A Study Plan To Cure JavaScript Fatigue
A nice refreshing article that looks at tackling the current JavaScript ecosystem, rather than complaining about it. (freecodecamp.com)
Lessons Learned From Scaling Uber To 2000 Engineers (highscalability.com)
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CSS Architecture for Design Systems
Creating a solid CSS architecture is extremely difficult and is in need of constant evaluation. If you are starting a fresh project or battling an existing codebase hopefully these tips from Brad Frosts help ease the pain. (bradfrost.com)
Let’s talk about Design Portfolios
If you are looking to pack up your bags and move jobs this post offers some nice insights into making sure you nail that new gig. It’s written for designers but I feel the majority is still applicable to developers. (medium.com)
Things I’ve Learned About CSS Grid Layout
Oliver Williams has been working with CSS grid layout recently and in this post he shares what he has learnt so far. (css-tricks.com)
Hamburger Menu Alternatives for Mobile Navigation
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for mobile navigation, it always depends on your product, on your users and on the context but this post by Zoltan Kollin explores some alternatives that are worth considering. (medium.com)
Libraries vs Frameworks(youtube.com)
Tools / Resources
Tools for Developing Accessible Websites
In this post Ire Aderinokun gives an overview of 5 (mostly Chrome based) accessibility tools to help make sure your sites can be enjoyed by all. (bitsofco.de)
10 principles for smooth web animations
Anand Sharma shares a series of design and code principles that seem to reliably result in nice animations. (blog.gyrosco.pe)
Designing a Usable Dashboard
A product managers guide to quick and effective design. (rahulgulati.com)
Function Components in React (medium.com)
The translateX CSS Property (sitepoint.com)
Firebase Dev Summit 2016 (youtube.com)
CSS Flags (pixelastic.github.io)
Useful Pens for Everyday Front End Development (codepen.io)
Yes, your team should be blogging (michaelrbernste.in)
The secret history of the Mozilla logo (jwz.org)
Web Developer at Dropbox
Our Web Devs at Dropbox are front-end experts. We use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a/b testing to improve the core flows of our website. As a growth team, we’re extremely passionate about fast iteration and high impact code. Get in touch if you want to be involved in creating an amazing product. (dropbox.com)
UI / UX Designer at Freelancer
We’re looking people with a strong knowledge of web products and a keen sense for usability. If you are an advocate of user-centric design and have a love for developing intuitive solutions, we’d love to hear from you. (freelancer.com)
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Last but not least…
Google Launching WebVR Support Chrome (roadtovr.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #259 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly
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