Saturday, March 14, 2015

6 Strategies for Freelancers to Take on Creative Agencies

You know that sinking feeling, when that dream client - the one you busted your a** to create that bullet proof (or so you thought) proposal for informs you that they’re awarding the project to another party. Someone more established. Someone with more resources. Someone who can deliver the whole deal. And your heart sinks as you realize you’ve lost yet another client to bigger, better(?) agency.

But it doesn’t always have to be that way.

Remember David vs Goliath?

So what if you’re just a freelancer? So what if you’re a lone ranger? That doesn’t mean you’re destined to forever be stuck with cheap clients from hell.

It’s time to get your act together!

Here’s a little Q&A. Have you ever thought about:

* Why do clients really prefer going with an agency?

* Can you provide those same benefits? How?

* What else can you leverage in your favor?

So to get started, let’s first walk through the most common reasons clients tend to prefer agencies, and how you can offer the same benefits.

1. Full Services Offerings


An agency, with its team of specialists, can provide a larger range of services. Instead of just a web design, they can provide a full business analysis, web design and development, ongoing digital market efforts and so on. Clients like this because they don’t need to go to different people for different needs. They can get it all in one place.

Let’s face it: no client wants to have to coordinate between 4 freelancers to get their website and online marketing going!

What can you do?

For clients who want full service, figure out how to give them what they want. Expand your services. No, you don’t need to go learn to code the website or jump into SEO. Remember, we’re playing smart. Make technology your best friend. Learn how to use co-design tools like Webflow or FROONT to create the website, instead of sticking to old Photoshop. This way you can deliver a live, production worthy website, without getting into the hassles of coding.

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by Richa Jain via SitePoint

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