Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Joe Schlaud


Minimal One Pager (redesign) with fun random GIFs for Portland-based designer, Joe Schlaud.

by Rob Hope via One Page Love

How the Facebook News Feed Works: Changes Marketers Need to Know


Are you struggling to remain visible in Facebook’s news feed? Wondering how Facebook decides what to show in the news feed? In this article you’ll discover how the Facebook news feed algorithm works, what’s been updated, and how marketers can respond to create more visibility on Facebook. #1: Facebook Prioritizes Content Topics in the News [...]

This post How the Facebook News Feed Works: Changes Marketers Need to Know first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Kristi Hines via

Animated Heat Distortion Effects with WebGL

A tutorial on how to use fragment shaders in WebGL to create an animated heat haze distortion effect on images and text.

by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed

jQuery JSONView : Formats & syntax highlights JSON

View JSON in a more readable format with jQuery JSONView.

The post jQuery JSONView : Formats & syntax highlights JSON appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain

How to Host a Blab From Your Smartphone


Do you want to broadcast live video from Blab with your mobile phone? Looking for tips to improve your mobile Blab broadcasts? Business owners and marketers can use Blab to interact with customers and prospects in real time, from anywhere. In this article you’ll discover how to successfully broadcast on Blab from your smartphone. What [...]

This post How to Host a Blab From Your Smartphone first appeared on .
- Your Guide to the Social Media Jungle

by Ana Gotter via

SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library

SamsaraJS is a functional reactive library for animating layout. It provides a language for positioning, orienting and sizing DOM elements and animating these properties over time. Everything in SamsaraJS — from the user input to the rendering pipeline — is a stream. Building a user interface becomes the art of composing streams.

The post SamsaraJS : Layout Animation library appeared first on jQuery Rain.

by Admin via jQuery Rain


We concentrated Sourdoreille’s fresh thinking and characteristic cheekiness to produce qualitative & trendy design guidelines thus making them stand out in a positive way.
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day