Friday, June 21, 2019

Twitter is Reportedly Working on a New Notifications Design to Reduce Confusion!

It looks like Twitter is testing some design changes. It has become quite common for Social Media services to experiment on their designs, features and whatnot. You never know what becomes so hit with the users that the entire platform gets impacted (in a positive way of course) and Twitter is the...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Ali Siddiqui via Digital Information World

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wants her company to be involved in developing new rules to regulate the internet

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook's Chief Operating Officer re-emphasized the social network's call for regulation on this Wednesday. She said that the company wanted to be an active partner in expanding new laws to supervise the internet. Sheryl Sandberg suggested that the law could be formed on the...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Abdullah Matloob via Digital Information World

Competitors Say Netflix Will Inevitably Incorporate Ads

One of the things that has set Netflix apart from a lot of different television networks and streaming services is the fact that it does not make you view ads and the like. This has put it in the league of heavy hitters such as HBO and Showtime, premium cable networks that are quite expensive to...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Zia Zaidi via Digital Information World

Instagram Finally Extends the Duration of Saved Items Captured through the Stories Camera!

Rejoice Instagram Fanatics! If you use the Stories Camera on Instagram to take photos or record videos, you must feel concerned about the short duration after which the captured stuff will disappear. If that’s truly the case, then there is a good news in store for you. As posted by Social Media...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Ali Siddiqui via Digital Information World

How to Set Up a Mobile Development Environment

The use of mobile devices has increased considerably in the past decade. It has been over two years since mobile browsing took over desktop. The usability of mobile devices has exploded, too. Mobile devices now come with huge processing power.

We often dismiss mobile platforms as serious workhorses for developers, but today, it's possible to take advantage of mobile portability with a level of flexibility that gets closer to the desktop every year.

This post explains the process of running a Linux development environment from your mobile device using Samsung Dex.

A Brief History of Samsung Dex

Samsung Dex is a platform that allows you to use the computing power of your mobile device to run a desktop-like environment. It was introduced in 2017 and has been actively developed since. The number of devices that can run Dex has increased steadily. In this post, we explore how to set up a Linux development environment through Samsung Dex.

The post How to Set Up a Mobile Development Environment appeared first on SitePoint.

by Shaumik Daityari via SitePoint

Nearshoring in Poland as outsourcing solution for UK companies [Sponsored]

IT nearshoring and software development outsourcingNo doubt you've heard of offshoring. This occurs when some or all of a business's process or services are based overseas. The purpose usually is to reduce costs. India is a common destination for IT offshoring. Essentially, it's a form of...

[ This is a content summary only. Visit our website for full links, other content, and more! ]

by Web Desk via Digital Information World

V8 7.6, an intro to Web Components, and a task library from Microsoft

#442 — June 21, 2019

Read on the Web

JavaScript Weekly

TOAST UI Grid 4.0 ReleasedTOAST UI Grid (see samples here) is a powerful and customizable grid control for the Web that supports editing, calculations, a tree-like view, theming, and more. 4.0 is a big release as it tears out the old jQuery and Backbone dependencies, adds keyboard navigation, and can handle large datasets better. GitHub repo.


Vue.js 3.0 to Gain a Function-Based Component API? — An interesting look at the next step for the Vue.js project in the shape of a new approach to exposing component options via function-based APIs rather than the class-based API (although current syntax will continue to work and be supported). Here’s the actual pull request.

Evan You

Get Best in Class Error Reporting for Your JavaScript Apps 🚀 — Time is money. Software bugs waste both. Save time with Bugsnag. Automatically detect and diagnose errors impacting your users. Get comprehensive diagnostic reports, know immediately which errors are worth fixing, and debug in minutes. Try it free.

Bugsnag sponsor

A Gentle Introduction to Web Components — Web Components (custom elements) allow you to implement reusable components with only HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Here’s how to build your first, and how to use them in your apps.

Robin Wieruch

V8 Release v7.6: What's New? — Another day, another branch of V8 is on the boil and headed to a Chrome 76 and future version of Node near you soon 😄 This time, the heavily used JSON.parse gets some significant performance improvements, BigInt now has better API support, we gain Promise.allSettled, and more.

Adam Klein

Just: A JavaScript Task Library from Microsoft — If you’re familiar with Ruby’s rake, it’s a bit like that. Define tasks in JavaScript, run them with just (which works fine without installation using npx) and you get a bunch of nice features like logging and task composition.


Protecting Package Publishers with npm Token Security — In collaboration with GitHub’s token scanning program, npm has set up a system where when you commit or push a change to GitHub in a public repo, any npm authentication tokens found will be checked and revoked, in an effort to keep you safe.

The npm Blog

💻 Jobs

Wanted: Curious Developers with ❤️ — Stagnating? Check C5 out: New projects, tech, and challenges perfectly paired with kind and brilliant people in SF, LA, NYC, CHA.

Carbon Five

Senior Node.js API Engineer - Exodus (Remote) — Do you live for beautiful APIs? We're looking for a meticulous, obsessive leader to focus on our backend API services.


Land a New Dev Job on Vettery — Vettery specializes in tech roles and is completely free for job seekers.


📘 Tutorials, Opinions, and Videos

Several ES2019 Features You Can Use Today — A brief look at Object.fromEntries, trimStart, trimEnd, flat, flatMap, and more.

Faraz Kelhini

Building 'Micro Frontends' with React, Vue, and Single SPA — A look at how to use multiple JavaScript frameworks in a single-page application.. if you so wished.

Nader Dabit

Everything You Need to Know About Date in JavaScript — Runs through what you need to know about Date objects.

Zell Liew

Watch On-Demand: New and Exciting Features Landing in Node.js 12

NodeSource sponsor

Understanding Worker Threads in NodeWorker threads are now a standard, built-in Node.js feature and enable you to run separate scripts in separate threads, a la Web Workers in the browser.

Liz Parody

Debugging JavaScript Like a Pro with Google Chrome — Chrome’s DevTools have a lot to offer in the debugging department for every JavaScript developer.

Giancarlo Buomprisco

Confused by const? Me Too! — Constants in JavaScript don’t necessarily behave the way you think they would, and unless you’re storing an unchanging, primitive value, maybe you should use let suggests Brian.

Brian Rinaldi

🔧 Code and Tools

jBox: A jQuery Plugin for Creating Customizable Tooltips, Modals, Etc. — We don’t often get to link to new releases of jQuery plugins nowadays, so let’s enjoy this. jBox makes it easy to create modals, tooltips, image galleries, ‘toast’ style notifications, and more. Lots’o’demos here.

Stephan Wagner

FreezeFrame.js: A Library for Pausing Animated GIFs — A way to let users ‘pause’ animated GIFs and reanimate upon mouse hover or a similar event.

Christopher Antonellis et al.

A Much Faster Way to Debug Code Than with Breakpoints or console.log — Wallaby catches errors in your tests and code and displays them right in your editor as you type, making your development feedback loop more productive.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Styled-Components v5: Faster CSS Styling for Your React ComponentsStyled Components is a popular way to bring CSS and JavaScript together for styling components.

Evan Jacobs

Spotlight: A New Lightbox Gallery Library — It’s been years since we’ve linked to one of these (2 actually, when we linked to lightgallery.js, which remains a good option).

Nextapps GmbH

Delaunator: A Fast Library for Delaunay Triangulation of 2D Points — The demo is the best way to get a feel for what this is about.


VerbalExpressions: Regular Expressions Made Easier — A library that provides a fluent API for creating regular expressions (e.g. .startOfLine()​.then('http')​.maybe('s')).

Shreyas Minocha et al.

Everything You Need for Reliable End to End Test Automation — Gauge + Taiko = Reliable browser automation for your JavaScript tests. Open source tools created by ThoughtWorks.

Gauge sponsor

websocket-as-promised 0.10.0: A Promise-based API for WebSockets — For both browsers and Node.js.

Vitaliy Potapov

Deepmerge: A Library for Deep (Recursive) Merging of Objects

Josh Duff

eslint-config-prettier: Turns Off All ESLint Rules That Might Conflict with Prettier


🚛 The "I still don't have enough to read and I want more" zone:

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by via JavaScript Weekly