For the last year, I have been helping the startup Instana to create a Java agent that traces executions within a Java application. This execution data is collected and jointed to generate traces of user requests as well as the resulting communication between services within the system owner’s hemisphere. This way, unstructured communication can be visualized, which significantly simplifies the operation of a distributed system that is composed of multiple interacting services.
In order to generate these traces, the Java agent rewrites all code that reads an external request or initiates one. Obviously, these entries and exits into or out of a system need to be recorded and additionally, meta data is exchanged to identify a request uniquely across systems. For example, when tracing HTTP requests, the agent adds a header containing a unique id which is then recorded by the receiving server as a proof of a request’s origin. Broadly speaking, it is similar to what Zipkin is modeling, but without requiring users to change their code.
In the most simple scenario, such tracing is straightforward to implement. Thanks to my library Byte Buddy which does the heavy lifting, all injected code is written in plain old Java and then copied to the relevant methods at runtime using the Java instrumentation API. For example, when instrumenting a servlet, we know that an entry to a JVM is made whenever the service method is invoked. We also know that the entry is completed when this very same method exits. Therefore, it suffices to add some code to the beginning and the end of the method to record any such entry into a VM process. And it has been the majority of my job to plow through the many Java libraries and frameworks to add support for their ways of communication. From Akka to Zookeeper, over the last year I have hello-worlded my way through the entire Java ecosystem; I even got to write EJBs for all the servers! And I had to make sense of Sun’s CORBA implementation. (Spoiler: There is no sense.)
Things do however quickly become more difficult when tracing asynchronous executions. If a request is received by one thread but is answered from within another thread, it does no longer suffice to only trace entries and exits. Therefore, our agent needs to also track all context switches in concurrent systems made via thread pools, fork join tasks or custom concurrency frameworks. And the same way that debugging asynchronous execution is difficult, this is quite a bit of work for us too. I think that I spend as much time dealing with concurrency as I do recording entries and exits.
The Impact on Garbage Collection
But how does all this impact garbage collection? When implementing a performance monitor, one is facing a trade-off between interpreting the work of a Virtual Machine and causing work for this machine by doing so. While the majority of processing is done in the monitor back-end to which the agent reports its data, we have to do a minimum within the Java process that we share with the monitored application. And you can already guess it: by allocating objects, we inevitably have an impact on the VM’s garbage collection. Fortunately, modern garbage collection algorithms are doing excellent work and by mostly avoiding object allocation and by adaptively sampling our tracing efforts, the effect of our code changes is negligible for the vast majority of users. Ideally, we only burn a few unused processor cycles to do our work. As a matter of fact, very few applications do use their full processing potential and we are happy with grabbing a small portion of this excess.
Writing a garbage collection-friendly application is typically not too difficult. It is obvious that the easiest way of avoiding garbage is to avoid object allocation altogether. However, object allocation in itself isn’t too bad either. Allocating memory is a rather cheap operation and as any processor owns its own allocation buffer - a so-called TLAB - we do not impose an unnecessary synchronization when allocating only a bit of memory from our threads. If an object only lives in the scope of a method, the JVM can even erase the object allocation altogether as if the fields of the objects were put onto the stack directly. But even without this escape-analysis, short-lived objects are captured by a special garbage collection circle called the young generation collection that is processed quite efficiently. To be honest, this is where most of my objects end up as I often value code readability over the small improvements that escape analysis offers. Currently, escape analysis quickly hits its boundary. Yet, I hope for future HotSpots to improve to get the best of both worlds even without changing my code. Fingers crossed!
When writing Java programs, I do not typically think about the impact on garbage collection but the above guidelines tend to manifest in my code. For the majority of our agent, this has been working very well. We are running a whole bunch of example applications and integration tests to assure a good behavior of our agent and I also keep an eye on the GC when running examples. In our modern times, using tools like flight recorder and JIT watch, performance analysis has become quite approachable.
The Relativity of Short-Lived
Continue reading %Generational Disparity in Garbage Collection%
by Rafael Winterhalter via SitePoint
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