-73-X
Digital ISBN: 1-933820-74-8


We’re excited to preview the new book Orchestrating Experiences: Collaborative Design for Complexity by Chris Risdon and Patrick QuattlebaumIt’ll be available to the public for purchase on May 1, and you can save up to $12 off the book if you pre-order from Rosenfeld Media by April 30.

Customer experiences are increasingly complicated—with multiple channels, touchpoints, contexts, and moving parts—all delivered by fragmented organisations. How can you bring your ideas to life in the face of such complexity? Orchestrating Experiences is a practical guide for designers and everyone struggling to create products and services in complex environments.

What is this book about?

Good designers must thrive in tackling complicated challenges; it is becoming increasingly complex to define and target products and services. This, and a greater focus on creating unique or differentiated experiences, provides us with an opportunity to be a uniting voice for cross-functional teams. To create better experiences, however, means taking on challenges. We must reconsider how we understand customer journeys; reassess our choices in tools, processes and methods; and find ways to work as cross functional groups:

  1. Moving towards a holistic view of complicated journeys that unfold over time, across channels, platforms, locations and people;
  2. We all have processes, methods, and frameworks for which we rely on understanding and solving design problems. But as we expand the lens through which we look at the customer experience, we’re realising we need to be agnostic of different design disciplines to deftly evaluate our design challenges and determine the best approaches
  3. Re-thinking how we organise ourselves, unifying disparate parts of the organisation. Silos need to be lowered and cross-functional groups united with our own response to the everlasting question: ‘How do we define a shared process for tackling these new challenges together, and reach across the organisation?’

The contents gives a clear indication the book was written by Chris and Patrick to impact practices in a way that matters and which lasts.

Part I: A Common Foundation

Looks at the key concepts involved in understanding how experiences can be designed.

Chapter 1: Understanding Channels
Chapter 2: Pinning Down Touchpoints
Chapter 3: Exploring Ecosystems
Chapter 4: Orienting Around Journeys

Part II: Insights and Possibilities

A practical outline of how teams can adopt a customer-centric view, and how they can identify opportunities for improving experiences.

Chapter 5: Mapping Experiences
Chapter 6: Defining Experience Principles
Chapter 7: Identifying Opportunities

Part III: Vision and Action

Techniques and advice for collaboratively generating ideas and crafting visions that unite and inspire action.

Chapter 8: Generating and Evaluating Ideas
Chapter 9: Crafting a Tangible Vision
Chapter 10: Designing the Moment
Chapter 11: Taking Up the Baton


Who are the authors?

Chris Risdon (Twitter @chrisrisdon) is currently director of design for peer-to-peer carsharing service Getaround, but was previously head of design for Capital One Labs. He’s an alumni of the pioneering experience design consultancy Adaptive Path where, as design director he introduced and advanced new methods in design. Chris holds an MFA in design from the Savannah College of Art and Design and is an adjunct professor at the California College of the Arts, teaching interaction design and service design to the next generation of designers.

Patrick Quattlebaum (Twitter: @ptquattlebaum) is a designer, management consultant, and founder at studioPQ. He helps organisations experiment with and adopt collaborative approaches to designing service experiences and the operations that support them. He too hearkens from Adaptive Path, where he was managing director, before moving to become head of service design at Capital One when they acquired the consultancy. He is also a passionate design instructor, having taught thousands of practitioners in North America and Europe. He holds an MS in Information Design and Technology from the Georgia Institute of Technology. You can follow him on Twitter  and @studiopq. Designer, consultant, & teacher.



Who is this book for?

You’ll likely find this book on the shelf beside design books, but it is relevant to anyone involved in defining and creating products or services. In particular, if you’re working in environments with many channels, touchpoints and contexts, and as part of fragmented, siloed organisations attempting to deliver them, this book will equip you and your team to design better experiences together.

It does focus on cross-functional and collaborative teams, and argues strongly for why these are necessary when dealing with complex environments.

The book is pitched at three types of readers:

  1. Product and service practitioners of all stripes – people involved in defining strategies for customer experiences, designing or delivering them, or managing the activities involved.
  2. Lead roles and aspiring team members wanting to create impactful experiences at scale
  3. Executives and managers seeking customer-centred experiences as part of leaner operations

It includes fresh approaches for expanding your toolkit and designing collaboratively. It presents language and models to help teams engage, and concepts with high aims in fostering cross-functional collaboration, building empathy with customers and more effectively taking advantage of customer journeys.

How to make the most of this book

In the foreword, Marc describes the aspirations of the readers: ‘You are buying the book because you’re excited by what it describes, and you aspire to implement these practices’.

He’s right. That why we buy books. But I know that the application of knowledge in the books I read is never as easy as simply understanding what needs to be done. Marc acknowledges this, and arms us with tools to make better use of what we learn – patience, persistence, and “a habit of celebrating small steps”. He also gives us two bits of sage advice:

  1. Find a collaborator or two for this epic voyage. Don’t try it alone.
  2. Don’t launch straight into one of the workshops. Use Chapter 11. Use it all year as the brief for applying the rest of the book.

When you first pick up the book, there’s no way to predict the particular way it will take root in your work. As Marc says, ‘You have to live through the process of change to find out’.

What do others think? 

“You’ll blow past your competition, as you shift from shipping discrete functionality to seamless end-to-end experiences.”
Jared Spool, Maker of Awesomeness and Co-CEO of Center Centre/UIE

“By including workshop plans throughout Orchestrating Experiences, Patrick and Chris give the reader a way to make complex ideas immediately actionable.”
Jon Kolko, Partner, Modernist Studio

“Hands down the best hands-on guide for service design. Love the in-the-trenches advice and step-by-step detail.”
Jess McMullin, Principal, Situ Strategy

“Every interaction the customer has around your brand contributes to the story of their experience. This book provides actionable advice to tell a powerful story your customers will love.”
Katie Dill, Vice President of Design, Lyft


It’ll be available to the public for purchase on May 1, and you can save up to $12 off the book if you pre-order from Rosenfeld Media by April 30.

UX Mastery received a free review copy of this book from Rosenfeld Media but does not receive any commissions from sales. Please support one of our industry’s best publishers by purchasing directly from the Rosenfeld website.

The post Book: Orchestrating Experiences appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Luke Chambers via UX Mastery

Friday, April 27, 2018

Facebook's Revenue Drops Despite Growing User Numbers [Chart]

Despite the trending hashtag #deletefacebook and a growing distrust in Facebook, the world’s biggest social network managed to grow even bigger in terms of active users. But even though user numbers are growing Zuckerberg’s company did fail to convert this into a growth of revenue. As this graphic...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Web Desk via Digital Information World

A new calendar control, Node 10, and a webpack 4 configuration tool

#383 — April 27, 2018

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

TUI Calendar: An Attractive, Full Featured Calendar Control — From the creators of TUI Chart comes TUI Calendar, a highly customizable JavaScript calendar widget that supports numerous view types (weekly, monthly, etc.), dragging and resizing of schedule items, and is basically like your own Google Calendar in a box. MIT licensed too.

NHN Entertainment

Node 10 Released: Node Weekly's Feature Roundup — Our sister newsletter Node Weekly featured this week’s Node 10 release in full, including a bulletpoint rundown of new features with useful links. In short: v8 6.6, N-API goes mainstream, OpenSSL 1.1, native async iteration, new regex features..

Node Weekly

Cheat Sheet: Functional Programming with JavaScript — JavaScript developers, here’s a handy resource for your reference stack. This cheat sheet structures some of the language features most commonly used by JavaScript developers interested in writing functional style code. Check it out.

Progress Kendo UI sponsor

Native-Like Animations for Page Transitions on the Web — A practical introduction to creating silky smooth, super slick transitions of entire pages from one layout to another, built around Vue.js. Live demo here.

Sarah Drasner

A Proposal for Adding Pattern Matching to ECMAScript — It’s currently at stage 0, but see what you think.

Ecma TC39

The New 'npm' CLI: A Year in Review (Or 'What You May Have Missed') — An easy to follow roundup of new npm features since 5.0 was released, including npx and npm ci. It’s worth brushing up on if you haven’t done so recently. There’s also a post about npm’s future (npm 7, specifically).

The npm Blog

Give Parcel a Try, You May Like It — Parcel suits many straightforward situations really well with minimal fuss, but webpack is more flexible with a vast ecosystem.

Michael Sholty

Writing WebAssembly By Hand — This is low level stuff but a really enjoyable dig about.

Colin Eberhardt

💻 Jobs

Senior Software Engineer (NYC) — Hospitality/tech platform focused on building help into our homes. React, React Native, Node, TypeScript, PostgreSQL.

Hello Alfred

Front-End Developer at Viget (Boulder, CO / Durham, NC / Washington, DC Metro) — Collaborate with the best to build complex interfaces for everything from IOT products to big brand websites. Viget == variety!


Are You an Engineer in NY or SF? Know Your Worth, Check Out — Create your discreet profile today and receive opportunities from top US companies who can pay you what you’re worth.

📘 Tutorials and Opinions

A Beginner’s Guide to webpack 4 and Module Bundling — A beginner-friendly Webpack 4 tutorial.

Mark Brown

Gooact: Build a 'React' in 160 Lines of JavaScript — Learn by doing with this walkthrough of creating a simple React-a-like in a modest amount of code.

Paul Marlow

▶  Iterators in JavaScript — New FunFunFunction video about iterators in JavaScript, or how to iterate over anything with the for-of loop.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Choosing Cameras in JavaScript with the mediaDevices API

Phil Nash

How to Build a Vue.js App That Uses Axios and Vuex — Axios for the async HTTP requests and Vuex as the data store.

Siegfried Grimbeek

Functional Programming with Object Arrays — How to use map, filter, and reduce to manipulate arrays of objects, using techniques borrowed from functional programming.

Ed Charbeneau

A Complete Introduction to Async Functions and ES6 Modules in Node

David Herron

Strategy: Use TensorFlow.js in the Browser to Reduce Server Costs?

High Scalability

Last 2 Versions Harmful (for babel-preset-env)babel-preset-env lets Babel target the browsers of your choice, but don’t just blindly specify the last 2 versions..

Jamie Builds

eBook: Efficient Project Management for Small Engineering Teams — Learn how to build trust, buy-in, engagement, and professionalism with your engineers.

Codeship sponsor

🔧 Code and Tools

npm@6 Announced: Another Major Update to npm — Up to 17x faster than npm a year ago and focused on ‘security first’.

The npm Blog

A Tool to Create Personalized, Optimized webpack 4 Configurations

Jakob Lind

Storybook 3.4 Released: The UI Component Builder — Now supports React, React Native, Vue, Angular and Polymer.

Michael Shilman

Fix Production Bugs in Seconds with Sentry

Sentry sponsor

Tone.js: Create Interactive Music in the Browser — Advanced scheduling, synths and effects, and intuitive musical abstractions.

Yotam Mann

Day.js: A Fast 2KB Alternative to Moment.js (with compatible API) — Elegant date/time manipulation and parsing with the tradeoff being around timezones and locales..


CKEditor 5 v10 Released: A Powerful WYSIWYG Editor Framework — The first stable release of CKEditor 5. Now fully GPL 2+ licensed.

Piotr Koszuliński

TypeORM 0.2: A Powerful ORM for TypeScript and JavaScript — Supports Active Record and Data Mapper patterns and many databases.

Umed Khudoiberdiev node

And over on Reddit..

jQuery's 'data' Method Goes Haywire for People Called 'Infinity' — This is one of those “oh, weird!” items. Basically jQuery’s data method can see the string ‘Infinity’ and convert it to a number. Even more intriguingly, Paul Irish stepped in to take the blame :-) We love you Paul!


by via JavaScript Weekly

10 Essential Sublime Text Plugins for JavaScript Developers

In this article, I’ll outline ten must-have Sublime Text plugins for JavaScript developers, each of which can improve your workflow and make you more productive.

Sublime Text is a great application for just about any developer to have in their toolbox. It’s a cross-platform, highly customizable, advanced text editor that sits nicely between full featured IDEs (which are notoriously resource hungry) and command line editors such Vim or Emacs (which have steep learning curves).

In recent years, Sublime has gained welcome competition from both Visual Studio Code and Atom, but Sublime Text still holds its own by being indisputably faster, being able to open larger files faster than the others.

One of the things that makes Sublime so great is its extensible plugin architecture. This makes it easy for developers to extend Sublime’s core functionality with new features like code completion, or the embedding of remote API documentation. Sublime Text doesn’t come with plugins enabled out of the box: they’re typically installed through a 3rd-party package manager simply called Package Control. To install Package Control in Sublime Text, please follow the installation guide on their website.

So let’s get to it!

1. Babel

Of course, the first one on my list is the Babel plugin. This plugin adds proper syntax highlighting to your ES6/2015 and React JSX code. After installing the plugin, the first thing you should do is set it as the default syntax for all of your JavaScript and TypeScript file types.

If you haven’t yet discovered the joy of Babel, I highly suggest it. It allows you to compile ES6/ES7/ESNext, JSX, and TypeScript code down to ES5 for full browser support. It integrates well with all popular build tools and the CLI. Obviously, it doesn’t support legacy browsers, but you can follow the tips on their caveats page if you need to support IE10 and below.


2. SublimeLinter

Next up is SublimeLinter, which provides amazing ESLint and JSHint integration into Sublime. A linter will look over your code and verify it has proper styling and proper syntax based on a configuration file that can be checked in with your source code. No matter if you’re a beginner or have been programming for most of your life: in JavaScript, a linter is a must have. Check out the ESLint or JSHint about pages to see what they can do for you. Depending on which you chose for your project, you’ll also need the supporting packages of SublimeLinter-eslint or SublimeLInter-jshint.

In order for either of these to work, you must include a linter either into your project dependencies or install it globally:

npm install --save-dev eslint

If you’re unsure how to use npm, check out our tutorial on getting started with Node Package Manager.

Screenshot of the SublimeLinter plugin highlighting some problem code and displaying the error in the status bar

If you’ve installed and configured it correctly, you should see the changes when you open or save a JavaScript file. The plugin is incredibly configurable and can be made to report in a number of ways that might be better for your workflow. By default, the description of the errors will be reported in the status bar at the bottom of the editor.

Continue reading %10 Essential Sublime Text Plugins for JavaScript Developers%

by Matt Burnett via SitePoint

An Interesting Day 2018

One Pager announcing Bakken & Bæck’s 2018 ‘An Interesting Day’ conference, this year in Amsterdam and a day/night event – represented in the fun interactive color scheme slider.

Full Review | Direct Link

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love