Friday, January 26, 2018

The Ultimate Grammar Cheat Sheet for Writers - #Infographic

English is the world’s international language, but that doesn’t mean it’s the world’s easiest language. It’s full of grammar oddities, confusing vocabulary and hard-to-master conventions. There are nearly twice number of people speaking English as second language as there are native speakers, and...

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by Web Desk via Digital Information World

#370: The Building Blocks of Web Workers

This week's JavaScript newsRead this e-mail on the Web
JavaScript Weekly
Issue 370 — January 26, 2018
The final release of the popular module bundler is due in a month to let plugin developers catch up, but you can play with it already. It’s faster, output is smaller, it’s taken a ‘zero config’ approach, and way more.
Sean T. Larkin

An overview of Web Workers, a way to run JavaScript in background threads in the browser, plus several use cases where they make a great choice.
Alexander Zlatkov

Automatically detect & diagnose JavaScript errors impacting your users with Bugsnag. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, & debug in a fraction of the time compared to traditional tools. Try it free.
bugsnag   Sponsor

Seen the Wat talk? Scratching your head at the intriguing nature of JavaScript’s type system? Learn more here.
Abhinav Suri

An interesting project that involves using a projector and camera to scan and run physical ‘programs’ that you can literally edit ‘by hand’.
Jan Paul Posma

One company’s extensive set of guidelines covering ‘project level’ concerns like git, dependencies, environments, and API design.

Some interesting feature proposals that didn’t make it. One for the perpetually curious readers amongst you :-)
Kaelan Cooter

..and how to avoid them yourself. Spoiler: Most involve TypeError. The data behind this comes from the Rollbar error monitoring service.
Jason Skowronski

Yes, jQuery is still with us, and the addClass, removeClass, and toggleClass methods now accept an array of class names. (3.3.1 rapidly followed 3.3.0.)
Timmy Willison


In Brief

Promise.prototype.finally Now Stage 4 in TC39 Process news
Jordan Harband on Twitter

Nested Ternaries are Great tutorial
Those condition ? trueExp : falseExp type constructions.
Eric Elliott

5 Tips and Thoughts on Async / Await Functions tutorial
J Cole Morrison

How To Make a Drag-and-Drop File Uploader With Vanilla JS tutorial
A thorough walkthrough, as you’d expect from Smashing Magazine.
Joseph Zimmerman

Build Your First JavaScript, Android, or iOS App with MongoDB Stitch tutorial
Get started with the beta release of MongoDB's backend-as-a-service with step-by-step tutorials and sample apps.
MONGODB  Sponsor

Deep-Copying in JavaScript: Approaches to Copying Objects tutorial
Das Surma

HTML Templating with Vanilla ES2015 Template Literals tutorial
Ben Frain

7 Quick Techniques for ES6 Developers tutorial
Tal Bereznitskey

Functional Programming in JavaScript with Hyperapp tutorial
Hyperapp is a very lightweight library inspired by Elm.
Ali Spittel

eBook: TDD Best-Practices for JavaScript 
Codeship  Sponsor

Building Vue.js Apps with Parcel tutorial
Joshua Bemenderfer

Array.from() Accepts a Second Argument That.. tutorial
.. can be a mapping function
Addy Osmani on Twitter

JavaScript, The Bad Parts: A V8 Engineer's Perspective slidedeck
Benedikt Meurer

What's New in Chrome 64's DevTools in 3 Minutes video
Google Chrome Developers

TDD with Wallaby.js video
Or unit testing on steroids (make sure to watch till the end).
Wallaby.js  Sponsor

What’s New in Vue Devtools 4.0 tools
Guillaume Chau

D3 Discovery: Easily Find Plugins for D3.js tools
D3 is a powerful data visualization toolkit made even better with plugins.

Parcel 1.5 Released: Source Maps, WebAssembly, Rust, and More tools
It’s not just Webpack having all the fun :-)
Devon Govett

Scratches: An Elegant JavaScript Scratchpad tools
Electron-based and it evaluates as you type.
Paolo Fragomeni

Greenlet: Move An Async Function Into Its Own Thread code
A simplified single-function version of workerize.
Jason Miller

jsnes: A JavaScript NES Emulator code
Ben Firshman

Curated by Peter Cooper and published by Cooperpress.

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by via JavaScript Weekly

Facebook Removes An Inappropriate Question From It’s ‘Did You Know’ Feature

How would you answer or react if someone asks you ‘who or what do you sleep with?’ Well, this is what Facebook asked their users in its ‘Did You Know’ feature. The question was: I usually sleep with . . . There was a massive buzz around this question over the social platform and, as a result,...

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by Zubair Ahmed via Digital Information World

10 Tips To Master The Art Of First Impression - #infogrphic

First impressions only take a tenth of a second to be made but can affect you hugely. Nearly every human interaction we have sees us being judged in what scientists call a “thin slice” of immediate perception. Making a great initial impression on people is therefore a life skill that all of us...

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by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

7 Mobile Marketing Trends And Tip For Small Businesses In 2018 - #infographic

65,9% of the people on our planet owns some kind of a mobile device. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are changing the way we live and the way we think in front of our eyes. Brands must be at the forefront of the change that is taking place if they want to remain competitive in the ever-changing...

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by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

How To Spot Fake Social Media Profiles - #Infographic

Where do fake social media accounts come from? Some are there for legitimate reasons, sure. Maybe you want to make a Twitter account for your dog. Or maybe you have a job that regulates what you can say online and you want a little freedom. Many people have alternative social media accounts online,...

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by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World

4 Essential Digital Marketing Tactics for Multi-Location Businesses - #infographic

Digital has had an undeniable impact on multi-location businesses this year. In fact, approximately 56 percent of in-store sales were influenced by online marketing last year. So, which platform, content, device, and search trends are worth following this year? MDG’s new infographic, reveals which...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Irfan Ahmad via Digital Information World