Patterns for Style Composition in React
Brent Jackson is an extremely talented designer/developer and always has something knowledgable to say. In this posts he shares his reflections on how he goes about organising components in React apps. Even if React is not your cuppa tea, there are some really good takeaways. (jxnblk.com)
One application, 4,000+ Job Opportunities
Why job hunt the old way? Try Hired and get your profile in front of thousands of top companies with just 1 application. (hired.com)
Things Learned from a Design Critique with Facebook
Some thoughts on Facebook’s open design critiques and how it can be an invaluable resource, giving any designer the opportunity to share, collaborate and learn from some of the best in the industry. (medium.com)
Flexible typography with CSS locks
Over the years many people have been tinkering with CSS calc and viewport units but this time Tim Brown has discovered a way to dynamically calculate any value between two extremes, relative to another set of extreme values. Interesting stuff. (blog.typekit.com)
Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3
While everyone is using CSS3 animations in mobile these days, many are not doing it properly. Well, here’s how to harness the power of CSS3 correctly. (medium.com)
Making sense of Redux
One for the visual learners out there. This post will help you understand how the different parts of Redux interact with each other. (freecodecamp.com)
Tools / Resources
Setting up a Living Styleguide in Jekyll
If you have been thinking about building a Styleguide for your site or application, Jekyll is a great choice. As Hugo Giraudel explains in this article, it’s quite easy to get the ball rolling. What are you waiting for? (sitepoint.com)
Photoshop Etiquette For Responsive Web Design
If you are a designer that is keen to better your craft then I would highly recommend brushing up on you Photoshop etiquette. An old resource that has been given a fresh coat of paint. (smashingmagazine.com)
The Single-Page Application Hosted On GitHub Pages (smashingmagazine.com)
Webpack Dashboard – A CLI Dashboard for Webpack Dev Server (github.com)
Deploying React with Zero Configuration to Heroku (heroku.com)
Squarespace Local Development Server (engineering.squarespace.com)
Redesigning Pinterest, block by block (medium.com)
The Difference Between “Remote” and “Remote-First” (readthink.com)
Staggering Animations (css-tricks.com)
PHP/JavaScript Engineer at Help Scout
Your work will empower over 6,000 businesses around the world to provide great customer service, and will support the seven other senior engineers on your team. (helpscout.com)
Product Designer at Zapier
We’re looking for a Product Designer to join the design team at Zapier. Want to create meaningful experiences that help people automate their tedious, everyday tasks so they spend less time working extra hours, and more time enjoying what matters most to them? (zapier.com)
Need to find passionate developers or designers? Why not advertise in the next newsletter
Last but not least…
Inspiring the Web with Just 10k
Can you build a compelling web experience that can be delivered in 10kB and works without JavaScript? (a-k-apart.com)
What is React? (remysharp.com)
The post Web Design Weekly #249 appeared first on Web Design Weekly.
by Jake Bresnehan via Web Design Weekly
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