Monday, December 1, 2014

Using Chassis for WordPress Development

When I wrote the first article on WordPress and Vagrant I introduced WordPress VVV. VVV is a Vagrant configuration for developing WordPress themes and contributing to the core. One common problem, however, is that many people were overwhelmed with VVV. Especially those new to Vagrant, who just wanted to get something simple up and running fast. There are many other Vagrant configurations, one of the easiest and most popular in WordPress circles is Chassis. Chassis for WordPress Development Chassis is a simple Vagrant configuration, popular among WordPress plugin and theme developers. It's easy to get started with and use on a per project development. In this article I'll walk you through setting up Chassis. The folder structure is a bit different, so we'll get into that too. The Chassis configuration has a hierarchy, so understanding how that works is also important. The last topic we'll cover is extending Chassis by adding plugins that include more features.

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by Aleksander Koko via SitePoint

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