Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Debugging WordPress: 11 Powerful Tips and Techniques

This tutorial will show you 11 powerful ways to debug WordPress and PHP errors. The first item in the list is the famous WP_Debug, and finally we'll cover some more advanced methods.

First, let’s list the types of common PHP errors:

A - Notice: This is the least important error message you will see with PHP. It does not necessarily mean something is wrong, but there is possible improvement suggested.

Example: null element passed to a function that expect a string.

B - Warning: It’s a more severe error, but does not cause script termination.

Example: giving include() a file that does not exist.

C - Fatal error: This is a dangerous indicator of something going really wrong, and the script terminated.

Example: calling a non-existing function.

Continue reading %Debugging WordPress: 11 Powerful Tips and Techniques%

by Loai Nagati via SitePoint

Inspiration for Letter Effects with Anime.js

A tutorial about creating set of inspirational letter animations for display typography effects and large headlines powered by anime.js

by via jQuery-Plugins.net RSS Feed

Introducing Bootcards: Bootstrap Cards Made Easy

Bootcards is a UI framework for card interfaces. Like its name says, it is based on the Bootstrap framework and it has a dual-pane capability for both desktop and mobile.

These days information is everywhere and sometimes the sheer amount of it can confuse us. With the rise of mobile devices, UX designers have been trying to create interfaces that are minimalistic and don't overload users with information.

Cards interfaces have been gaining lots of popularity, mainly because they focus on what's important and are graphically catchy.

Bootcards is mostly used on lists, Summary Cards, different type of File Cards, and Media Cards such as Twitter Cards. The framework is helpful when we want to create lists which contain more information than usual. Another use case for Bootcards relates to Summary Cards, which are a great way of creating card-based dashboards.

Why Cards

Cards are in fashion nowadays. They show exactly what users want by keeping the focus strictly on key points. You can use cards to display contact details, summaries, file information, and more. This pattern breaks the content into small components and arranges them in eye-catching designs.

A lot of big names such as Google, Spotify, Pinterest and Amazon have used cards in their designs, especially in mobile devices. Cards gained importance when they got used for the first time by Twitter. Twitter Cards were presented in 2012 and since then the hype has gone up.

A cards-based layout consists of text, images, videos and more, all of which creates a valuable mix of information. Twitter uses cards to create a connection between users and content: users can quickly spot the summary that is important to them without having to go through the entire content. One more good reason for using Twitter Cards is to drive engagement to your Tweets.

Google Cards

The Google Now Cards' slogan is to give the right information at the right time. Google Now Cards accomplish this by showing only valuable information with a focus on the needs of mobile users.

Bootcards offers a full set of features for creating high quality cards. The framework is optimized for all devices and media queries. Another good point is its native look and feel. It offers separate stylesheets for each platform: iOS, Android or Desktop.

Quick Start with Bootcards

In this section, we will learn how to create cards with the help of Bootcards. To get started, before adding Bootcards files, we need to add Bootstrap. Next, you can add Bootcards' OS-specific CSS files (desktop, Android or iOS) and its JavaScript file.

The reason why Bootcards has OS-specific CSS files is to provide a UI that can change its look and feel depending on the platform that you are using. Different CSS files will change default heading colors, make the navbar collapsible and other UI changes. Be careful, you will only need to load one type of CSS file depending on the device being used to view your web page.

[code language="html"]<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.4/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

<!-- Important: you'll only need one of the Bootcards CSS files below for every platform -->

<!-- Bootcards CSS for iOS: -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootcards/1.0.0/css/bootcards-ios.min.css">

<!-- Bootcards CSS for Android: -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootcards/1.0.0/css/bootcards-android.min.css">

<!-- Bootcards CSS for desktop: -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootcards/1.0.0/css/bootcards-desktop.min.css">

<!-- Bootstrap and Bootcards JS -->
<script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootcards/1.0.0/js/bootcards.min.js"></script>

You can start working with Bootcards just by adding its CSS files, but for enhanced usability, make sure you include the JavaScript function below:

[code language="js"]
offCanvasBackdrop: true,
offCanvasHideOnMainClick: true,
enableTabletPortraitMode: true,
disableRubberBanding: true

These options are especially useful if you are targeting mobile or iOS users. To show a backdrop when the offcanvas menu is displayed, set offCanvasBackdrop to true. In case you want to hide the offcanvas menu when you click outside it, you can use offCanvasHideOnMainClick. You can also enable single pane mode for tablets in portrait mode by setting the enableTabletPortraitMode to true. The last setting above, disableRubberBanding, is used to disable the rubber banding effect on iOS devices.

Continue reading %Introducing Bootcards: Bootstrap Cards Made Easy%

by Taulant Spahiu via SitePoint

Medialart – Immersive Exhibitions

MEDIALART great cultural initiatives aimed at popularization of Art and the Italian Culture.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Marc Lehmann – Art Director

marc lehmann. free­lance art-di­rec­tor and graph­ic de­sign­er liv­ing and work­ing in ham­burg / ger­many. loves to cre­ate idea-driv­en, vivid con­cepts for brands and peo­ple. re­al­ly in­to books, movies, fonts and run­ning.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Sportsman WordPress Blog Theme

Sportsman WordPress Blog Theme has a modern and functional design created for the Sport industry and suitable for those, who’s looking for a great theme to share their stories through the effective blogging site.

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery

Into the wind

Into the wind is roadmovie about freedom. Do you have a luxury of free choice? How far can we go? Where are the borders? What is our personal world? All these questions are framed by endless sea and moving horizon. And this is just starting point….

by csreladm via CSSREEL | CSS Website Awards | World best websites | website design awards | CSS Gallery