Friday, June 28, 2024

Not Many Research Marketers are Using AI Despite Saying that AI is Useful for Their Work

According to a recent research by Market Research Institute International (MRII), many of the researchers are not yet using Artificial Intelligence for their work even though they say AI is going to be important in their work in the future. The survey from 269 research marketers around the world showed that only 40% of these marketers and their teams are using AI everyday to get the work done. Most of the time, research marketers are using AI for report generation, sentiment and data analysis, questionnaire developments and literature reviews.

59% of the marketers who were surveyed said that they know AI is going to be important in the research market, but only 23% of them said that they are using their AI skills in their work. Upon asking if they find AI favorable for their job, 74% of those research marketers said that they find AI favorable for them.
Research marketers also said that use of AI can help them save their time and enhance their efficiency. AI can also help in routine research tasks and streamline report generation. The top problems research marketers can face with AI are algorithm biases and data and privacy issues. AI can also be sometimes inaccurate in research.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

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