You can never have enough tools. There’s always a better way to achieve the same result no matter how slick your development process becomes!
Welcome to a new, regular series of articles that list the top ten new development tools of the month, as collated by StackShare. StackShare uses a combination of community feedback from discussions, favorites, up-votes, and stacks (tool collections) to determine the popularity of each new tool.
Looking for more on development tools or resources for learning development? Check out these great links:
- Article: What’s the Best Programming Language to Learn in 2017?
- Article: Best Programming Languages For Job Demand and Salaries
- Article: 21 Steps to Becoming a Successful Web Developer
- Article: How to Learn Programming Languages Faster
- Screencasts: A ton of free videos on web development tools and tricks
- Books: Check out Premium web development books for sale
The top ten new development tools for June 2017 are:
1. osquery - OS SQL Query Tool
At number #1 is osquery - a new tool from Facebook which exposes your Windows, macOS or Linux operating system as a relational database. You can use SQL queries to examine running processes, view installed software, discover hardware events and more.
The following example returns a list of attached USB hardware devices:
select * from usb_devices;
It's an unusual idea. It could be used by web developers to monitor performance or security breaches regardless of where an application is hosted or their experience of that platform.
More information and downloads:
2. Standup - Progress Reporting Service
Standup processes your project data from services including GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Jira and Trello to create development team progress reports in a single view. The online service is free to use, easy to understand, and could streamline your daily stand-up meetings.
More information and sign-up:
3. Draft - Container Development Tool
Draft is an experimental tool which helps developers build applications that run on Kubernetes containers. It’s currently available on Linux and macOS, with Windows builds coming soon.
More information and downloads:
Continue reading %Top Ten New Development Tools of the Month, June 2017%
by Craig Buckler via SitePoint
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