Monday, July 22, 2024

How Prepared Americans Are to Leave Their Logins and Online Accounts Behind After They Pass Away?

When you are gone from this world, where will your digital assets like passwords, crypto wallets, investments and banking passwords go? All About Cookies conducted a survey of 1,000 Americans to find out how prepared they are to pass their digital inheritance after they die. According to the findings, one in three Americans have no plan at all for that. But 67% of respondents said that they have a plan to inherit their banking passwords once they pass away. The least planned accounts are cryptocurrency wallets (37%), Personal websites (35%), business accounts (31%) and airline and hotel rewards (31%).

The study also shed some light on how people store digital assets. 56% of them store them digitally like in an app which automatically transfers information to an heir. 44% store them physically on a diary or paper and 39% just store them mentally. 40% of Americans have no way they can share information after they pass away. 39% of them also have very simple and hackable passwords.

42% of the respondents said that they have shared their digital information with their spouse, while 13% have shared it with a parent and 8% with a friend. 34% of them have shared the digital estate with no one at all. Only 3% of the respondents have shared it with an attorney or estate executor. 24% of the respondents have shared their log in details in their wills while 41% of respondents don’t have any mentions of online accounts in their will. 35% have shared neither their log in details nor their online accounts in their will.

Most of the people have shared their online information with their partners so the researchers asked how easy they have made their digital assets accessible to their partners. The responses were: Very easy (46%), somewhat easy (46%), somewhat difficult (18%) and very difficult (6%). Many of the people also have funding accounts, sports betting accounts and gaming accounts with real money. 50% of the respondents said that their partners have no idea about these accounts. Respondents said that they have $8000 median value of assets which will go to waste as no one knows about them.

As it is a digital age, people should make plans to inherit their passwords to their loved ones. The best ways to do it are by using password managers for seniors or use Apple iCloud keychain.

Read next:

• How to Create Strong Passwords and Keep Hackers at Bay

• Study Reveals Which Americans Spend The Most Time On Their Phones
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

IAS Reveals that Risky Political Content and Misinformation Gets More Ad Impressions

Integral Ad Science's latest analysis reveals that while risky political content and misinformation are rapidly spreading in the USA, they still constitute a small fraction of media content. IAS found that out of all media impressions in the USA, 1.03% were political. This is a 29% increase in risky political content from Q4 of 2023.

The advertising marketplaces in the USA have less spread of misinformation, with only 0.005% content in Q1 of 2024 that can be deemed risky but it is still 25% more than Q4 of 2023. IAS says that technology is a big factor which is blocking any harmful content on media, with 28% political content and 97% misinformation blocked by automated technology.

Politics has a big impact on different areas of life in the USA. IAS also did a survey which was about how politically harmful content impacted business results in Q1 of 2024. Ads which do not have much political content had a lower CPCV (Cost per Conversion) than ads which had risky political content. Ads which were avoiding misinformation had 29% lower CPCV while ads which contained misinformation had higher CPCV rate. This means $1.04 lower CPCV on ads without risky political content and $1.21 CPCV on ads which did not have any misinformation.

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Samsung Makes Google Messages The Default Option For New Galaxy Devices After Getting Rid Of Its Preinstalled Samsung Messages App

All new Samsung devices in the US will not come with the preinstalled Samsung Messages app anymore.

The news comes as the tech giant aborted plans of doing so despite promising to make that a feature. Now, most high-end smartphones from the South Korean corporation will likely have Google Messages as the default option.

For a long time, the Samsung Messages app has been many people’s mainstay on Galaxy devices. Now, it appears that things are changing as we move forward.

The decision is not quite surprising. The company has been working on phasing this application out for a while, especially after it launched its S22 two years ago. Moreover, the arrival of greater support for RCS messages in Google messages says a lot. However, the fact that it preinstalled the app on devices so fans of Samsung could utilize the option said a lot.

The news comes after being spotted in a new post on 9to5Google where one Samsung member was quick to outline the change. Samsung confirmed in the post that it would not be preloading any Samsung Messages app with its latest variant offerings. This includes the Flip 6, Fold 6, and other new models. Now, Google Messages will be giving the latest and new experience to express emotions that makes chatting and communication safer and more fun than before.

The company hopes to begin shipments of its innovative Galaxy Flip 6 and Z Fold 6 in a few days. So until then, stay tuned as we’ll keep you posted on the response they’re getting from fans around the globe.

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Freelancer Observes Increase in Freelance Work Despite Generative AI Boom

X Developing Reply Link Blocking Feature to Tackle Spam and Misinformation
by Dr. Hura Anwar via Digital Information World

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Freelancer Reports that There is an Increase in Freelance Jobs Despite Generative AI Getting Popular

Freelancer, one of the biggest freelancing websites, reported that even with AI growth, freelancing jobs are increasing. In Q2 of 2024, 251,000 jobs were posted on the platform. The jobs which saw the most growth were related to Computer Security (27.1%), followed by writing (26.7%) and Microsoft Word writing (23.9%). Market Research (21.1%) and Telemarketing (19.4%) also saw an increase in job postings.

This data shows that there was no negative impact of AI tools on freelance jobs. Jobs about writing, Business Services and Legal Skills which were said to be decreased with generative AI also saw an increase in freelance jobs. Freelancer also did its annual AI survey with more than 4,100 workers globally. The survey was done to find out how AI has impacted the income of freelance workers. 52.5% of the respondents said that AI didn't affect their earnings as they are earning the same or some more after AI. 19.2% of respondents said that they are earning a lot more after introduction of AI tools while only 17.7% said that they are earning less because of generative AI.

General Business Services are increasing on Freelancer which means many new businesses are getting started this year and they need assistance to help them grow and scale their business. The jobs which were decreasing in Q2 of 2024 were related to e-commerce. Shopify Templates were down by 13% in Q2 of 2024 as compared to Q1. CSS was down by 11.8%.

By volume, Graphic Design is the most popular freelancing job, followed by programming and photoshop. Web designing and HTML are also getting popular. The fastest growing job on the platform is electronic repairs. In Q2 of 2024, it was ranked 19th among top 25 fastest growing jobs with 10.7% increase.

Read next: Gender Pay Disparity Grows in Search Marketing, Men Out-earn Women by 36%
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Bill Gates Say that Elon Musk Will Speak About Climate Crisis When He Wants to, Despite Tesla Being the Biggest Contribution to Climate Control

In an interview with Bloomberg, Bill Gates talked about Tesla and said it is a very important contribution to climate control and he hopes Elon Musk will talk about it more. Bill Gates, who was talking about his own climate tech investments, said that he met Elon Musk at the Breakthrough Prize Award Ceremony. In an answer to the question about whether Bill Gates is disappointed in Elon for not speaking to climate issues, Bill Gates said that Elon Musk talks a lot about other things and he hopes that he will talk more about climate as Elon has done great contributions for it.

Bloomberg Senior Executive Editor John Fraher then asked Bill Gates are there any topics he wishes that Elon should speak more about to which Bill Gates replied that Elon Musk talks about only the things he likes and if he feels like it, he will speak on topics he wants. Elon Musk and Bill Gates often speak about each other on different occasions and sometimes also disagree with each other’s point of view.

Elon had once commented that Bill Gates has limited knowledge of AI and Climate investments and this was all Bill Gates’ interview was about. Bill Gates also admitted to having his biggest footprint by flying from places to places. Representatives of Elon Musk haven't commented on Bill Gates’ statements.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Google is Going to Delete a Lot of Poor Functionality Apps from Play Store Next Month

Beware developers and users, Google is going to delete various apps from the Play Store next month. It is because Google has raised its requirements for app functionality and any app which has low standards is probably going to get deleted from the Play Store. The new policy for android apps on Play Store has changed because Google only wants apps that actually work and have high functionality. All the useless apps will be deleted.

The apps that are going to be deleted from Play Store include the ones which do not install or load, apps that freeze or crash, static apps and apps which only have one basic feature. Google says that it is updating its Spam and Minimum Functionality Policy so the apps on Play Store can actually engage users and provide high quality functionality.

In the past, Google was not that strict on its app policies. It just wanted apps to be engaging, stable and responsive to users. Now Google is raising the bar and there will be a major clean out of apps observed next month. Some of the apps on Google Play Store also contain malware even if they are listed on Play Store. They are also going to be deleted from the Play Store.

Image: DIW-Aigen

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by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World

Gender Pay Disparity Grows in Search Marketing, Men Out-earn Women by 36%

Search Engine Land conducted a survey about salary and careers in 2024 for the search market and the data revealed that the gender pay gap is increasing in search marketing with men making 36% more than women on average in 2024. The survey also revealed that both women and men are satisfied with the jobs they are currently doing, even though women were more likely to receive promotions or change jobs.

In 2024, an average of $130,000 was earned by men while women earned $95,500 average, which is a 36% difference in pay between both genders. In 2023, men earned $105,250 on average while women earned an average of $83,265 in 2023. So, men earned 26% more than women in 2023. The pay disparity is increasing in 2024 with women just getting 82% to 84% of what men earn in the US by working full time.

If we talk about senior positions, there is slightly less disparity but it present nonetheless. Women earn 8% less than men in senior positions. Men earn $175,479 while women earn $162,943 in director level jobs in 2024. For managerial and staff positions, women get $85,114 on average while men get $107,026, with a pay difference of 26%.

In 2023, 23% of women changed jobs or got promoted compared to 10% of men. 25% of men changed jobs or got promoted as compared to women (38%) in the past 12 months. The survey also talked about job satisfaction with women being more satisfied with their current roles or jobs than men. In 2023, both men and women were not much satisfied with their jobs. In 2024, 20% of men and 18% of women are extremely satisfied with their roles while 45% of men and 50% of women are somewhat satisfied.

Take a look at below charts for more insights:

Read next: AI Overviews Hit New Low On Google With Less Than 7% Of Queries On Display
by Arooj Ahmed via Digital Information World