Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Up and Running with WordPress Contextual Help Screens

Developers often go to great lengths to build something useful for their users. Whether it’s an eCommerce system, booking plugin or gallery showcase for example, there’s a dedicated developer or two that’s worked hard putting everything together.

Documentation on the other hand sadly becomes an after-thought, left to either a scarce few sentences on the WordPress plugin directory, a series of notes on GitHub or if you’re lucky a poorly maintained external website (that may vanish at any moment).

WordPress comes with an in-built Contextual Help Screen that can be accessed from anywhere in the admin dashboard. You’ve probably seen this before, it likes to hide up in the top right hand corner of your page (toggled with the ‘help’ button).

Continue reading %Up and Running with WordPress Contextual Help Screens%

by Simon Codrington via SitePoint

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