Friday, February 6, 2015

How To Create an Awesome Page for Your Plugin

You've just developed an awesome plugin for WordPress and you want to share it with as many people as possible. To do that, the platform seems to be the best choice as it’s the official WordPress plugins repository.

But submitting your plugin to is not enough to gain users: you must introduce your plugin in the best possible way to let WordPress users know what your plugin can do.

A complete page will make your plugin more attractive. You will gain more users and these users will know how to use your plugin.

Why Create a Good Plugin Page?

Once a WordPress plugin is installed, a short description can be displayed on the Installed Plugins page of the administration panel thanks to a correctly formatted comment, placed in the main file of the plugin. While this is a good way to help your users to remember what your plugin does, it doesn’t help you gain more users.

Before deciding to download your plugin, users generally check your plugin’s page in order to find out what it can do. Users will look at the description of your plugin, so you should describe precisely the features of your plugin (we will see how in a next part). But users will also want to know if your plugin is easy to use: several screenshots and a FAQ are useful for that. When you release an update, your users will want to know why they must download this update (does it fix known bugs or eradicate security risks?), so be sure to include this type of information as well.

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by Jérémy Heleine via SitePoint

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