Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This Week's HTML5 and Browser Technology News (Issue 239)

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HTML 5 Weekly
Issue 239 — May 11, 2016

We're going to rebrand HTML5 Weekly to a more 'front-end'-oriented name soon. No change in content, but 'front-end' better reflects what we're covering. If you have any opinions or suggestions, hit reply - we're reading :-)
- Peter Cooper, editor

Adam Silver
Write CSS without worrying that overzealous, pre-existing styles will cause problems.

Michaela Lehr
Learn how to add more functionality to your browser by creating your own bookmark manager Chrome extension using Angular 2 and TypeScript.

Serg Gospodarets
Two alternative ways to specify colors in CSS using the hex format. In Firefox Nightly now and coming to Chrome and WebKit very soon.

Daniel Stenberg
The creator of cURL reflects on the definition of a ‘URL’ and how it varies: “The WHATWG view of a URL is not widely adopted outside of browsers.”

Wijmo  Sponsored
To build the new mobile interface for its Dynamics CRM solution, Microsoft used the high-quality JavaScript controls in Wijmo 5, a collection of true JavaScript UI controls by GrapeCity. Read more about the top reasons Microsoft Dynamics chose Wijmo 5.


Jon Yablonski
Nowadays, we think a lot about smaller, mobile screens, but developers should consider the challenges and techniques to optimize for large-scale screens too.

A new editor’s draft is out today covering a popular spec that defines the rules for the use of WAI-ARIA accessibility attributes on HTML documents.

The Mozilla Blog
Mozilla has unveiled ‘Test Pilot’, a way for users to test experimental features in Firefox.

Michael Riethmuller
Unlike responsive typography, which changes only at set breakpoints, fluid typography resizes smoothly to match any device width.


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  • Job Offers. No resume necessary.Create your Hired profile to get top companies to start applying to hire you. Get offers from $75,000 - $250,000 on the platform in 1 week.

In brief

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooper Press.
Want to post a job? E-mail us or use our self-serve system.

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Published by Cooper Press Ltd. Office 30, Lincoln Way, Louth, LN11 0LS, UK

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