Friday, April 29, 2016

zInput : jQuery Custom Radio buttons & Checkboxes Plugin

A jQuery plugin to transform standard HTML radio buttons and checkboxes (with title attributes) into easily clickable elements.

The post zInput : jQuery Custom Radio buttons & Checkboxes Plugin appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Path to Poor Local Rankings – Citation Inconsistency [INFOGRAPHIC]

The Path to Poor Local Rankings – Citation Inconsistency [infographic]

Users are increasingly searching for products or services based on location, putting local businesses in a fierce battle to be the first solution searchers find. A battle that cannot be fought alone!

The following infographic created by OptiLocal - Episode I of the Local SEO Wars - the Citation Inconsistency Awakens encourages local businesses to prepare a reliable army of business citations that will help fight this battle for higher local rankings. The infographic illustrates what citation inconsistency is, how it can negatively influence your local business and ultimately, provides suggestions on how you ended up suffering from inconsistencies in the first place.

By transforming your business citations into the Stormtroopers of the First Order, the infographic puts you on a mission of turning your army of soldiers to the Light (cleaning up your citations to avoid citation inconsistency), just like Finn did in The Force Awakens, escaping the First Order to follow his heart serving the Light.

by Guest Author via Digital Information World

Sourcehunt Design April: How About Adding Fedora to Your CV?

After taking a break in March, we are back with Sourcehunt Design for a little spring cleaning! This month, unlike before, we are going to focus solely on 2 major open source projects exclusively: Mozilla and Fedora.

Both projects are major players in the open source world, yet have some of the healthiest communities among open source projects, which leads us also to the design aspect here. Both projects are quite inclusive for new contributors to get involved.

Let's have a look.

Mozilla Community Design

Mozilla Community Design

Design at Mozilla has been usually an employee specific field for the Firefox creators. It has always been kind of unofficial for volunteers to do design work, and that most of the times happened when approached directly by employees.

However, this has changed in the recent months when the Community Design repo has been introduced. With its inception, both employees and volunteers from Mozilla projects could request design help with projects of theirs or chime in to help other contributors with their requests. I have recently wrote on my blog about the initiative also.

Let's have a look at this process and how you can get involved in a Mozilla project.

GitHub Repo

You can find the Mozilla Community Design repo on GitHub, part of the Mozilla organization. You will be greeted with an introduction on how the design processes work. A little below, you will find the template for filing issues, so all needed details are included properly when filing requests.

Make sure to check out the tutorial in case you stumble upon any issues (no pun intended).

GitHub Repo

However, we are going to focus here on contributing to design at Mozilla, not requesting design help, so let's have a look at a good example of a design issue from Mozilla, which I've personally completed recently. The Tranvision team is in need of a logo for their software, which is a translation memory web application created by the French Mozilla community and now maintained by both staff from Mozilla and volunteers.

Pascal Chevrel has created a very clear brief on how he envisions the logo, yet is also giving enough creative freedom to any designer who wants to take this on. Some back and forth discussions helped resolve the request and the logo can be seen live on the Tranvision website. It's that simple!

After you finish a request, chances are you will be asked for the final exported files. Feel free to link to them in the corresponding GitHub issue. However, in true open source fashion, push them also to a new folder in the repo itself (or create a pull request for it). Here is a good example of the Mozilla Netherlands logo I created.


Once a month, the Community Design group meets on Vidyo, Mozilla's organization-wide video-conferencing tool. Everyone is free to join, no matter if already contributed or not. This, in fact, is a very rewarding experience itself, as Mozilla's Creative Team is usually present as well. The meeting happens every second Thursday of the month, at 5:15 to 6PM UTC. You can find the meeting notes on the meeting's Etherpad.

Furthermore, there is a very helpful video if you need more help on getting involved in the GitHub repo. Feel free to also add more questions on the Mozilla Discourse if you are stuck at some point.

There is also a public Telegram group, where members chat.

Fedora Design

Fedora Design

As a popular open source Linux-based operating system, designed to offer a secure and general purpose experience. Fedora is said to be the second-most commonly used Linux distribution, after Ubuntu. There are over a hundred distributions based on Fedora, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)which also sponsors the Fedora Project.Here is a broader overview of what Fedora stands for.

Unlike the rather new Community Design initiative at Mozilla, Fedora's Design processes are rather established for quite some time now. As one of the major Linux distributions, Fedora prides itself on being a FOSS distribution that focuses on innovation and close work with upstream Linux communities. This can be also seen on the Fedora Design team: design processes work completely in the open, with a transparent issue tracker, biweekly meetings, a wiki and similar.

However, it is to be noted that Fedora officially uses Free/ Open Source Software for their design needs as well. That means that instead of Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, GIMP or Inkscape is used for all design related tasks. This is not a strict requirement though in the beginning, as the Fedora Design team is welcoming new contributors and assists them to get involved. Eventually, you will use GIMP and/or Inkscape in this process, though. I myself am a contributor at the Fedora Design Team, which helped me improve my Inkscape skills as well. Don't be afraid to give it a try!

Fedora Account System (FAS)

The Fedora Account system is the organization-wide authentication system for everything Fedora. With a single account, you get access to all internal Fedora services and platforms (it's also based on free and open source software, so you don't need to worry about your privacy or security should you decided to disable your account at some point). Feel free to create one on the FAS website for the next steps.


The first resource you should look up, is the Fedora Design Team wiki page. Here you will find everything you need to get started in various contribution areas, including web design, mockups, artworks stickers and more.

One of the most interesting projects (to me at least) is Fedora Badges. 'Badges' is a playful rewarding system, which recognizes active Fedora contributors for certain tasks. The more tasks you complete within the Fedora Project, the more Badges you receive.


That being said, designing badges is a great low entry contribution path to Fedora Design. If you want your designs to be part of the 2nd most used Linux distributions, you should probably start here, with Badges.

To kick off, check out the Badges Tracker which advises you where to go next. The design resources are also extremely helpful (I find myself constantly coming back here), however, you should have a look at the Badge style guide first, before you get your hands dirty.

Continue reading %Sourcehunt Design April: How About Adding Fedora to Your CV?%

by Elio Qoshi via SitePoint


Instant visual diffing with CSS blend modes!

A handy little site built by Una Kravets that enables you to easily compare your development site against your production one. Oh and you can even test locally hosted addresses which is awesome.

The post Diffee appeared first on Web Design Weekly.

by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly

Quick Tip: Try WebAssembly in Your Browser Today

In June 2015, inventor of JavaScript and co-founder of Mozilla, Brendan Eich, announced something very exciting for the web: WebAssembly.

Eich explains that JavaScript has been dubbed as the assembly language of the web, something which he disagrees on and goes on to introduce WebAssembly, "a new intermediate representation for safe code on the Web", as he describes it. Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple and some other folks have been experimenting on it before Eich's announcement.

WebAssembly, “wasm” for short, .wasm filename suffix, is an emerging standard whose goal is to define a safe, portable, size- and load-time efficient binary compiler target which offers near-native performance—a virtual CPU for the Web.

Why the need for WebAssembly? Well, asm.js requires the engines to optimize for it, making the parser the hot spot (literally - mobile devices can get really hot). This is due to the need for transport compression which also saves bandwidth, but decompressing it before parsing can be painful. Also, once browsers support the WebAssembly format natively, JavaScript and wasm can diverge, without introducing unsafe or inappropriate features into JavaScript just for use by compilers sourcing a few radically different programming languages.

Auth0 explains WebAssembly pretty well in this post, if you need a better overview.

WebAssembly - One Year Later

WebAssembly is designed with several use cases in mind, inside and outside the browser. As you can guess, wasm can be used for image/video editing, AAA games in the browser, live augmentation, Virtual Reality and so much more. Pretty much everything that is already possible on the web, but with the potential to be faster and more efficient. But WebAssembly can be also useful outside the browser: server side applications, hybrid native apps, server side computing of untrusted code are just some of the potential applications.

The roadmap is also going well. In the last year, the WebAssembly Community Group has made a great amount of progress, producing:

Continue reading %Quick Tip: Try WebAssembly in Your Browser Today%

by Elio Qoshi via SitePoint

Ask the UXperts: Inclusive by design — with Erin Hoffman-John

When we create mechanics and their affordances, we create rules. Our selections for what we include or omit define the physics of the space we’re creating. Take binary gender selection for example: why do most games, and many services, first confront you with that choice?

In this session we’ll chat with Erin about how the designs we create reflect the ontology of our thinking, which then reflects our ethics and philosophy, and how that shapes our work and defines the choices that we make in the future.

The Details

Meet Erin Hoffman-John

Erin Hoffman-John

Erin Hoffman-John is the Chief Designer and cofounder of Sense of Wonder, an independent mobile developer of “smart fun” games.

Previously she led game design at GlassLab, a Bill and Melinda Gates and Macarthur Foundation supported three-year initiative to establish integrated formative assessment educational games. Her game credits include Mars Generation One: Argubot Academy, Kung Fu Panda World, GoPets, and others. She is also the author of a fantasy trilogy with Pyr Books.


For more information, visit www.erinhoffman.com, and twitter @gryphoness


How to Ask Your Questions

If you can’t make the live session but have questions, we’d love to collect them ahead of time and we’ll ask Erin on your behalf. You can submit your questions here. We’ll publish the responses (along with the full transcript) in the days following the session.

Here are a few question ideas to get you started:

  1. Aren’t a lot of these design choices dictated by technological constraints? How do you overcome that?
  2. What are some practical ways that we can overcome these ethical dilemmas and design inclusively?
  3. How much responsibility is on us as designers to be inclusive? Where is the line in the sand?

How does Ask the UXperts work?

These sessions run for approximately an hour and best of all, they don’t cost a cent. We are trialling a new format for this session, using a dedicated public Slack channel. That means that there is no audio or video, but a full transcript will be posted up on here in the days following the session.

The post Ask the UXperts: Inclusive by design — with Erin Hoffman-John appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Sarah Hawk via UX Mastery

The Ultimate WordPress Development Environment

WordPress development has come a very long way in recent years when it comes to tooling. In the past, developing a WordPress website required some sort of MAMP/WAMP localhost setup and almost always, a rather painful headache. Maybe you’re even one of those developers who developed their website on a live environment - I was.

Luckily, times have changed and there are now tools that help take the headache and repetitiveness out of building WordPress sites on your computer.

In December last year, after 3 years of being almost completely devoid of any WordPress development, I became a full time WordPress developer again. Before that 3 year stint in the payments industry, I was a full time WordPress contractor.

Being out of an industry for 3 years, gave me a unique perspective on how fast things change in computing and more specifically, web development. WordPress development is no exception.

You see, when I returned to WordPress development in December last year, I decided to look at setting up the perfect WordPress development environment. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the tooling around WordPress had advanced so much that it was much like trading in a Ford for a Ferrari.

I was excited, and still am of course, to explore all the tools and in today’s article I’m going to share with you a summary of what I have learned. Hopefully it will help you tweak your current environment and implement some of the tools that are available to you.

It Starts with the Server

To begin with, the most important piece in the WordPress development environment puzzle is the server. Without a server, we can’t do anything.

There are so many different options available today to host WordPress websites on your local environment that it gets tricky to know which one to use.

I’m going to suggest that you drop MAMP/WAMP/XAMP and start using a virtualized development environment.

Why? There are so many reasons:

Continue reading %The Ultimate WordPress Development Environment%

by Matt Geri via SitePoint