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9 Social Media Tools Recommended by Marketing Pros


Are you looking for new social media tools? Want to know what the experts are using? We asked top social media professionals which social tools they’re using right now. In this article you’ll discover nine social media tools to save you time and improve your marketing efforts. #1: Schedule Repins Using BoardBooster I use BoardBooster […]

This post 9 Social Media Tools Recommended by Marketing Pros first appeared on Social Media Examiner.
Social Media Examiner - Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Lisa D. Jenkins via Social Media Examiner

9 Useful Tools for Creating Material Design Color Palettes

One of the biggest things you’ll notice in material design is the use of bold, vibrant colors.

Material design’s color guidelines describe the color style as being "inspired by bold hues juxtaposed with muted environments, deep shadows, and bright highlights."

If you need to generate material design color palettes, these online tools will help.

1. material palette

In this tool, you start by picking your primary color and accent color. Afterwards, it will show you a live preview of the generated color palette and offer you a variety of ways to download it.

material palette

2. Material UI’s Material Design Colors

This is a nifty "cheatsheet" that presents all of the material design colors in one page.

Material UI's Material Design Colors

3. Random Material Generator

Do you want to let fate decide what your color palette should be? Use this tool to randomly choose your material design colors.

Random Material Generator

4. Material Design Palette Generator

If you’re interested in creating a custom, material-design-like color palette, check out this tool. First, you need to specify a color — and it doesn’t have to be one of the official material design colors — using a color picker dialog window similar to the ones you can find in your favorite graphics editor. The Material Design Palette Generator will then generate color swatches based on your chosen color.

Material Design Palette Generator

5. material mixer

This useful tool shows all material design colors in a conveniently compact grid layout. Click on a primary color and accent color to preview and generate your color palette.

material mixer

6. Material Colors

This tool displays just the 500 and A200 colors of material design color swatches.

Material Colors

7. MaterialUp’s Material Design Colors

This is another simple tool for visualizing material design colors. It shows the primary colors side-by-side. Clicking on a "color bar" shows all of the color swatches associated with that color.

MaterialUp's Material Design Colors

8. Tint UI’s Material Design

This tool displays just the material design 500 colors.

Tint UI's Material Design

9. designskilz’s Material Design Colors

This simple tool helps you visualize all the material design color swatches along with their official names (e.g. Pink, Light Blue, etc.).

designskilz's Material Design Colors

Material Design Color Plugins for Graphics Editors

If web tools aren’t your thing, you can instead install a plugin/extension that integrates the material design color swatches right into your design software.

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Jacob Gube is the founder of Six Revisions. He’s a front-end developer. Connect with him on Twitter and Facebook.

The post 9 Useful Tools for Creating Material Design Color Palettes appeared first on Six Revisions.

by Jacob Gube via Six Revisions

CSS-Gallery : Data-bound Photo Gallery in pure CSS

An interactive, data-bound photo gallery in pure CSS.CSS-Gallery demonstrates the true power of CSS and LESS. This is a fully interactive photo gallery, built entirely in CSS and LESS, with no Javascript anywhere.

  • Use the hamburger menu to filter photos by category
  • Use the view icons on the upper right to switch between thumbnail and list views
  • Click a photo to open a scaled lightbox showing a larger view
  • Click the arrows on the sides of the lightbox to switch photos directly.

The post CSS-Gallery : Data-bound Photo Gallery in pure CSS appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

QuickQuiz : JavaScript Quiz Wizard

QuickQuiz is a simple and powerful test and/or survey creator which resulting product can be published in an HTML page.

  • Eight types of questions: single answer, multiple answer, sequence, pairing, long answer, short answer, scales and rating.
  • Different answer formats depending on the type of question: buttons, checkboxes, radio, select, sliders…
  • Several display options: Number of buttons per row, aside or background images, main color, etc.
  • Pages. We can create the entire quiz in either one or several pages, selecting the number of questions in each one.
  • Video and audio. We can create a page with video or audio with questions displayed at certain times of the playback.

The post QuickQuiz : JavaScript Quiz Wizard appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Roll.js : JavaScript Roll & Scroll Tracking

A little js library (~8kb min, 3kb gzip, no dependencies) to help you keep track of position, scrolling, and pagination.

The post Roll.js : JavaScript Roll & Scroll Tracking appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Cytoscape.js – Graph Theory Library for Analysis and Visualisation

Cytoscape.js is a graph theory library for analysis and visualisation.

It's compatible with CommonJS/Node.js, AMD/Require.js, jQuery, npm, Bower, spm, jspm, Meteor/Atmosphere, and plain JS/JavaScript.

by via RSS Feed