Monday, November 9, 2015

How To Build A Penalty Proof SEO Strategy - #infographic

SEO Strategy : How to Avoid 5 Major Google Penalties - #infographic

Every SEO strategy tries its best to work around Google’s algorithm updates and ensure their content ranks higher than others. In this quest to rank higher, the focus is not entirely on providing value to the users, but to make sure users land on their page only. Tips and tricks used in this process may not even be perfectly justifiable as well. But then, won’t things go on like this, if unchecked? And there you have Google, penalizing websites who indulge in practices like these.

Over the years, Google has introduced numerous updates to take care of these practices and help the users have a better search experience. Be it Content, Links, local search results to even mobile based SEO, Google has tried to blend with the demands of user behavior. The importance of a user and to satisfy the requirement is what this search engine giant has been putting its energy behind.

With this Infographic, the idea behind all the Algorithm updates and important tips on how to avoid those penalties have been presented. Every update is different in its approach, and yet it all combines to just one thing, User Experience. The Ultimate User Experience.

by Guest Author via Digital Information World

Web Design Weekly #211


Do We Actually Need Specificity In CSS?

Some pretty interesting thinking by Philip Walton. I can’t say I remember reading a post in the last few years from this angle and I tend to read quite a bit… If you or your team are constantly fighting CSS specificity, I’m sure you will enjoy this. (

System shock

A story of a 25-year-old font coming back with a vengeance. (

Responsive Device Mockups

Get yourself 200+ responsive device mockups covering every angle possible on every modern day Apple device, You will be able to quickly and easily slot your designs in and instantly see what your designs will really look like. Check them out. (


Flexbox Interfaces

Dennis Gaebel shares some of layout patterns created in flexbox that he used recently on an application. As always, very informative writing. (

ServiceWorker and Progressive Networking

Nicolas Bevacqua has been playing around with ServiceWorker lately and in this post he explains how to deal with stale cached content. (

Replacing The User Story With The Job Story

If you are involved in project management processes this post by Alan Klement is worth a read. Alan explains some issues with User Stories and puts forward the idea of using Job Stories. (

On Hurk-Jerk

Dave Rupert shares his mixed emotions on progressive critical path rendering. (

Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing

Matt Biilmann dives deep and offers some great thoughts on why he thinks static websites are getting so much interest of late. (

A guide to getting involved in WordPress core development (

Tools / Resources

Designing More Efficient Forms

Raymon Sutedjo from the Salesforce team shares the insight into how they are designing their forms throughout their application. If you have anything to do with forms there are some great takeaways. (

Using React with Webpack

A in-depth article that give a good overview of Webpack, a look into hot loading code, styles and components, plus a brief look into using CSS Modules. (


A SCSS framework built to provide base styles, CSS components, and rapid static prototyping for Dropbox. Even though this has been developed for Dropbox there are some neat things they are doing which I’m sure can be adopted into your own projects. (

The Image Replacement Museum

Marie Mosley from the CSS-Tricks team has created a collection of demos to showcase the history of image replacement on the web. (

Easily create and maintain style guides using CSS comments (

How to build your own jQuery (

Awesome Stock Resources (

React Rally 2015 videos (

RxJS In-Depth (


Sudoku without JS (

Reconsider (


UI/UX Designer at Twitch

As a UI/UX Designer at Twitch, you will be integral to that work by gathering and providing requirements, sketching solutions and building prototypes while participating in all stages of our design process from conception through release. (

Technical Writer

If you are a passionate developer or designer that is keen to write about interesting challenges, topics or tricks please get in contact. (

Need to find passionate developers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter

From The Blog

Potentially the Best File on the Internet for Web Developers

Of course this is a big call, but having utilised various parts of the HTML5 Boilerplate Apache Server Configs file on many occasions with large amounts of success, it sure does rank as an important resource, especially as server configuration is not my strong point. (

Last but not least…

Please, don’t commit commented out code (

DevTools Challenger (

The post Web Design Weekly #211 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

Creating Components in Angular 2 with Typescript and ES5

This article was peer reviewed by Stephan Max, Jeff Smith and Ravi Kiran. Thanks to all of SitePoint’s peer reviewers for making SitePoint content the best it can be!

As the year draws to a close, the Angular team is closer than ever to releasing a stable version of Angular 2.0. This will reshape the way Angular applications are developed, but for the better. Throughout this article, I am going to show you some of the core concepts in Angular 2.0, and how they can be used. Specifically, I am going to take you through the process of building a component in Angular 2 from start to finish. First, we will take a detailed look at how this is done using TypeScript, then we will then migrate our Angular component, so that it works using plain ES5.

The code for this tutorial can be found on our GitHub repo. The repo has two branches, one for the TypeScript version and one for the ES5 version. If you want to clone a specific branch, use git clone <url> --branch <branch>.

What Is a Component?


The use of components in JavaScript has increased a tremendous amount over the past months. They are used in projects such as React, Knockout, Ember, and more, so it is no surprise that Angular has incorporated them into version 2.0. Code modularity has always been something that the Angular team has placed a focus on, and the use of components underlines this, as they allow us to break up our code into encapsulated pieces.

But what is a component? Well, it’s essentially a bit of code that can be re-used throughout an application. It consists of two things: a view, and some logic. By leveraging the focus that the Angular development team has placed on components, we can harness some pretty powerful functionality. Angular 2 makes it incredibly easy to create dynamic applications made up of different components, which have taken over from directives as the head-honcho of the framework. In Angular 2, directives are lightweight components, and they are simply used to append some functionality to the DOM. Now, Angular developers do not have to worry about messing up an application due to conflicting problems regarding isolate $scope. Instead, the use of components is a way of ensuring that our code from one section of an application will not interfere with that from another.


Angular 2.0 has been created to use TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript. The developers of Angular have spent a tremendous amount of time working towards this release. They have worked to optimize performance regarding both page speed, as well as work flow automation. TypeScript is similar to other code transpilers and allows developers to write code that can be easily converted to valid JavaScript. That being said, it has become increasingly popular, especially throughout the past year, so the Angular team decided to create the framework using it.

One of the benefits that comes from using TypeScript is its type system, which allows developers to annotate their JavaScript with type information. This annotated code is run through a compiler which helps catch errors, that would otherwise have lain dormant in the code base, waiting for a user to discover them. Let’s now take a look at TypeScript in action.

Below, we see an example which I pulled from TJ Van Toll’s article The Rise of TypeScript. Inside this function, we see both the height, and width parameters are expected to be of type number. The : number before the body of the function specifies the return type, which is also of type number. As a result of this, anything passed into this function that is not a number will cause the compiler to throw an error at compile time.

function calculateArea( height: number, width: number ) : number {
  return height * width;
//Will work just fine

console.log(calculateArea("Ten", "Eleven"));
//Argument of type 'string' is not assignable to parameter of type 'number'.

Type declarations help us document our APIs and make our code more maintainable over time.


The process of compiling TypeScript to JavaScript is extremely easy. First grab the TypeScript package from npm:

npm install -g typescript

Continue reading %Creating Components in Angular 2 with Typescript and ES5%

by Thomas Greco via SitePoint

Segment – Javascript Class to Draw & Animate SVG Path Strokes

Segment is a little JavaScript class to draw and animate SVG path strokes.

by via RSS Feed

Watch: PHP Dependencies Made Easy with Composer

Ever see that commercial where the couple is sitting down to enjoy an on-demand movie and they're suddenly inundated in a sea of movie boxes?

If you're a PHP developer, chances are you've had that same feeling (minus the videos bopping your noggin) as you try to work with the wide variety of code libraries available. Save yourself by incorporating Composer, a robust dependency manager for PHP. In this short screencast, Joe Lowery will show you how to get up and running with Composer—along with its companion service, Packagist—and become a more efficient coder, rising with the tide of all those cool PHP frameworks and libraries rather than drowning in them. Composer, ahoy!

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Continue reading %Watch: PHP Dependencies Made Easy with Composer%

by Joseph Lowery via SitePoint

Studio Lin


Responsive One Pager with multiple sliders for NY-based graphic designers, Studio Lin. Each project has a useful fullscreen slider feature to get a better view of their print work.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

iOS 9: An Introduction to Multitasking on iPad