Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Invisible Lewd Video Hoax Is Once Again Making Rounds On Social Media (Beware Facebook Users)

We often see a hoax here and there on the internet. These hoaxes come from the fact that the internet can be a pretty vibrant place that is full of all sorts of people all of whom believe different things, and if there is one thing that human beings have in common it is that we have a tendency to...

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by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World

Facebook’s New Update Will Commemorate the Dead

Facebook has always made it a point to commemorate the deceased. The social media platform has usually done this by mentioning the death in the profile of the deceased individual, but a recent update might just make it so that the deceased people will have an even better send off and their Facebook...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World

Function Composition in JavaScript with Array.prototype.reduceRight

Functional programming in JavaScript has rocketed in popularity over the last few years. While a handful of its regularly-promoted tenets, such as immutability, require runtime workarounds, the language's first-class treatment of functions has proven its support of composable code driven by this fundamental primitive. Before covering how one can dynamically compose functions from other functions, let's take a brief step back.

What is a Function?

Effectively, a function is a procedure that allows one to perform a set of imperative steps to either perform side effects or to return a value. For example:

function getFullName(person) {
  return `${person.firstName} ${person.surname}`;

When this function is invoked with an object possessing firstName and lastName properties, getFullName will return a string containing the two corresponding values:

const character = {
  firstName: 'Homer',
  surname: 'Simpson',

const fullName = getFullName(character);

console.log(fullName); // => 'Homer Simpson'

It's worth noting that, as of ES2015, JavaScript now supports arrow function syntax:

const getFullName = (person) => {
  return `${person.firstName} ${person.surname}`;

Given our getFullName function has an arity of one (i.e. a single argument) and a single return statement, we can streamline this expression:

const getFullName = person => `${person.firstName} ${person.surname}`;

These three expressions, despite differing in means, all reach the same end in:

  • creating a function with a name, accessible via the name property, of getFullName
  • accepting a sole parameter, person
  • returning a computed string of person.firstName and person.lastName, both being separated by a space

Combining Functions via Return Values

As well as assigning function return values to declarations (e.g. const person = getPerson();), we can use them to populate the parameters of other functions, or, generally speaking, to provide values wherever JavaScript permits them. Say we have respective functions which perform logging and sessionStorage side effects:

The post Function Composition in JavaScript with Array.prototype.reduceRight appeared first on SitePoint.

by James Wright via SitePoint

4 Ways to Grow Your Online Brand by Combining Content & Commerce

For years, one of the most significant challenges to scaling a WordPress site was due to the clunky ecommerce options.

Sure, you could use platforms like Shopify, but those take your customers offsite and don't scale well or integrate easily with WordPress. In addition, traditional ecommerce solutions focus on selling, not content.

With 30% of all businesses using WordPress (making it the most widely used content management system on the planet), that left a huge hole in the ecommerce market. Until now.

With the latest addition of BigCommerce for WordPress, growing an online brand using headless commerce solutions is easier than ever.

You no longer have to choose between selling products or focusing on content marketing. Now, you can match different ecommerce sites and platforms with content-driven strategies to create a blog that gets traffic--and makes sales.

So, how do you do it? Here are four strategies for building an online brand by combining the power of content marketing with advanced ecommerce tools.

Develop Your Blog with Niche Content to Attract Leads

Too many people think content market is squishy; they think it is untrackable, unscalable, and incapable of driving sales.

Those people are wrong.

Here's why.

Customers enjoy reading relevant content. It makes them feel closer and more positive about a brand. Consider these stats from Demand Metric:

Image source

Need more proof? How about the fact that 60% of people are inspired to seek out a product after reading content about it? With over 4 million blog posts published daily, it’s a sign that content marketing is here to stay.

Content sells, plain and simple.

How Niche Content Can Help You Drive Leads &Amp; Sell

Instead of creating widely popular content, which is likely to get lost in the ever-growing expanse of the internet, develop and market to a small, niche audience.

Here is how niche marketing helps you sell:

Niche marketing is about understanding who your audience is and taking the time to build a strong, trusting relationship. For instance, take this free piece of content that Freshdesk gives their readers, a customer service resume template:

Image source

This provides instant value for people in the field of customer service, perfectly relating to the products they sell.

Better content like this customer service resume value-add means your competition is less likely to be able to draw your customers away with, for example, slightly lower prices.

Long term, you become a trusted expert; a big fish in a small pond.

And your customers become brand loyal and enter your sales funnel. Let’s look deeper into niche ecommerce content.

What Niche Ecommerce Content Looks Like

So, what does good niche content look like in the commerce field? Are we talking detailed products descriptions, quirky headlines, flawless grammar?

Nope, there is more to it than that.

Good content should always be focused on what is useful to your audience. You can use social media analytics tools to track engagement and tailor your site messaging to match. In the ecommerce field this might mean:

  • Educating your audience by describing a little-known or little-understood feature.
  • Showing them how to complete a challenging task.
  • Giving a list of resources in your industry.
  • Gift guides for hard to the hard to shop for.

The right type of niche SEO content will depend upon your industry, of course. So, let's look at a few examples of niche content marketing done right.

Mighty Nest

Mighty Nest is a socially conscious ecommerce store dedicated to helping people find eco-friendly, green, and minimal waste products.

Their content addresses the questions and problems many people have when looking for safer alternatives.

Take a look at this post, titled "The Essential Guide to GOOD Skincare Ingredients." This piece blends education — "Here's why these chemicals are bad for your skin." — with product recommendations aimed at a niche audience: people who are looking for healthy skin care alternatives.

Image source

It won't reach the masses, but instead focuses on those who care about natural skin care products.


Here is another example, from company Grovemade. They design, manufacture, and sell beautifully simple items made from natural materials including electronic charging pads, speakers, pen holders, and watches.

The post 4 Ways to Grow Your Online Brand by Combining Content & Commerce appeared first on SitePoint.

by Adam Enfroy via SitePoint

Microsoft unveils first Chromium-based Edge builds

#386 — April 10, 2019

Read on the Web

Frontend Focus

(Image: Microsoft)

Microsoft Edge Preview Builds: The Next Step in Our OSS Journey — The first Canary and Developer builds of the new Edge (based on Google’s Chromium open source project) are now available to download on Windows 10 PCs. A Mac version is to follow.

Joe Belfiore (Microsoft)

Native Image Lazy-Loading for The Web: How loading Works — A look at the new loading attribute which brings native <img> and <iframe> lazy-loading to the web. Support for this is expected in Chrome 75.

Addy Osmani

New Course: TypeScript 3 Fundamentals — 🏎💨 TypeScript adoption has grown at an astounding rate. TypeScript allows you to catch bugs before they happen, and collaborate with your team more effectively by documenting your code.

Frontend Masters sponsor

How We Used WebAssembly to Speed Up Our Webapp by 20X — A case study exploring how to speed up web apps by replacing slow JavaScript calculations with compiled WebAssembly.

Robert Aboukhalil

Launching the Front-End Tooling Survey 2019 — Each year we link to this popular front-end developer survey as the results are pretty interesting. Take part to help us all find out how our collective front-end tooling habits are changing. There’s a recap of last year’s results here too.

Ashley Watson-Nolan

Digging Into The Display Property: The Two Values Of Display — Rachel Andrew takes a detailed look at Flexbox and CSS Grid Layout, two layout methods that are “essentially values of the CSS display property”.

Smashing Magazine

Chrome to Warn Users About Sensor Access — Until now, accessing light and motion sensors from Web pages has been easy and transparent, but Chrome Canary is now beginning to warn users.

Owen Williams on Twitter

Opera Introduces 'Reborn 3' Browser

Joanna Czajka

💻 Jobs

Frontend Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers. Work from anywhere with the world's leading brands.


Find A Frontend Job Through Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers. Create a profile to get started.


📘 Articles, Tutorials & Opinion

How to Create Clipped, Blurred Background Images in CSS — How to apply blur effects to images using CSS filters, and how to confine these effects to specific image areas.

Sebastiano Guerriero

Chrome 74's prefers-reduced-motion Media Query — The prefers-reduced-motion media query detects whether the user has requested that the system minimize the amount of animation or motion it uses which then lets you take this into account in your CSS.

Thomas Steiner

Building A Dependency-Free Site in 2019 — Rebuilding a personal site using nothing but HTML and CSS — “It’s quite something when building a website using the most basic technologies imaginable has somehow become revolutionary”.

Michelle Barker

▶  How to Work With the Raw HTML for Emails You Receive — Receive an email and want to see the HTML? Here’s how, and how to convert the raw format into HTML you can edit in your own editor.

Peter Cooper

Accessibility for Vestibular Disorders: How My Temporary Disability Changed My Perspective — A temporary disability changed Facundo Corradini’s perspective on accessibility testing. He shares the impact.

A List Apart

Get the Fastest Website Deployments. Ever. — Learn the most effective way to build better apps faster.

Buddy sponsor

The Importance of Readability on the Web

Joanna Ngai

The Hidden Power of CSS Text Align

Ahmad Shadeed

🔧 Code and Tools

html2canvas: A JavaScript HTML Renderer — Take screenshots of pages or elements of pages and render them to canvas. The first release (a release candidate of v1.0) in over a year is just out. There’s also a live demo on its homepage.

Niklas von Hertzen

DropCSS: A Simple and Fast 'Unused CSS' Cleaner — We linked this two weeks ago but version 1.0 has since dropped.

Leon Sorokin

WordPressify: A Modern Workflow for WordPress Development — ..with integrated web server, auto-reload and style pre-processors. ES6 ready.


Shop Like a Developer – Discover and Experiment with Hot New Cloud Services 🔥

Manifold sponsor

Mouthful: Generate a Concatenated File of All CSS Used on a Given Site — It’s pretty neat just how short the code is for doing this.

Mikael Åsbjørnsson-Stensland

VexChords: JavaScript Guitar Chord Renderer — It’s niche, but well executed.

Mohit Muthanna Cheppudira

   🗓 Upcoming Events

IMAGECON, May 1–2 – San Francisco, CA — A two-day conference with a dozen workshops and seven speakers focused on all things images on the web.

CityJS Conference, May 3 — London, UK — Meet local and international speakers and share your experiences with modern JavaScript development.

Frontend United, May 16-18 — Utrecht, Netherlands — A yearly, non-profit, developer-first, community-focused conference.

CSSCamp 2019, July 17 — Barcelona, Catalunya — A one-day, one-track conference for web designers and developers.

by via Frontend Focus

Google once again in Controversy after Several Inappropriate apps were Found to be Rated Suitable for Kids!

It looks like disabling the comments on YouTube videos featuring children wasn’t enough for Google to get out of the inappropriate child-oriented content scandal. Wired has recently reported several Android apps on Play Store to Google. These apps were rated as kid-friendly but their content...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Ali Siddiqui via Digital Information World

Amazon, Google, Netflix: Surprising List of the Most Loved Brands by Americans in 2019 Revealed

Every now and then, surveys are conducted regarding different topics. The recent survey by Morning Consult took the response from 400,000 U.S. adults about their most loved brands in 2019. The most loved brand by Americans is Amazon, the same company whose employees are often seen protesting about...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Aqsa Rasool via Digital Information World