Friday, June 14, 2019

YouTube design director gives a briefing on the new Sans font

A recent tweet by the design director of YouTube gave a detail of the new YouTube Sans font, which will soon be launching on the popular video streaming platform. According to the details provided by Christopher Bettig, YouTube's Design Director, its team spent 10 months reviewing and...

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by Saima Salim via Digital Information World

A2A Luce

Great marketing effort by A2A with this long-form piece telling the history of city lighting from candle lamps all the way to street lights, their speciality. Also real neat touch with the full canvas lighthouse effect at the start of chapter one!

Full Review

by Rob Hope @robhope via One Page Love

Soch Social Chat Support jQuery Plugin

Soch Social chat support create a personal connection with customers looking for support. A complete solution to provide support to your audience. This is a easy way to support and keep contact with your customers.


  1. WhatsApp, Skype & Messenger
  2. Time Availability
  3. Supports Multiple Accounts
  4. Custom Messages for Available and Offline
  5. Fully Responsive
  6. Browser Compatible

The post Soch Social Chat Support jQuery Plugin appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Entertainment Content on Social Media: Every Generation Has Their Own Preferences [Study]

As generations gaps are now becoming more evident with the development in technology, it has now becoming more inevitable than ever to ignore the difference in trends and entertainment engagement. Some people like to read chunks of text others like to listen or watch and that’s how the trend...

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by Aabroo Saeed via Digital Information World

Pinker : JavaScript library for Rendering Code Dependency Diagrams

Pinker is a standalone JavaScript library for rendering code dependency diagrams on your web page.Pinker is a standalone JavaScript library for rendering code dependency diagrams on your web page.Pinker gives the user control over the layout of the diagram, so you can render more complicated diagrams.

Supports: UML diagrams, nested scopes, arrows crossing scopes, and aliases.

The post Pinker : JavaScript library for Rendering Code Dependency Diagrams appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Draggable Image Strip with TweenMax

A draggable image strip layout with a content preview powered by Draggabilly and TweenMax.. The idea is to show a strip of differently sized images that can be dragged. When clicking and holding to drag, a title element appears and the images get scaled. This separates the images and gives the whole thing an interesting look. When a number gets clicked, the same separation happens and then the images fly up. Another larger version of the images slides in from the bottom.

The post Draggable Image Strip with TweenMax appeared first on Best jQuery.

by Admin via Best jQuery

Google clamps down on Chrome extensions that collect sensitive data

In an effort to limit data collection by third-party ad-blocking Chrome extensions, Google announces its intentions to replace some parts of Chrome’s Web Request API. These sets of API enable developers to monitor, analyze, and shape web traffic with the Declarative Net Request API – that doesn’t...

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by Saima Salim via Digital Information World