Monday, September 21, 2020

How to Launch Your Podcast on WordPress (With Hosting Options Compared)

Do you dream of starting your own podcast? Maybe you have a great idea for a new series, or perhaps you already have a back catalogue of episodes that you’re eager to share with a wider audience? 

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a WordPress website where you can host, distribute and promote your podcast. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have built a website where visitors can browse your entire catalogue, filter episodes based on criteria such as duration and age rating, play episodes using the integrated media player, and download episodes in full.

While I can’t guarantee that you’ll be the next podcasting sensation, I can give your podcast the best possible chance of success, by helping you create a professional, user-friendly postcasting website.

Before We Begin: Choosing Your Hosting Provider

If your podcast is going to reach the widest possible audience, then it needs a website! 

At the time of writing, WordPress powers 63% of all websites that are built using a content management system (CMS) and 35% of all websites, making it a popular choice regardless of whether you’re building an ecommerce store, launching a social network, or publishing a podcast. 

If you do decide to join the millions of people already using WordPress, then you’ll need to choose a WordPress provider. There’s countless hosting providers out there, but in this section we’ll take a look at 5 of the most popular free WordPress hosting providers.


The free is a quick, easy and convenient solution - simply head over to, click Get started, complete a few forms, and your WordPress website is ready to go! 

Once your site is up and running, you don’t have to worry about keeping it up to date or creating backups, as all of this is managed automatically.

However, won’t allow you to sell advertising space on your website, which is bad news if you plan to monetize your content. You also can’t upload plugins to a free account, so you may struggle to extend your WordPress installation with extra content and features. 

Later in this tutorial, I’ll show you how to build a complete podcasting website, using several third party plugins. If you do create a free account then you’ll need to purchase an additional plan or shell out for the VIP program, before you can use any of the plugins mentioned in this article. 

2. 000Webhost

According to the 000WebHost website, this free hosting provider boasts 99% uptime and has a dedicated admin team on-hand to ensure your website is online and running smoothly. However, 000WebHost does restrict your database to 1GB, with a maximum of 100 tables, and you’ll be limited to 300 concurrent MySQL connections per database. 

For most WordPress users, these limitations shouldn’t be a huge issue, but if you use a large number of plugins then you may notice a drop in performance, and your website may even throw the occasional 502 Bad Gateway error. 

2. ByetHost

ByetHost provides free and premium hosting to over 1,000,000 websites. 

ByetHost’s free services include 5GB of disk space, an FTP account, unlimited Addon domains, parked domains and subdomains, plus automatic HTTPS SSL. To boost performance, ByetHost spreads your website’s traffic across multiple servers simultaneously, by maintaining their own clustered hosting network.

However, ByetHost only provides self-signed SSL certificates, so anyone who visits your website will encounter a security warning. Security is a huge concern for many internet users, so this warning may be enough to scare potential visitors away from your website.

3. AwardSpace

AwardSpace has several pricing plans, but they also offer free WordPress hosting.

If you opt for AwardSpace’s free plan, then you’ll get access to one domain with up to three subdomains, 5GB of bandwidth, 1GB of disk space, and 24/7 customer support. Even if you opt for the free hosting plan, you’ll get access to the same high-speed network as AwardSpace’s paying clients. 

If you do plan to build your podcast into a brand, then it’s worth noting that there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to renew your AwardSpace domain successfully, even if you splash out on their domain renewal service. There’s also a maximum upload file limit of 15MB, and some file types aren’t supported, including mp3, apk, exe, torrent, zip, gz and tgz, which may be an issue depending on how you record your podcast.

4. WPNode

WPNode offers free domain and subdomain hosting with 1GB of SSD storage, unlimited data transfer, and 24/7 customer support, with the WPNode website claiming that they answer support tickets within minutes.

However, WPNode does have an usual setup process, as they need to manually verify each and every sign up, which can take up to 10 hours. If you’re feeling inspired and are eager to start work on your website, then potentially having to wait until the next day can be a frustrating experience.

Premium WordPress Hosting

Although there’s plenty of free WordPress providers out there offering secure and reliable hosting, many providers place restrictions on their free offerings. 

Most commonly, WordPress hosting providers restrict the disk space, database size, and total number of MySQL connections that are permitted on a free hosting plan. Depending on your hosting provider, there may also be limitations on the amount of traffic that your website can handle without a noticeable drop in performance. 

When building a podcast website, you’ll typically upload multiple large media files, and then offer them for streaming and download, which can put significant demands on your hosting provider. 

To ensure your website doesn’t buckle under the pressure, you may want to consider investing in a premium hosting provider. In this article, I’ll be using SiteGround as my hosting provider, as they’re officially recommended by and are widely recognized as one of the highest rated WordPress hosting providers out there - second only to WordPress themselves!

How to Host Your Podcast With WordPress

It’s time to start building your website! In this section, I’ll show you how to get your podcast in front of as many people as possible, by creating a WordPress website. I’ll take you from purchasing a domain and installing WordPress, right through to uploading your episodes, and ensuring visitors can enjoy your content, by adding an integrated media player. 

Promote Your Podcast With SiteGround 

Don’t already have a SiteGround account? To host your podcast, you’ll need to head over to SiteGround’s website and sign up for managed WordPress hosting.

You’ll also need to purchase a domain name. SiteGround provides a wide range of domain names, or you can use an alternative domain registrar such as Domain.comGoDaddy or Bluehost.

Start a New Website 

Once you’ve signed up for a SiteGround account, you’re ready to create a website where you can share your podcast with the world:

  • Log into SiteGround
  • Select the Websites tab.
  • Navigate to New website > Start New Website.
  • Assuming you’ve already purchased a domain, select Existing domain, enter the domain that you want to use, and then click Continue. Alternatively, select New domain and then follow the onscreen instructions to register a domain via SiteGround.
  • Under Choose application, select WordPress.
  • Enter your email address, create a password, and then click Continue > Finish.

Transfer Your DNS Records

SiteGround should now display a selection of name servers, which you’ll use to transfer management of your DNS records to SiteGround. 

The exact steps will vary depending on your DNS hosting provider, but to transfer management you’ll typically need to sign into your hosting provider’s website and replace the default name servers with SiteGround’s name servers.

For more information on how to change the name servers for your particular DNS hosting provider, check out your provider’s official documentation or blog, which should contain the instructions you need. 

One-Click WordPress Installation 

You’re now ready to install WordPress: 

  • In your SiteGround account, select the Websites tab followed by Site tools.
  • In the left-hand menu, navigate to WordPress > Install & Manage.

  • In the Install New WordPress section, select WordPress.
  • Leave the Installation Path blank. 
  • In Admin info, enter the login details that you want to use for your WordPress admin dashboard, and then click Install.
  • Once installation is complete, head over to the Site Tools page
  • In the left-hand menu, navigate to WordPress > Install & Manage.
  • Under Manage Installations, find your WordPress installation and then click its accompanying Log in to Admin Panel icon (circled in the following screenshot).
  • SiteGround’s Welcome to Your WordPress Site wizard will now open in a new tab; select Start Now.

You can now follow the onscreen instructions to setup your WordPress website, including choosing which theme you want to use. 

Once you’ve completed the setup wizard, select Go to Dashboard and the familiar WordPress dashboard should open in a new tab.

At this point, your website is online and accessible to the public! Just enter your domain name into your browser’s address bar, and you should see your website, complete with your chosen theme.

In the next steps, we’ll be transforming this blank slate into a place where anyone can access and enjoy your podcast.

Seriously Simple Podcasting 

Regardless of whether your podcast covers true crime, celebrity gossip, sports, current events or anything in between, you need a way to host all of your episodes in a familiar podcast format, and your audience needs a way to play those episodes!

In this section, we’ll be adding both of these essential features to our website, using the free Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin. 

The first step, is uploading this popular, all-in-one podcasting plugin to your SiteGround account: 

  • Head over to the Seriously Simple Podcasting page, and click Download.
  • Find the ZIP file that you just downloaded, and unzip it. 
  • Log into the SiteGround Console.
  • Select the Websites tab.
  • Find the WordPress website where you want to host your podcast, and click its accompanying Site Tools button.
  • In the left-hand menu, select Site > File Manager.

  • Make sure the Explorer tab is selected.
  • Navigate to public_html > wp-content > plugins.
  • Select the Folder upload icon, and upload the unzipped Seriously Simple Podcasting folder.
  • Once the file has uploaded, select WordPress > Install & Manage.
  • In Manage Installations, find the website that you just created, and click its accompanying Log in to Admin Panel icon. Your WordPress dashboard should now launch in a new tab.
  • In the WordPress Dashboard, select Plugins from the left-hand menu.
  • Find the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin, and click Activate.

Once installed, a new Podcast item will appear in WordPress’ left-hand menu.

Adding an Integrated Media Player 

The Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin comes with an integrated media player that lets visitors play your podcast directly from your website’s user interface. 

This plugin also adds a download link, so visitors have the option to download all of your episodes in MP4 format. Finally, the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin displays some basic metadata alongside each episode, such as its duration and when that episode was recorded. 

When configuring the Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin, you can specify exactly where the media player, episode metadata and download link should appear across your website, and even where it should appear on third party websites.

To access these configuration settings, select Podcast > Settings from WordPress’ left-hand menu.

You may want to spend some time experimenting with Seriously Simple Podcasting’s various settings, especially since the end results can vary depending on your chosen WordPress theme. I’m using the following settings in all of my screenshots: 

  • Include podcast in main blog. This adds the podcast post type to your site’s blog archives, making it easier for visitors to discover earlier episodes. 
  • Full content. Displays the media player, episode metadata and download link on every webpage where that episode appears in full. 
  • Excerpt. Displays the media player and episode metadata in your website’s podcast archive page, and in any other locations where the episode excerpt is featured. 
  • Embed excerpt. If an episode is embedded in another website, then Embed excerpt ensures that the media player and episode metadata is included as part of that episode excerpt. Note that this option is only available on WordPress 4.4 and higher.
  • Above content / Below content. By default, the media player and episode metadata is displayed above your episode content, but you can opt for Below content if you’d prefer. 
  • HTML5 Player With Album Art. This media player displays a featured image alongside each episode, where available. 

When you’re happy with your choices, click Save Settings.

Branching Out: Creating a Series

Do you plan to release multiple series? 

Maybe your podcast already spans multiple seasons, such as My WordPress podcast series 1, My WordPress podcast series 2 and the eagerly-anticipated My WordPress podcast series 3. Or, perhaps you like to mix things up and plan to feature multiple, unrelated podcasts on your website?

If you’re going to publish multiple series, then it’s a good idea to define these series in advance, as this allows you to assign the correct series to each episode as you upload it to your website. 

By organizing your episodes into different series, you can make it easier for visitors to discover new episodes of their favourite podcasts, and encourage them to explore the different series that your website has to offer.

To create a series, select Podcast > Series from the WordPress admin menu. Complete the subsequent form, including giving your series a name, a URL, and assigning it a feature image. 

Once you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, click Add New Series.

Rinse and repeat for every series that you want to feature on your website. 

Start Uploading Your Episodes

Once you’ve created one or more series, you’re ready to start uploading your episodes: 

  • In WordPress’ left-hand menu, select Podcast > Add New.
  • Give this episode a title.
  • Add any supportive text that you want to use, such as a description, a table of contents or a transcript for anyone who may have hearing difficulties, or people who simply prefer to read their podcasts, rather than listen to them! 
  • In the right-hand menu, make sure the Document tab is selected.
  • Click to expand the Series section, and select a series label from the list. 
  • Under Episode type, make sure that Audio is selected.
  • Scroll to the Podcast Episode Details box; click Upload file and then select the audio file that you want to upload for this particular episode. 
  • At this point, you can manually add the Duration and File size, or Seriously Simple Podcasting can generate this information automatically. 
  • In Date Recorded, specify when this episode was originally recorded, so visitors can easily distinguish between older content, and your podcast’s latest episode. 

When you’re happy with the information you’ve entered, it’s time to make this episode live! Click Publish and check your website’s homepage—this episode should now appear as a recent post

If you select the episode’s Continue reading button, then it’ll launch a page containing all the information about this particular episode.  

To play this episode, simply click its Play button, or you can download it in MP4 format, by clicking Download file.

To upload more episodes to your website, simply repeat the above steps. 

Take Your Podcast to the Next Level 

Now, anyone who visits your website can browse your catalogue, play any episode that catches their eye, and download entire episodes as MP4s, ready to enjoy later. 

We’ve implemented everything you need to run a successful podcasting website, but when it comes to podcasts there’s lots of competition. To help your website stand out from the crowd, let’s explore some optional extras that you may want to add to your website.

In this final section, I’ll show you how to feature all your episodes on a dedicated webpage, rather than simply listing them as recent posts on your homepage. We’ll also make it easier for visitors to find new content, by giving them the ability to filter your episodes based on various criteria, including the series categories that we created in the previous section.

Give Your Episodes Their Own Page 

A homepage that’s essentially just a list of podcast episodes isn’t exactly the best first impression of your website!

In this section, we’ll create an Episodes page that showcases all your episodes, and then create a replacement homepage, where you can add content that makes visitors actually want to explore your website, such as positive reviews, any awards your podcast has won, and exciting news about up-and-coming episodes. 

To create these separate Home and Episodes pages: 

  • In WordPress’ left-hand menu, select Pages > Add New and create two new pages; I’m using Homepage and Episodes, but you can name these pages anything you want. 
  • In the left-hand menu, select Settings > Reading.
  • Choose A static page.
  • Open the Homepage dropdown and select the page that you want to use as your website’s new homepage.
  • Open the Posts page dropdown, and select the page where you want to display all of your episodes; for me, that’s Episodes.

Click Save changes and you now have a homepage that you can transform into the perfect "shop front" for your website, and an Episodes page that displays all the episodes visitors can choose from. However, currently it’s not possible for visitors to navigate between the Homepage and Episodes page, so let’s fix this by adding a simple navigation menu: 

  • In the WordPress dashboard, select Appearance > Menus.
  • Give your menu a name, and then click Create new menu.
  • Click to expand the Posts section and then select the View all tab.
  • Select the Homepage and Episodes pages that you just created, and then click Add to menu.
  • If required, change the order these pages appear in your menu, using drag and drop. 
  • When you’re happy with how your menu is setup, click Save Menu.
  • To position this menu on your website, click the Manage Locations tab. 
  • Assuming you want to display this menu across your website, open the Top/Primary Menu dropdown and select the menu that you just created. 

Click Save Changes, refresh your website, and you should see a menu that visitors can use to navigate between the Homepage and Episodes pages.

Filtering: Help Listeners Find the Content They Want

Hopefully, now that you have a website your podcast will thrive and you’ll soon have hundreds of episodes for visitors to choose from! However, there’s such a thing as too much choice, so you may want to give visitors a way to quickly and easily filter your episodes. 

In this section, I’ll show you how to create custom filters, using the Easy Filtering plugin. By adding this free plugin to your website, you can create filters based on any criteria, such as genre, duration and age rating. 

Since we created one or more “series” labels earlier in this article, I’ll be showing you how to build a series-based filter, but the steps will be largely the same regardless of the kind of filter you're creating.

Installing the Easy Filtering Plugin

To start, we need to install the filtering plugin. Make sure you leave your WordPress dashboard open in a separate tab, as we’ll be needing it shortly.

  • Download the free Easy Filtering plugin, and unzip it. 
  • Head over to the SiteGround Console.
  • Select the Websites tab.
  • Find your website, and click its accompanying Site Tools button.
  • Navigate to Site > File Manager > public_html > wp-content > plugins.
  • Select the Folder upload icon, and upload the unzipped Easy Filtering folder. 
  • Switch back to the WordPress dashboard. 
  • In WordPress’ left-hand menu, select Plugins.
  • Find the Easy Filtering plugin, and click Activate.

The Easy Filtering plugin is now ready for you to use!

Creating a Series Filter

Now we’re ready to build our filter. The Easy Filtering plugin has various options that are worth exploring in more detail, but to create a simple filter: 

  • In WordPress’ left-hand menu, select Easy Filtering > Create filter.
  • Give your filter a title; I’m using Series.
  • In Filter columns, enter 1.
  • Open the Select post type dropdown and choose Podcast.
  • In Select taxonomy, choose the criteria that you want to use for your filter; I’m opting for Podcast series.
  • Open Filtering Selection Type, and choose Tabs.
  • Click Generate.

You’ve now successfully created your first filter.

Shortcode: Displaying Your Podcast Filter 

The Easy Filtering plugin automatically generates a shortcode that lets you display this filter anywhere on your website, with a simple copy/paste.

To access this shortcode, navigate to Easy Filtering > Filters, find the filter that you just created, and then copy its accompanying shortcode. 

You can now paste this filter into any location, whether that’s adding the filter to individual pages and posts, or incorporating it into your website’s top-level menu or theme.

To ensure this filter appears across my website, I’m pasting its shortcode into my website’s footer:

  • In WordPress’ left-hand menu, select Appearance > Customize.
  • In the subsequent left-hand menu, choose Widgets.
  • Select the area where you want to display your filter; I’m using Footer: Column 1.
  • In the bottom-right corner, select Add a widget.
  • Choose Text from the list.
  • In the left-hand menu, give this widget a title, which will be displayed as part of the footer. 
  • Make sure the Text tab is selected, and then paste your shortcode into the accompanying text box.
  • Click Done.
  • Make your changes live, by clicking Publish.

Refresh your website, and the series filters should now be visible!

You can now filter your episodes with the click of a button

To view all the episodes associated with a particular series, simply select that series from the available options. The list of episodes should now update, to display only the episodes for the selected series.


In this article, we built a complete podcasting website. If you’ve been following along, then you’ll now have a website where you can upload, host and distribute your podcast. 

Anyone who visits your website can browse your entire catalogue, play any episode via the integrated media player or download it in MP4 format, and discover subsequent episodes using your website’s custom filters.

Have you created a podcasting website using SiteGround, Seriously Simple Podcasting and Easy Filtering? We’d love to see your creations, so be sure to share them in the comments below! 

by Jessica Thornsby via Envato Tuts+ Code

20 Best JavaScript Admin Templates for React, Angular, and Vue.js

Are you building an app and looking for a JavaScript admin panel template to help you streamline your build? Take the effort out of your next front-end app build with one of these powerful React, Angular, and Vue.js admin templates.

With this list of JavaScript admin panel templates and dashboards, it's painless to create beautiful, interactive UIs. 

Built using cutting-edge technology like React and Bootstrap, these dashboards and admin templates offer flexibility and dependability for your next app build. Create a stunning UI easily by selecting from modular components and clean layouts so that you can focus on the business logic of your app build.

Fuse Material Design Admin Template

The Best Modern JavaScript Admin Templates  on ThemeForest

On ThemeForest you will discover an amazingly extensive library of the most powerful admin templates ever created. With a cheap one-time payment, you can purchase one of these high-quality admin templates and give your app users an excellent interactive experience.   

Best Modern JavaScript Admin Templates for React Angular and Vuejs

Angular Admin Templates

Angular is a powerful and feature-complete framework that you can use to build fast, professional web apps. 

Check out these templates that you can use to get your next Angular app off on the right foot with clean code and great design.

1. Bestseller: Fuse Material Design Admin Template

Fuse Material Design Admin Template

This best-selling template is a 3-in-1 bundle, with Angular 7+, Bootstrap 4, and 21 layered PSD designs. Fuse is based on Google's Material Design and comes with ahead-of-time compiler support, as well as a complete NgRx reactive Angular example app. This template includes configurable layouts, a skeleton project, built-in apps such as calendar, e-commerce, mail, and chat, and more than 20 pages to get you started. 

Fuse supports all modern browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge) and comes with Bootstrap 4, HTML, and CSS versions, along with the Angular app.

2. Pages Admin Dashboard Template

Pages Admin Dashboard Template

Pages is the simplest and fastest way to build a web UI for your dashboard or app. This beautifully designed UI framework comes with hundreds of customizable features, which means that you can style every layout to look exactly the way you want it to. 

Pages is built with a clean, intuitive, and fully responsive design that works on all major browsers and devices. Featuring developer-friendly code, full Sass and RTL support, and five unique dashboard layouts, this Angular 5+ ready template boasts flawless design and a 5-star rating.

3. Apex Admin Template

Apex Admin Template

Apex is a powerful and flexible admin panel based on Angular 6+ and Bootstrap 4. The Angular CLI makes it easy to maintain and modify this Angular dashboard. With easy-to-understand code and a handy starter kit, this dashboard works right out of the box. Apex includes multiple solid and gradient menu color options and sizes, with an organized folder structure and more than 500 components and 50 widgets. 

This template is fully responsive, clean on every device and modern browser, and comes with ahead-of-time compilation and lazy loading. Choose from a few pre-made layout options and customize with ready-to-use elements and popular UI components.

4. Stack Admin Template and Starter Kit

Stack Admin Template and Starter Kit

Stack Admin is a Bootstrap 4 modern admin panel template with unlimited possibilities. This product includes eight pre-built templates with an organized folder structure, clean and commented code, and more than 1,500 pages and 1,000 components. Stack Admin provides RTL support, searchable navigation, unique menu layouts, and advanced cards. 

With three niche dashboards, Stack Admin can be used for any type of web app: project management, e-commerce back ends, analytics, or any custom admin panels. This template looks great on all devices, and it comes with a kit to help developers get started quickly.

5. Able Pro 7.0 Responsive Template

Able Pro 70 Responsive Template

Able Pro 7.0 is a fully responsive Bootstrap admin template that provides a flexible solution for your project development. Built with Bootstrap framework, this admin dashboard has a Material look, with well structured and commented code. This Retina-ready template comes with more than 150 pages and infinite design possibilities—use the Live Customizer feature to do one-click checks on color combinations and layout variations. 

With more than 100 external plugins included, advanced menu layout options, and ready-to-deploy dashboards and landing pages, Able Pro 7.0 will streamline your app development process to save you time and effort.

6. Fury Material Design Admin Template

Fury Material Design Admin Template

Clean, unique, and blazing fast, Fury is an admin template that offers you everything you need to get started with your next project. Built with Angular and Material Design, this template is the perfect framework for building large enterprise apps, and it allows for a modular component setup. 

This template is designed to be lightweight and easy to customize. Features include completely customizable dashboard widgets and Angular Flex Layout, to provide a fast and flexible way to create your layouts.

React Dashboards and Admin Templates

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that has taken the web development world by storm. React is known for its blazing-fast performance and has spawned an ecosystem of thousands of related modules on NPM, including many tooling options. 

These admin templates and dashboards are a great starting point for your next React app.

1. Isomorphic Admin Dashboard

IsomorphicReact Redux Admin Dashboard

Isomorphic is a React and Redux-powered JavaScript admin panel template. It's based on a progressive web application pattern and is highly optimized for your next React app. With no need to install or configure tools like Webpack or Babel, you can get started building your app immediately. 

This React dashboard helps you write apps that behave consistently, run properly in different environments, and are easy to test. With Sass and CSS styling modules, multilingual support, a built-in Algolia search tool, Firestore CRUD, and easy-to-integrate code, you can use this template to build anything you want.

2. Clean UI React Admin Template

Clean UI ReactReact Redux Admin Template

Are you building a single-page app and interested in moving to React and Redux? Don’t start from scratch—build a scalable, highly polished JavaScript admin dashboard with this React, Redux, Bootstrap, and Ant Design template that works well on mobile, tablet, and desktop. 

Clean UI React is create-react-app based, so getting started is simple. Modular code allows you to add and remove components with ease. Developer friendly and highly customizable, this template includes 9 example apps, more than 50 pages, multiple layout options with easy-to-update Sass or CSS styling, and ample reusable React components.

3. Jumbo React Admin Template

Jumbo React Admin Template

Kick-start your app project with Jumbo React, a complete JavaScript admin panel template. This product includes two React templates, one based on Google Material Design and the other on the stunning flat style. Each template comes with multiple design concepts and hundreds of UI components and widgets, as well as an internationalization feature that allows you to develop a multilingual app. 

Think of this template package as a starter kit to build your app. With it, you can develop a scalable React app rapidly and effectively and save yourself time and money in the process.

4. Fuse Material Design Admin Template

Fuse Material Design Admin Template

Looking for a template to get your React project started? Fuse is a complete JavaScript admin panel template that follows Google’s Material Design guidelines and will allow you to learn some of the advanced aspects of React while you build your app. 

This React admin template uses Material UI as the primary UI library and Redux for state management. It comes with built-in page templates, routing, and authorization features, along with five example apps, more than 20 pages, and lots of reusable React components.

Vue.js Admin Templates

Vue.js is a front-end JavaScript framework that is easy to learn if you already know HTML and CSS. The versatility of Vue is great for small- and large-scale web apps alike. On top of all this, it's blazing fast!

These Vue templates are sure to save you a lot of time and effort coding your next app.

1. Vuexy—Vue and Laravel Admin Dashboard Template 

If you’re a developer looking for a Vue admin template, look no further than Vuexy. A powerful admin dashboard template built on Vue.js, Vuexy is developer-friendly, rich with features and highly customizable. Bringing your vision to life is a piece of cake!

Not only is Vuexy fast and easy to use, but it is also highly scalable.  

2. Vuely—Material Design and Laravel Blade Admin Template

VuelyMaterial Design and Laravel Blade Admin Template

Vuely is a fully responsive JavaScript admin panel template designed to give you a hassle-free development experience. Carefully crafted to look beautiful on mobile and tablet devices with pre-designed custom pages and integrated features like charts, graphs, and data tables, this template allows you to create your back-end panel with ease. More than 200 UI elements and 78 custom widgets simplify your development process. 

Vuely is translation ready with RTL support and comes with multiple color and theme options to give you the flexibility you need.

3. VueJS Laravel Admin Template

VueJS Laravel Admin Template

Looking for a full-featured admin panel template for your Vue.js project? Look no further. This Vue admin template is completely modular, so you can modify layouts, colors, and other features without disturbing the rest of the code. Simply customize it with the provided Sass variables. This template is well documented, with seven layout and multiple color scheme options. With all the components you need, this Vue.js template will get you started on your next dashboard build.

4. Piaf—Vue Admin Template 

Piaf - Vue Admin Template

Piaf is a combination of good design, quality code and attention to details. It is built with Vue without jQuery. The same design language is used for components, layouts, apps and other parts of the theme. 

A lot of work has gone into design harmony between components and layouts of this Vue admin template. From carousels to charts, switches to list, you can see it in the colors, icons, and composition. This Vue admin template is simple and pleasant to use and does the job well. 

5. Clear—Vue and Laravel Admin Template 

Clear - Vue Js Laravel Admin Template

If you're looking for a clean, uncluttered JavaScript admin template then Clear is the way to go. The Clear Vue admin template comes with features like: task and contact application, Vue version build system updated with Laravel mix, and extended Vue.js eCommerce dashboard.

The awesome layouts come in two simple and stylish versions, light and dark. It looks good across dashboards, components, widgets, and various charts. In addition, the code is very clean and developer friendly. You can start using Clear admin template in no time. Just follow the code and documentation. 

Multi-Framework Admin Templates

Finally, here are some templates that work with multiple frameworks.

1. Bestseller: Metronic


Metronic has been called the mother of all JavaScript admin panel templates. For one, it works smoothly across many frameworks like Bootstrap 4, React, Angular 9, Vue, and Laravel. Secondly, it has a well-structured design, and is easy to customize. In addition, the CSS and JavaScript of this best-selling multi-framework admin template are of the highest coding standard. To help you easily implement it in your app, it comes with extensive documentation and video tutorials. 

2. Material Design Admin and Multipurpose Template

Material Design Admin and Multipurpose Template

This Material Design admin panel template provides you high performance with Vue, React and Angular versions. This super flexible template uses SCSS, Gulp, Webpack, NPM Modern Workflow, and Flexbox, and has all the components you need to create your front-end app project. With stunning layouts, over 500 components and lifetime updates and customer support, this is the most complete admin app available.

3. Primer—Angular and React Admin Template

PrimerAngular and React Admin Template

Primer is a creative Material Design admin template, with ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation for a more performant user experience. Fully responsive and packaged with both Angular and React versions, this template has left-to-right and right-to-left support and light and dark colour schemes. Well documented and easy to customize, with this app template you get everything you need to start working on your SaaS, CRM, CMS, or dashboard-based project.

4. Clean UI Pro Bundle 

Clean UI Bundle Pro

Clean UI is an exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all web front-end platforms with the power of React, Angular, Vue, or HTML. Build beautiful and user-friendly interfaces with blazing fast pre-built components, widgets and ready to use apps.

Don’t start from scratch. Build a scalable, highly polished admin application with React and Redux, Angular and NgRx, or Vue and Vuex. All based on the Bootstrap and Ant design frameworks, and all fully-responsive to work great on mobile and tablets as well as on the desktop.

This JavaScript admin panel template includes 17+ example apps, 60+ pages, lots of reusable components and more.

Get Your JavaScript Admin Templates on ThemeForest Now! 

This is just a sample of the many app admin templates available on ThemeForest. There is a template for you, no matter what your style or specifications. These templates will make coding the front end of your app easier and help you deliver an app that provides a high-quality user experience. All this will save you time and effort, letting you focus on the real details of coding your project.

Best Modern JavaScript Admin Templates for React Angular and Vuejs

by Franc Lucas via Envato Tuts+ Code

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How to Replace Redux with React Hooks and the Context API

The most popular way to handle shared application state in React is using a framework such as Redux. Quite recently, the React team introduced several new features which include React Hooks and the Context API. These two features effectively eliminated a lot of challenges that developers of large React projects have been facing. One of the biggest problems was “prop drilling”, which was common with nested components. The solution was to use a state management library like Redux. This, unfortunately, came with the expense of writing boilerplate code. But now it’s possible to replace Redux with React Hooks and the Context API.

In this tutorial, you’re going to learn a new way of handling state in your React projects, without writing excessive code or installing a bunch of libraries — as is the case with Redux. React hooks allow you to use local state inside function components, while the Context API allows you to share state with other components.


In order to follow along with this tutorial, you’ll need to be familiar with the following topics:

The technique you’ll learn here is based on patterns that were introduced in Redux. This means you need to have a firm understanding of reducers and actions before proceeding. I’m currently using Visual Studio Code, which seems to be the most popular code editor right now (especially for JavaScript developers). If you’re on Windows, I would recommend you install Git Bash. Use the Git Bash terminal to perform all commands provided in this tutorial. Cmder is also a good terminal capable of executing most Linux commands on Windows.

You can access the complete project used in this tutorial at this GitHub Repository.

About the New State Management Technique

There are two types of state we need to deal with in React projects:

  • local state
  • global state

Local states can only be used within the components where they were defined. Global states can be shared across multiple components. Previously, defining a global state required the installation of a state management framework such as Redux or MobX. With React v16.3.0, the Context API was released, which allows developers to implement global state without installing additional libraries.

As of React v16.8, Hooks have allowed implementation of a number of React features in a component without writing a class. Hooks brought vast benefits to the way React developers write code. This includes code reuse and easier ways of sharing state between components. For this tutorial, we’ll be concerned with the following React hooks:

useState is recommended for handling simple values like numbers or strings. However, when it comes to handling complex data structures, you’ll need the useReducer hook. For useState, you only need to have a single setValue() function for overwriting existing state values.

For useReducer, you’ll be handling a state object that contains multiple values with different data types in a tree-like structure. You’ll need to declare functions that can change one or more of these state values. For data types such as arrays, you’ll need to declare multiple immutable functions for handling add, update and delete actions. You’ll see an example of this in a later section of this tutorial.

Once you declare your state using either useState or useReducer, you’ll need to lift it up to become global state using React Context. This is done by creating a Context Object using the createContext function provided by the React library. A context object allows state to be shared among components without using props.

You’ll also need to declare a Context Provider for your context object. This allows a page or a container component to subscribe to your context object for changes. Any child component of the container will be able to access the context object using the useContext function.

Now let’s see the code in action.

Setting Up the Project

We’ll use create-react-app to jump-start our project quickly:

$ npx create-react-app react-hooks-context-app

Next, let’s install Semantic UI React, a React-based CSS framework. This isn’t a requirement; I just like creating nice user interfaces without writing custom CSS:

yarn add semantic-ui-react fomantic-ui-css

Open src/index.js and insert the following import:

import 'fomantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css';

That’s all we need to do for our project to start using Semantic UI. In the next section, we’ll look at how we can declare a state using the useState hook and uplifting it to global state.

Counter Example: useState

For this example, we’ll build a simple counter demo consisting of a two-button component and a display component. We’ll introduce a count state that will be shared globally among the two components. The components will be a child of CounterView, which will act as the container. The button component will have buttons that will either increment or decrement the value of the count state.

Let’s start by defining our count state in a context file called context/counter-context.js. Create this inside the src folder and insert the following code:

import React, { useState, createContext } from "react";

// Create Context Object
export const CounterContext = createContext();

// Create a provider for components to consume and subscribe to changes
export const CounterContextProvider = props => {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  return (
    <CounterContext.Provider value={[count, setCount]}>

We’ve defined a state called count and set the default value to 0. All components that consume the CounterContext.Provider will have access to the count state and the setCount function. Let’s define the component for displaying the count state in src/components/counter-display.js:

import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { Statistic } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { CounterContext } from "../context/counter-context";

export default function CounterDisplay() {
  const [count] = useContext(CounterContext);

  return (

Next, let’s define the component that will contain buttons for increasing and decreasing the state component. Create the file src/components/counter-buttons.js and insert the following code:

import React, { useContext } from "react";
import { Button } from "semantic-ui-react";
import { CounterContext } from "../context/counter-context";

export default function CounterButtons() {
  const [count, setCount] = useContext(CounterContext);

  const increment = () => {
    setCount(count + 1);

  const decrement = () => {
    setCount(count - 1);

  return (
        <Button color="green" onClick={increment}>
        <Button color="red" onClick={decrement}>

As it is, the useContext function won’t work since we haven’t specified the Provider. Let’s do that now by creating a container in src/views/counter-view.js. Insert the following code:

import React from "react";
import { Segment } from "semantic-ui-react";

import { CounterContextProvider } from "../context/counter-context";
import CounterDisplay from "../components/counter-display";
import CounterButtons from "../components/counter-buttons";

export default function CounterView() {
  return (
      <Segment textAlign="center">
        <CounterDisplay />
        <CounterButtons />

Finally, let’s replace the existing code in App.js with the following:

import React from "react";
import { Container } from "semantic-ui-react";

import CounterView from "./views/counter-view";

export default function App() {
  return (
      <h1>React Hooks Context Demo</h1>
      <CounterView />

You can now fire up the create-react-app server using the yarn start command. The browser should start and render your counter. Click the buttons to ensure that increment and decrement functions are working.

You can also test this code on CodePen.

See the Pen
by SitePoint (@SitePoint)
on CodePen.

Let’s go the next section, where we’ll set up an example that’s a bit more advanced using the useReducer hook.

Continue reading How to Replace Redux with React Hooks and the Context API on SitePoint.

by Michael Wanyoike via SitePoint