Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Top 50 Code Posts of 2014

At the end of each year, it's always fun to look back and see what some of the most popular posts are that were published on our site throughout the last year.

Though Tuts+ consists are more of just our Code category, here are the top 50 posts of 2014 that ran on Tuts+ Code. There's a lot of great content, but it's varied so bookmark the ones you like, peruse the ones that you're possibly interested in learning more about, and dive into those that are there to teach your more about a subject in which you're already interested.

  1. Using the Accelerometer on Android

  2. Authenticating Node.js Applications With Passport

  3. iOS 8: Beta Testing with TestFlight

  4. Setting Up Push Notifications on iOS

  5. Build A Custom Launcher on Android

  6. Create a Music Player on Android: Project Setup

  7. Core Data from Scratch: Core Data Stack

  8. Adding Blur Effects on iOS

  9. Setting Up Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment With Jenkins

  10. Creating a Custom WordPress Registration Form Plugin

  11. Getting Started with Android Studio

  12. Magento Custom Module Development

  13. AngularJS and Laravel: Finishing Building a CRM

  14. Create a Weather App on Android

  15. 10 Alternative Android App Stores

  16. Streaming Video in Android Apps

  17. AngularJS and Laravel: Begin Building a CRM

  18. Testing in Node.js

  19. Check Out Atom, GitHub's New Development Editor

  20. Managing Your Build Tasks With Gulp.js

  21. Introduction to the MEAN Stack

  22. Using Polymer to Create Web Components

  23. Chrome DevTools Features You May Have Missed

  24. PhpStorm: When the IDE Really Matters

  25. Introduction to Android Design Patterns

  26. Don't Forget to Cover Your Client Side!

  27. Resources for Staying on Top of JavaScript

  28. Single Page ToDo Application With Backbone.js

  29. Recreating the Touch Ripple Effect as Seen on Google Design

  30. How to Create Your Own HTML Elements With Web Components

  31. 7 Non-raster Approaches for Making the “Hamburger” Menu Icon

  32. Setting Up User Authentication in Laravel Using Confide

  33. PHP 5.6: What's New

  34. How to Give Your Logo the “Slip Scroll” Effect

  35. Building an Instagram Based Portfolio With Bootstrap

  36. Programming with Yii2: Getting Started

  37. 7 CSS Units You Might Not Know About

  38. Useful Shortcuts for a Faster Workflow in Sublime Text 3

  39. Create A Custom Keyboard on Android

  40. Focusing on a Team Workflow With Git

  41. Introduction to HTML5 Desktop Apps With Node-Webkit

  42. Create a Music Player on Android: Song Playback

  43. SOLID: Part 2 - The Open/Closed Principle

  44. Working With LESS and the Chrome DevTools

  45. Networking with NSURLSession: Part 1

  46. Better Responsive Images With the picture Element

  47. JavaScript Animation That Works (Part 1 of 4)

  48. An Introduction to Theming WooCommerce for WordPress

  49. Using CreateJS - EaselJS

  50. Beginner's Guide to the Django Rest Framework

With the holidays imminent, having a solid list of some of our best tutorials throughout the year may help you plan some reading material for some time off, and even plan some time to put some of the material to practical use.

With that said, we've still got a quite a bit of material left to cover this year, so stay tuned. Above all else, thanks so much to our loyal readers and our amazing authors who continue to make this one of the most popular places or learning new skills.

by Tom McFarlin via Tuts+ Code

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