Understanding CSS Grid Template Areas — grid-template-areas is one of my personal favorite parts of CSS Grid as it lets you specify layouts in the form of strings of text that visually represent the outcome you want. This is a thorough introduction to the idea.
Rachel Andrew
Why JavaScript is Eating HTML — The idea of JavaScript and HTML remaining separate and never the twain shall meet is now decidedly old-school and HTML-in-JS (a la JSX) is definitely A Thing™. Here’s a tour of all the parts involved.
Mike Turley
Designing High-Impact Dashboards for BI — Embedded analytics can transform your product, but terrible presentation can get in the way of great data. Design expert Laura Klein shares UI/UX guidelines and tips to improve your application’s dashboards, analytics, and reports.
A Complete Guide to Web Links and Buttons — A great resource from CSS Tricks with a lot to digest here. Starts with the basic implementation of both but quickly moves into accessibility, UX flourishes, and styling.
Chris Coyier
'Scroll To Text Fragment' Now in Chrome 80+ — Last year we mentioned the Text Fragments spec which will let you link directly to specific content within Web pages that doesn’t have an associated anchor element.. and Chrome now supports it although the formatting of the fragment name isn’t particularly elegant.
Chrome Platform Status
Senior Frontend-Focused Engineer in Munich — Do you love working with React, TypeScript, GraphQL, and working in a user-centred team? Then you're in for a treat. 🍪 Let's protect some businesses together. 🙌
Find a Dev Job Through Vettery — Vettery is completely free for job seekers. Make a profile, name your salary, and connect with hiring managers from top employers.
Same HTML, Different CSS — This is a step-by-step tutorial based on a concept from the old CSS Zen Garden site: Creating different designs via CSS while never touching the markup.
Ahmad Shadeed
An Accessibility Review of Squarespace, Wix, and Weebly — If you’re reading this newsletter you’re probably building your own pages from scratch or with a framework, but have you ever wondered just how good pages produced by tools like Squarespace or Wix are?
Terrill Thompson
Web Font of the Week
JetBrains Mono
From the creators of many a popular IDE comes a free and open source font specifically aimed at developers. I admit I'm a sucker for a monospaced font on the Web, but your mileage may vary.
🔧 Code, Tools and Resources
Utopia: Tools for Fluid Responsive Design — There are two nifty tools here, a type scale calculator, and a CSS generator - both designed for scaling type and space without breakpoints.
James Gilyead and Trys Mudford
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