Building the Google Photos Web UI
A technical write up about how they Google Photos team solved various challenges, and a peek under the hood of how the web version of Google Photos works. Awesome read. (medium.com)
The Speed Update is now rolling out for all users. (googleblog.com)
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Defining Component APIs in React
If you spend anytime working with React this post by Brent Jackson is a worthy read. Brent shares a collection of thoughts, opinions, and advice for defining component APIs that are meant to be more flexible, composable, and easier to understand. (jxnblk.com)
Position, Position, Position
Ryan Singer from Basecamp explains that focusing on individual features and experiences is good, but you should never forget about the position you’re trying to hold. A great read for those interested in design strategy. (signalvnoise.com)
Delivering WordPress in 7KB
Do you think about your carbon footprint in relation to the things you are developing? This post by Jack Lenox might change that thinking. (css-tricks.com)
Goodbye Microservices
Segment’s story of how they took a step back and embraced an approach that aligned well with their product requirements and needs of the team. (segment.com)
Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS
CSS can be hard to manage across a project, especially when you need to include media queries for various breakpoints and fallbacks for older browsers. In this article, Rachel Andrew takes a look at using Fractal to manage components which use CSS Grid. (smashingmagazine.com)
What kind of ethics do front-end developers need?
Hidde de Vries has put together some great words on how we can apply ethics to our work by having an ethical mindset when doing our craft. (hiddedevries.nl)
Different views on view-source (christianheilmann.com)
Tools / Resources
What Is Redux: A Designer’s Guide
Do you know Redux’s real power is beyond managing the state? Do you want to design with an understanding of how Redux works in mind? Linton Ye digs deeper into what Redux can do, why it does its things and what the downsides are. (smashingmagazine.com)
Draw inspiration anywhere with Affinity Designer for iPad
The first fully-featured professional vector graphic design app for iPad. Buy now with 30% launch discount. £13.99/$13.99/14,99€ (no subscription). (serif.com)
Web Architecture 101
Jonathan Fulton shares some architecture concepts he wish he’d known when getting started as a web developer (videoblocks.com)
Your Body Text Is Too Smallm (marvelapp.com)
An inside look at Framer X (prototypr.io)
The Now CDN (zeit.co)
Bootstrap 4.1.2 released (getbootstrap.com)
Design Caretaker featuring Charlie Sutton (spec.fm)
Random day in the life of a developer (css-tricks.com)
Senior Front End Engineer at Differential
We’re looking for someone with at least 3+ years experience with building out web or mobile front-ends, has experience working with React & React-Native, is familiar with GraphQL, API architecture, and has an exceptional ability to communicate. (differential.com)
Frontend Engineer at Zapier
We’re looking for a Frontend Engineer to join the engineering team at Zapier. Want to create a simple product that allows anyone to do complex, incredible things with the world’s APIs? (zapier.com)
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Last but not least…
Font Memory Game — Learn how to recognize typefaces (betterwebtype.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #326 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly