Monday, October 12, 2015

Straightforward Rails Authorization with Pundit


This is a second article in the "Authorization with Rails" series. In the previous article, we discussed CanCanCan, a widely known solution started by Ryan Bates and now supported by a group of enthusiasts. Today I am going to introduce you a bit less popular, but still viable, library called Pundit created by the folks of ELabs.

"Pundit" means "a scholar", "a clever guy" (sometimes used as a negative description), but you don't need to be a genius to use it in your projects. Pundit is really easy to understand and, believe me, you'll love it. I fell in love it when I browsed its documentation.

The idea behind Pundit is employing plain old Ruby classes and methods without involving any special DSLs. This gem only adds a couple of useful helpers, so, all in all, you can craft your system the way you see fit. This solution is a bit more low-level than CanCanCan, and it is really interesting to compare the two.

In this article we will discuss all of Pundit's main features: working with access rules, using helper methods,
and scoping and defining permitted attributes.

Continue reading %Straightforward Rails Authorization with Pundit%

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This post How to Create Instagram Ads first appeared on Social Media Examiner.
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