How To Align Things In CSS — There are a few ways to align elements in CSS. In this article, Rachel Andrew explains what they are with some tips to help you remember which to use and why.
Smashing Magazine
Deploy Only the Parts of Your Application That Have Changed — Unlike most Continuous Integration (CI) solutions, Buddy only re-builds the parts of your application that have changed and deploys your updates in seconds to any cloud. Start building better frontend apps faster with Buddy.
Buddy sponsor
Managing z-index in a Component-Based Web Application — The z-index property, despite all that’s written about it, is still widely misunderstood and mishandled. Stacking issues in a complex single-page web application can become a major pain. Adhering to some principles, however, we can easily avoid these issues.
Pavel Pomerantsev
📘 Articles, Tutorials & Opinion
Stop Using So Many DIV s: An Intro to Semantic HTML — Considering the HTML5 spec reads that “authors are strongly encouraged to view the div element as an element of last resort, for when no other element is suitable”, this article is a handy reminder of the semantic alternatives.
Ken Bellows
▶ React in 7 Minutes — If you’ve been intimidated by React so far, this is a neat, code-driven whirlwind tour showing the creation of an app in just 7 minutes.
John Lindquist
yall-js: Yet Another Lazy Loader — An SEO-friendly lazy loader for <img> , <picture> , <video> and <iframe> elements, as well as CSS background images. It works in all modern browsers, including IE 11.
Jeremy Wagner
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