Friday, October 14, 2016

Line Maker – Animated Decorative Lines

Line Maker is a plugin for creating and animating decorative lines on websites. This plugin shows easy way for adding all kinds of lines with different thicknesses and colors, in vertical or horizontal direction, and animate them.

by via RSS Feed


StartupLab is a launch pad for tech startups. Focused on helping with office space, funding and networking
by via Awwwards - Sites of the day

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Review: Built for Use

This is a review of online course Built for Use by Joe Natoli and hosted at Give Good UX.

Read more reviews or browse the full list of online UX courses.

Course information

  • Course Name: Built for Use
  • Author: Joe Natoli
  • Hosted by: Give Good UX
  • Length: 3.25 hours
  • Intended Audience: Beginner/Intermediate UX Designers
  • What You’ll Learn: The how and why of changing traditional engineering requirements process to a user-centred one.
  • Assumed Knowledge: Basic knowledge of UX terms
  • Price at time of review: $97 USD


I wish this course had been available 10 years ago. Working as a UX Designer back then, I was often handed novel-length product requirements documents (PRD). I had no understanding of how they were created and why they never made any sense for my job. Why would I read these super long documents?

In this course, Joe Natoli explains how PRDs are created and more. Not only is this a solid course for UX designers, I think product managers would benefit from it too.

I’ve taken a lot of UX courses over the years, but this is the first I’ve seen on this specific topic. Compared to others, this one is top notch in explaining the why and what of requirements gathering. Built for Use is of similar quality to courses I’ve taken by Susan Weinschenk at The Team W and UXTraining courses by Colman Walsh. Another excellent library of courses is Jared Spool’s AYCL video library. But none of these options cover this particular topic.

I must admit I’d never heard of Joe Natoli before taking his courses on Udemy. But he knows his stuff. He also has a great Facebook group to support his course.

Joe has excellent examples and humorous stories that kept me interested and intrigued throughout the course. During each step, he explains the value UX brings to the table – so not only is this a course about changing the requirements process, but it also teaches you to sell the value of UX.

Figure 1: UX Value Loop

The UX Value Loop

After explaining the shortcomings of the current requirements process, Joe brings in three UX techniques to help reconfigure this activity: empathy maps, situational maps, and scenarios. He explains how to use each technique, then asks the viewer to try each method as an exercise. There’s no review of your work, but he shows examples of possible solutions.

Engineering vs. UX Requirements Process

Engineering vs. UX Requirements Process


I’ve heard of situational mapping, but never used it in my work. Joe’s explanation and examples make it easy to follow along and learn this technique.

The concept behind situational mapping is to get closer to situations the user is likely to find themselves in. You map their needs to the situation by developing a hypothetical situation for your user. Take note of the stresses and possible outcomes as you fill out the template.

Situational Map Template

Situational Map Template


Empathy Map Template

Empathy Map Template


An interesting learning for me, was realising the situational map template is how I usually view an empathy map. Using different templates, however, means you view the user through different lenses. The empathy map is about how the user thinks and feels, while the situational map outlines their needs. (You can download Joe’s templates at

Some key takeaways from this course are:

  1. Requirements cannot be gathered.
  2. Vague needs shouldn’t be in a requirements list.
  3. You don’t know what you don’t know.
  4. Requirements are about asking questions and negotiating as a team.

The Presenter

Joe Natoli

Joe Natoli has been preaching and practising the gospel of User and Customer Experience to Fortune 100, 500 and Government organisations for nearly three decades. That work includes commercial industry leaders like Broadridge, Condé Nast, Johns Hopkins, Mettler-Toledo, PHH Arval, SC Johnson and Wolters Kluwer, as well as government agencies like NSF/NCSES, NIH and the Dept. of Homeland Security.

Joe devotes half of his practice to writing, coaching, and speaking. From guiding students at the beginning of their careers to integrating UX into the work of seasoned veteran developers and designers, he is immensely passionate about the inherent power of UX and design.


  • Excellent examples
  • Nice usage of text and voice for two different learning types
  • Good graphics
  • Author/narrator has a sense of humour


  • Some of the text/images can be hard to read because of lack of contrast.
  • There is no indication of the total course length.
  • Autoplay of videos doesn’t seem to work consistently.


This course provides learning for both visual and aural learners, with exercises and key takeaways for each section. Videos are broken into small-ish chunks (5 to 20 minutes).

Overall, Built for Use is a great course to help UX Designers get a seat at the table and be more involved in the business processes of an organisation.

  • Content (how useful, up to date, practical, and comprehensive): 10/10
  • Delivery (presentation style, pace, clarity, authority): 10/10
  • Production (video quality, audio quality, editing): 9/10
  • User Interface (reliable infrastructure, usable interface, convenient): 10/10
  • Overall rating: 10/10

The post Review: Built for Use appeared first on UX Mastery.

by Julia Debari via UX Mastery

Getting Started with Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a framework for building RESTful web services in Java. In this tutorial we're going to have a look at how to get started with developing a Dropwizard application by building a new service from scratch. This article is going to cover the very basics. The goal is to implement and run a Dropwizard application which is able to respond to an HTTP GET request.

After a short introduction to Dropwizard and our application domain, we will see how to create a new project, talk about its structure, and configure it. Later on we will implement a simple RESTful API before finally building and running your application.

The sample project is available on GitHub. Key commits are tagged and I'll be referencing them throughout this post after each major change. If you feel that something is unclear and wish to see a snapshot of the whole project, feel free to check out the referenced tag.

The only prerequisites you need to have installed are Maven, JDK, and a text editor or IDE of your choice.


What is Dropwizard?

As already stated, Dropwizard is a framework for building RESTful web services in Java. In essence, it is a glue framework which bundles together popular and battle-tested Java libraries and frameworks to make it easier to start building new RESTful web services.

Here's an incomplete list of some of the libraries that Dropwizard uses.

  • Jersey - reference implementation of JAX-RS, the API for RESTful web services in the Java platform
  • Jackson - library for processing JSON data
  • Jetty - HTTP server and Java Servlet container
  • Metrics - library for capturing JVM- and application-level metrics for monitoring
  • Guava - utility library
  • Logback - logging library

Introducing Our Demo Application Domain

To get a better understanding of Dropwizard, we're going to build a RESTful web service from the ground up. It is going to be a back-end for a hypothetical events app. Imagine you've moved to a new city and would like to plan your evening. This app will list events based on your search criteria and location. The back-end should be able to provide a list of events. It should also be possible to add new events and update existing events. To keep things simple, we're going to exclude user authentication and authorization for now.

Project Structure

I'm going to use Maven as a build tool. In my opinion, the easiest way to get started with a new application is to create a project using the dropwizard-archetype. Archetype is essentially a tool for bootstrapping a Maven project from a template.

Run the following command in your terminal to get started with a new Dropwizard project.

mvn archetype:generate \
        -DarchetypeGroupId=io.dropwizard.archetypes \
        -DarchetypeArtifactId=java-simple \

As of October 2016, the latest version of Dropwizard is 1.0.2. Be sure to check the most recent version and update archetypeVersion accordingly. Running the archetype:generate command prompts you to enter some project specific fields (e.g. groupId, artifactId). When entering the project name, keep in mind that this field is used to generate application and configuration classes. Use CamelCase and do not insert spaces to make sure that the generated class names are going to be valid.

For example, I named the application Events. Therefore the generated classes are going to be named EventsApplication and EventsConfiguration. If I had used events-app as the name, event-appApplication and event-appConfiguration would have been generated. Unfortunately, these are invalid class names and the compiler will point that out to you.

On successful completion, This is what the generated folder structure looks like.

├── config.yml
├── pom.xml
└── src
    ├── main
    │   ├── java
    │   │   └── com
    │   │       └── mydomain
    │   │           ├── api
    │   │           ├── cli
    │   │           ├── client
    │   │           ├── core
    │   │           ├── db
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├──
    │   │           ├── health
    │   │           └── resources
    │   └── resources
    │       ├── assets
    │       └── banner.txt
    └── test
        ├── java
        │   └── com
        │       └── mydomain
        │           ├── api
        │           ├── client
        │           ├── core
        │           ├── db
        │           └── resources
        └── resources
            └── fixtures

Application configuration is stored in config.yml. We're going to look at it in more detail in the next paragraph. Most of the meat is located in src/main/java including the two aforementioned classes - EventsApplication and EventsConfiguration.

The following is an overview of which files should go into which folder:

  • api - Here live your application representations, which are essentially the entities of your API. They are serialized and deserialized to JSON.
  • cli - Contains commands that can be executed from the command line. They are not covered in this tutorial.
  • client - HTTP client implementation of your API. For easy consumption of your API you can implement a client and place it here. We're not going to do it in this tutorial.
  • core - This is where you implement your domain logic.
  • db - Classes related to database access.
  • health - Contains health checks. These are runtime tests which verify whether your application is behaving correctly.
  • resources - Jersey resources.

We're not going to use all of these packages since I'd like to keep the tutorial on the easier side. Dropwizard isn't strict about the package naming scheme. If you wish you can rename and restructure the package hierarchy to suit your needs better.

The initial project structure can be seen by checking out the starting-point tag.

[caption id="attachment_141062" align="alignnone" width="1024"]Published by Jared Tarbell under CC-BY 2.0 Published by Jared Tarbell under CC-BY 2.0[/caption]

Application Configuration

Storing variables which might vary depending on the execution environment in a configuration file is considered to be a good practice. When running your application, Dropwizard expects to receive a configuration file as a command line argument. By default configuration files should be written in YAML. The parsed configuration fields are used to build a new instance of a configuration class.

For now, let's keep the configuration file as straightforward as possible. There are two things I would like add. Firstly, let's change the root path of our application so all REST endpoints will be served from /api/*. The rootPath parameter is one of many built-in configuration parameters Dropwizard has to offer, so we do not need to change any code to have it available.

Secondly, since we're dealing with events, we care about the start time, which can be represented in many ways. Let's add a date format configuration parameter, which enables us to control the output date format from a configuration file.

First, modify config.yml and add the following configuration.

  rootPath: /api/*
dateFormat: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ

Of course we need to access the custom configuration parameter dateFormat from within the running application. When Dropwizard is started, configuration fields are mapped to a configuration class' member fields.

So let's edit our configuration class and include the dateFormat field. Open EventsConfiguration and add the following lines:

private String dateFormat;

public String getDateFormat() {
    return dateFormat;

An application shouldn't trust an external configuration file to be correct. To help validate its correctness, we can use Hibernate Validator. The @NotEmpty annotation makes sure the string is not empty. Otherwise Dropwizard fails to start.

Keep in mind that this does not check if the date format pattern is actually valid. It only checks if it is defined in the configuration file. You could create your own custom validator which will print out a nice error message at start-up if the pattern is invalid. To keep things simpler, I'm not going to tackle this issue at the moment.

Check out app-configuration tag to see the project after configuration changes.

Application Class

This is what the generated application class looks like.

public class EventsApplication extends Application<EventsConfiguration> {
    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
        new EventsApplication().run(args);

    public void run(EventsConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {

    public void initialize(Bootstrap<EventsConfiguration> bootstrap) {

When starting the service, the main method inside the EventsApplication class gets invoked. This is the entry point for a Dropwizard application. A new EventsApplication object is created and its run method is called. The run method is used to configure Dropwizard's environment.

This is the place to apply the date pattern used in our application. For that we configure Jackson's ObjectMapper, which will later (de)serialize the request and response parameters from Java classes to JSON and vice versa. Let's modify its date format by explicitly creating a new instance of SimpleDateFormat and passing it the pattern from the configuration object.

public void run(EventsConfiguration configuration, Environment environment) {
    DateFormat eventDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(configuration.getDateFormat())

Later we're going to modify the run method to register new resources.

The application class has one more method we need to look at although we're not going to add any code inside it: initialize is used to go through the application’s bootstrapping phase. Here you can add bundles and commands for example. Bundles are groups of reusable functionality - think of them as add-ons to your application. Commands can be used to create additional functionality that can be accessed from the command line.

Checkout date-format-configuration tag to see the project after changes made in the application class.

Creating a Representation of Domain Objects

Representations are the entities of your API. They represent the current or the desired state of a resource. For example, when a client makes an HTTP GET request to the events resource, the server sends back a representation of the current state of events. Representations can be serialized to any format but we're going to use JSON in this tutorial.

Let's think about what fields we want to include in the events representation class. An event should have a name. Also, we need to know when and where the event is taking place. Hosts might want to add additional information about the event. This calls for a description field. It is a good idea to include an id as well since we want to make sure each event is uniquely identifiable.

Continue reading %Getting Started with Dropwizard%

by Indrek Ots via SitePoint

AtoZ CSS Screencast: CSS Pseudo Elements

Pseudo elements are elements on the page that aren’t found in the HTML code.

They can be manipulated with any CSS that would be applied to any other element.

Two special pseudo elements - :before and :after can be used to generate content on the page from CSS and have many potential use cases.

In this episode we’ll learn about:

  • The five different pseudo elements
  • Generating content like text, images attribute values and counters from CSS
  • And how to make complex shapes with minimal markup

Pseudo Elements

There are five pseudo elements in CSS:

  • ::first-line
  • ::first-letter
  • ::selection
  • ::before
  • ::after

These are differentiated from pseudo classes with the double colon but are often written in CSS with a single colon for brevity.

I’ve got a long blockquote of placeholder text here. I can change the color of the first line of text with :first-line which even holds true when the text reflows. I can create a drop cap by styling the :first-letter with float and a larger font-size. And I can change the color of selected text with :selection.

Continue reading %AtoZ CSS Screencast: CSS Pseudo Elements%

by Guy Routledge via SitePoint

7 Tips for a Perfect Business Logo (infographic)

7 Tips for a Perfect Business Logo (infographic)

Imagine you just sat down to a meal you've been looking forward to all day—perhaps at your favorite restaurant or a holiday dinner with your family. You take that first bite… and you realize something's gone horribly wrong. The meal you've been looking forward to tastes terrible.

Everyone has had that moment where they bit into burned or badly seasoned food. Of course it's off-putting. But did you know that your business logo can actually work the same way with your customers?

Think of it like this. Your logo is the first part of your brand that people see, so many customers choose whether or not they'll work with you based on that first impression. If the logo doesn't match how you interact with them, it's going to leave a bad taste in their mouths. Worse, they won't even give you a chance if the logo looks unappealing to start with. On the other hand, a good logo that truly represents your brand will keep customers coming back for more.

Whether you're creating a new logo or redesigning an old one, you'll need the perfect logo recipe and the right ingredients—from colors and fonts to shapes and styles. Fortunately, Company Folders has put together this collection of design best practices to help you create an appetizing logo.

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

Yarn - a new, super-speedy JS package manager from Facebook

Pure JS OCR; Is jQuery still relevant?; Doubt over React's licenseRead this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 305 — October 13, 2016
A new way to install and manage your npm packages. The initial community response has been very positive, it’s very fast, and there’s already a screencast introduction.
Facebook Code

A pure JS port of the Tesseract OCR engine supporting over 60 languanges, automatic orientation, script detection, character bounding boxes and more. There’s a live demo right on the page.
Guillermo Webster and Kevin Kwok

A JavaScript implementation of the full HTML5 form validation and constraints API that replaces or polyfills the browser’s native methods.

Google Inc.
Google’s Polymer Summit will feature two days of talks on Polymer, Web Components, Progressive Web Apps, and the future of the mobile web. All sessions will be livestreamed from our website on 17 and 18 October. Please sign up here to learn more.
Google Inc.   Sponsor

The transcript of a chat between several experts discussing whether the jQuery project is still useful in modern web development.
Telerik Developer Network

Robert Pierce concludes React is not ‘open source.’ This spawned a large Hacker News discussion.
El Camino Legal LLP

Todd Motto explains the strategies that you can use on existing Angular 1.x codebases to get them into shape for future Angular 2 refactoring.
Todd Motto

A look at the work behind reducing the memory consumed by V8’s parser and its compilers.
Michael Hablich

Jobs Supported by

  • Front End Developer at GeckoboardGeckoboard is a successful and growing 30-person startup based in East London looking for curious and creative problem solvers to help create beautiful UIs with React and ES6. Geckoboard
  • Node.js developer at Econify (New York, NY)Econify is a software development shop that primarily works with established companies, leading them through complicated technology challenges. We’re currently seeking a senior Node.js developer. Elixir knowledge a plus. Econify
  • The End of Job Hunting As You Know ItYou're on the cutting edge of technology, why job hunt like it's the 90s? Try Hired today and have 4,000+ top companies apply for the chance to interview you. Hired

In brief

Comparing 176,000 tech salaries news
The best city to be a techie is Seattle, WA with an average individual salary $36,121 above household median.
Swizec Teller  Sponsor

Angular 2.1.0 Now Available news
The Router now supports preloading of lazy loaded modules

Chrome Dev Summit 2016 news
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 will take place in San Francisco, CA on Nov 10-11. Join Chrome VP Darin Fisher for two days of announcements and talks from the Chrome team. Register now with code JAVASCRIPTWEEKLY

Level up your Ember Skills with simplabs' workshops course
simplabs are offering Ember.JS workshops, ranging from 3 day Jumpstart events to advanced workshops which cover techniques like complex component architectures, FastBoot and Testing.
simplabs  Sponsor

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Stephen Whitmore

Recursion in JavaScript with ES6, Destructuring and Rest/Spread tutorial
Hugo Di Francesco

npm vs Yarn Cheat Sheet tutorial
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A React Introduction For People Who Know Just Enough jQuery To Get By tutorial
Updated this year for the latest React.
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Build A Material Design App with Angular 2 tutorial
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Getting Started with Angular 2 End To End Testing tutorial

Building A Netflix-Style UI in React tutorial
Jack Oliver and Sophia Shoemaker

A JavaScript Journey with Only Six Characters tutorial
How (and why) you can write JS with just six characters.
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Simple JavaScript Speech Recognition in the Browser tutorial
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Making Electron Development Simpler, More Pleasant and Productive video
An engineer at Slack demonstrates the tools Slack used to reduce friction in Electron development.
Machisté Quintana

Writing A Pong Game in JavaScript video
A 52-minute tutorial showing how to recreate Pong with ES6. Play the end-result here.
Meth Meth Method

Does Angular 2 Live Up to The Hype? opinion
Tyler Church

This Infographic Explains Why JS Dev Seems So Complicated opinion
Giles Bowkett

Why Yehuda Katz is Working on Yarn opinion
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JavaScript Fatigue Fatigue opinion
Quincy Larson

gDoc.js: Use Google Sheets as a CMS or to Send Data To code
Jade Allen Cook

Cerebral: Define and Manage Your Entire App's State in a Single State Tree code
Christian Alfoni

13 jQuery Select Box/Drop-Down Plugins code
Simon Codrington

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooper Press.

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© Cooper Press Ltd. Office 30, Lincoln Way, Louth, LN11 0LS, UK

by via JavaScript Weekly